And he was like, “What can I do? What do we do about that in a cold frame, the venting? [Laughter.] Read along as you listen to the January 4, 2021 edition of my public-radio show and podcast using the player below. I’ll pick a random winner after entries close at midnight Tuesday, January 12. Before you just either order a cold frame online, or you decide to go out and grab the materials, start by thinking about it. It just more moderates the temperature inside your cold frame at night. Known for her expertise in cold-weather gardening, she grows dozens of vegetable varieties in her 2,000-square-foot garden that she's able to harvest year round. ], Niki: Gizmos is an underrated word. Thank you, and happy gardening. And you can still see how useful they are, even though the tops are a little broken and stuff. I used to live in a hot, dry zone 9 and the winter garden was more fruitful than the summer garden. What other devices you’re really recommending or excited about or whatever? I do go up there. But if I just have a carrot cold frame, the snow is extra insulation, so I don’t mind that sometimes. Not just a heating system to prevent cold. Margaret: I wanted to just double back to the book. We all planted in.. I’M A BELIEVER in succession sowings, and regularly spread the message of fall harvests and other vegetable-garden second chances. Your email address will not be published. Dave and Maggie are trilled to welcome award-winning author Niki Jabbour back to the show. Margaret: Yes. And same with snow. So obviously you would go taller on both the front and the back sides. And you can do things, a few tricks, to make them maybe a little more insulating, even straw bales. I prefer using polycarbonate. But yet, everything from deer and groundhogs to rabbits, to cabbage worms and slugs and flea beetles and potato beetles and cucumber beetles. Niki: Figs are big here. Especially when your lettuce is peppered with little glass splinters, you don’t really necessarily want to eat that. Sean Ruane from Advocates for Urban Agriculture says you have one more day to be part of AUA's "Grown in Chicago" campaign. Don’t really harvest early or late. You know what I mean? In 2016, the show won three silver medals for excellence from the Garden Writers Association. Maybe you want to grow vining cucumbers or melons in those in the summer. Or what do you do? She is a garden writer and blogger who lives in Nova Scotia. Red veined sorrel is a knockout in the garden! We were talking about like yours are 12 on the low end and 18 on the back. It’s like all of the uses for these sort of barriers and enclosures and so forth, right? Just say something like “count me in” and I will, but a reply is even better. LONGTIME GARDENER AND FIRST-TIMERS went all out in this craziest of years, bringing the expression “victory garden” back into the headlines. I don’t know, honestly, but it was really fun to write and sort of revisit the whole season-extending, as well as the many other reasons besides harvesting in cold weather. And I was therefore…” Margaret: Yeah. Margaret: Across the Hudson River from me, Lee Reich, another longtime garden writer, he has a greenhouse, but it’s a polyhouse, and he keeps it at 36 in the winter degrees Fahrenheit because he loves figs and he has fig trees in there. Niki: You know what? But we were looking ahead to spring then, not fall. Niki Jabbour is a Horticulturist and a Writer from Halifax, Nova Scotia. There are a lot of reasons to sort of consider yourself an under-cover gardener. Niki’s garden is lush and efficient during the growing season. It doesn’t get cold as early as it did, and it’s not as severe and so forth. Some of the polycarbonate ones you buy, they have the top you can kind of slide and then it’s a screen. And he was saying that the property has all these old cold frames, but they’re no longer in serviceable condition, the glazing, the lids, the glass. It’s quite a steep angle. It’s a bit succulent. Definitely trying some of these methods for next winter. I had so many amazing melons the summer, and it’s purely because I grew them in cold frames. I feel fortunate to be part of Niki Jabbour’s Veggie Garden Remix: 224 New Plants to Shake Up Your Garden and Add Variety, Flavor, and Fun book launch. Well, my sort of frames now, there’s like four scattered around the garden, I like to grow… Because again, they’re not super-tall my frames, you’ve got about, depending on the frame, 12 to 18 inches height inside. And it only grows about 12 or 14 inches tall, so it’s the perfect cold frame salad crop for winter. [Above, Niki prepares one polycarbonate frame for summer planting.]. Apr 19, 2020 - 176 Likes, 0 Comments - Niki Jabbour (@nikijabbour) on Instagram: “If you know me at all, you’ll know I’m a sucker for a beautiful cold frame! Used with permission from Storey Publishing. Because, of course, we get rain and then overnight it’s going to freeze. [Above. Margaret: What does it taste like? I had a neighbor that always used windows for her cold frames. Used with permission from Storey Publishing. I talk a lot about the little tricks like that as well. You said snow insulation. [Laughter.]. All you have to do to enter is answer this question in the comments box at the very bottom of the page: Do you harvest anything from your garden either extra early or extra late, and what tactic do you use? It was quite beautiful. Listen locally in the Hudson Valley (NY)-Berkshires (MA)-Litchfield Hills (CT) Mondays at 8:30 AM Eastern, rerun at 8:30 Saturdays. I would say if you’re interested in growing some of them in the winter, don’t just buy the traditional ones you’d have for summer. During the California Gold Rush, it was one of the first greens to come up that was then, of course, harvested and eaten as a salad green and helped ward off scurvy. Join Facebook to connect with Niki Jabbour and others you may know. But they are beautiful structures. Her work is found in Fine Gardening, Garden Making, Birds & Blooms, Horticulture, and other publications, and she speaks widely on food gardening at events and shows across North America. Like how big? You can make the frame from lots of things. Generally, I really only give the kales and the winter lettuces a headstart inside and the other salad crops are direct-sown. Happy winter. And I’ve seen some where they’re 2 feet tall at the back and 1 foot at the front. This is his first late fall-into-winter with them, and he actually did ask me the question I said, but that is the oldest disguise in the book also. They have cold frames there as well that are not really in serviceable condition right now, usable condition I should say. Jul 12, 2020 - 2,310 Likes, 18 Comments - Niki Jabbour (@nikijabbour) on Instagram: “Summer squash in a container? cold-frame 101, with niki jabbour. When I first put my cold frames in, oh my gosh, probably 18 years ago, the first frames I had, I put them in the part of my backyard where the snow always melted first, because I thought, well, obviously that’s a bit of a microclimate. But it’s very tempting, Margaret, to think about maybe getting another polytunnel and marginally heating it so I can have a fig forest. You should be angling your cold frame. Halifax Seed Company Inc., Canada’s oldest continuously operating family owned seed company, was established in 1866. I live in North Carolina. Great to talk to you again. It’s super-convenient to do as well. (Tell us where you garden, too, for climate context.). Lots of applications. I have like a little broom and I brush it off when it snows. They were each 3 by 6 feet, and I had three of them at the time. Press Esc to cancel. Despite living in Nova Scotia, writer Niki Jabbour is a year-round vegetable gardener, coaxing harvests out of every manner of season-extending device imaginable, from cloche to full-on polytunnel. Feeling hopeful, and not going to be too ambitious at the start! Some people put heavy-duty aluminum foil in the inside of them along the sides to help, again, reflect more light in. N IKI JABBOUR’S ADVENTURES with oddball, unexpected edibles began when she grew a 5-foot-long snake gourd intended as an element of Halloween decorations. And then almost accidentally she learned from her Lebanese mother-in-law that young fruits off the vine were also delectable vegetables. Definitely have them at an angle. Niki: Three feet by 6 feet and then 18 at the back and 12 of the front. Do you know what I mean? Nov 13, 2019 - 1,062 Likes, 39 Comments - Niki Jabbour (@nikijabbour) on Instagram: “Brrrrr it’s a cold morning following our first snow. Spinach is direct-sown and arugula, which I’m harvesting now, all that’s direct-sown, tatsoi, claytonia. cold-frame 101, with niki jabbour. Niki Jabbour is an author, blogger, radio host and gardening expert from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Niki’s photo of deer int he garden recently, from her Instagram.]. Materials you asked about as well. She writes a weekly gardening column for the Sunday Daily News in Halifax, and has done so for the past three years. Or if you are going to, like you talked about, forcing bulbs or whatever, or overwintering tender things, sometimes if those are woody things and those things are going to be… Do you know what I mean? So yeah, this was a fun project for me for sure. But I use them in so many different ways to not only protect my food from pests and cold weather, but to even grow healthier plants and in the end have a larger harvest, because those plants have been protected and they’re able to produce better. 'horticultural how-to and woo-woo' | margaret roach, head gardener. You can also use bricks or cinder blocks. There’s still things growing inside and it was coming up like crazy in early spring. We have a Canadian fig expert for cold climates, Steven Biggs, and he has inspired me and he also has enabled me, because he keeps sending me cuttings. For my polycarbonate cold frames, I do have one that’s top and sides polycarbonate. The wooden ones I started with were 18 inches tall at the back, 12 inches tall at the front. I’LL BUY A COPY of Niki Jabbour’s “Growing Under Cover” for one lucky reader. Thank you. When he came to the property, he used one row to plant asparagus in. Niki: Indeed. Niki Jabbour opens the door of infinite possibility for gardeners looking to expand into more diverse and exotic vegetable varieties. I garden in zone 5, Central NewYork. And I fully expect, even though I know it’s mid-late December, I’ll probably still vent from time to time, because our winters don’t just stay cold all the time now. Margaret: The sash, the lid, whatever we want to call it, should it be tilted? It airs live Sundays, April through November, from 10 am to noon (Atlantic time) on News 95.7 FM in Halifax, 1310 News in Ottawa, and online at Niki is the long-time Host and Executive Producer of The Weekend Gardener with Niki Jabbour. We have to have a venting plan right now, just like a greenhouse has venting. You can also hang little incandescent lights in there as well. And during the day when it’s sunny, they’re going to absorb heat. And I will use insulating materials, like if I have a carrot cold frame. [Laughter.] Niki: It had that little 6-inch differential, and I sunk them in the ground about 6 inches as well just for a little bit of extra installation. What about that? I have portable ones, and permanent ones. 2019-nov-13 - Cloches are one of the most basic season extenders and one that I use in both sp… Cloches are one of the most basic season extenders and one that I use in both spring and fall. I mean, where do you find… It sounds like the cold frames are some of your tried-and-true companions that help you, but where else? It was a very slight south-facing slope and the snow just always melted first there, so that’s where I sunk my cold frames. Well, serendipitously, later that day I went to the post office and found a review copy of Niki Jabbour’s new book, “Growing Under Cover,” waiting for me, and had some answers for my neighbor. Niki: There’s lots of options. Where’s a good place? Margaret: Did you sow those direct into the frames, or did you start them somewhere and transplant them? I’ve never grown it, Niki: It tastes like spring. Are you always looking at beautiful vegetables at the grocery store and wondering where on earth they come from? But I also use some of them for straw-bale cold frames. Want to plan your most ecologically minded garden cleanup ever, and understand the consequences of each potential action you can take—including next spring? And my gosh, I got a lot of use out of those three cold frames. It’s still hot in September when they’re transplanted, in mid- to late September, so I like to give them that little headstart indoors and it helps. Heavily mulching hardy crops so they can continue to produce is an interesting idea. It’s ALWAYS wonderful spending time with today’s guest – as our resident EAST COAST EXPERT when it comes to all things gardening – Nova Scotia’s Niki Jabbour has graciously shared her infinite wisdom with SEA AND BE SCENE over the years. But for the most part, I will use some heat sinks in mine. And you can paint that black, or your milk jugs black, and fill them with water and put them inside. I mean, I went out for a run in my neighborhood yesterday and had to stop to let four deer walk across the road in front of me. There’s so many different types of things you can use for them, but also polycarbonate. I mean, that’s amazing to me, that it’s sunny here today and therefore the temperature inside the frame is just above freezing. Niki: It doesn’t seem like just last year, it seems like 10 years ago now, but I was at Mount Vernon just outside Washington last year. It’s still this sense of the old architecture of a classical estate garden and with these wonderful, ferny asparagus coming out of it. View the profiles of people named Niki Jabbour. And then I also have polycarbonate ones that are 3 feet by 2 feet. Especially this last year, I’ve been jealous of my friends who have them and they’re saying, “Oh, I have my seedlings in the cold frame. Margaret: Right. I’ve been wanting a cold frame for some time now. Niki Jabbour is the award-winning author of Growing Under Cover, Niki Jabbour’s Veggie Garden Remix, The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener, and Groundbreaking Food Gardens.Her work is found in Fine Gardening, Garden Making, Birds & Blooms, Horticulture, and other publications, and she speaks widely on food gardening at events and shows across North America. In the introduction, I also said I was asking questions, ahem, for a friend. Appearances. We’re just about to have our first serious cold this week while we’re taping, which is mid- to late December. (Disclosure: includes affiliate links.). THAT’S A LOT OF TOMATOES!!! You can subscribe to all future editions on iTunes/Apple Podcasts or Spotify or Stitcher (and browse my archive of podcasts here). [Laughter. It’s hilarious. She's also an award-winning radio host, in-demand speaker and keynote, and passionate vegetable gardener. Winter lettuces, ‘Winter Density,’ ‘North Pole,’ ‘Winter Wonderland.’ It’s wonderful how many varieties of winter-hardy lettuces there are now, the Salanova types. And even though it’s a small little gizmo or device, it really does take in a lot of solar energy and it heats up. But I think as you mentioned, siting it is important. Follow Niki Jabbour on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. I don’t know what that is in Fahrenheit [note: It’s equivalent to minus-4]. We checked and at last count there are more than 3,000 varieties of heirloom or heritage tomatoes in active cultivation worldwide and more than 15,000 known varieties. They will take milk jugs or water jugs, 1-gallon jugs, or even… Well, I would call it a 2-liter pop bottle, but I guess I’m not sure what that would be in the imperial system, probably like half-gallon pop bottle or soda bottle. Then it’s double-insulated, but polycarbonate is probably my favorite material for the top. Niki Jabbour. Niki: Yes. Known for her expertise in cold-weather gardening, she grows dozens of vegetable varieties in her 2,000-square-foot garden that she's able to harvest year round. But Niki Jabbour…well, she puts me.. Yay! YOU FINALLY got everything into the ground, transplanting every little seedling and sowing every seed, and it’s time to sit back and pat yourself.. Photographs except as noted by Jeff Cooke/Cooked from “Growing Under Cover,” copyright 2020 by Niki Jabbour. Thank you. Let’s be clear. Margaret: You just said claytonia. If there’s not a lot of space in there, it can be kind of hard to do. For this post, I did receive a copy of the book to read, along with a copy to give away to one of my readers. Margaret: Well, Niki Jabbour, the new book is “Growing Under Cover.” I am so appreciative of this cold frame 101. Is that right? Oct 2, 2019 - 822 Likes, 19 Comments - Niki Jabbour (@nikijabbour) on Instagram: “Perhaps the most beautiful squash, Marina Di Chioggia is an Italian heirloom that is said to have…” That’s how I like to describe it. I’m Margaret Roach, a leading garden writer for 30 years—at ‘Martha Stewart Living,’ ‘Newsday,’ and in three books. And do I put heating cables in it? I was thinking about the movie FARGO and how cold it was… remember, Be sure to follow Niki on instagram @nikijabbour so you’ll never miss a manure pic again , As for all those Netflix suggestions – The Mindy Project, This Is Us, The Crown, The Good Place, To hear Joel Plaskett’s “Nowhere With You” click here, To hear Joels’ “Through and Through and Through” click here, For information on Joel’s tour with his father click here, For info on Niki’s radio show “The Weekend Gardener” click here, For that article “Six Reasons Not to Clean Up Your Garden This Fall” click here, While you’re here check out these videos and story features on Niki Jabbour… SABS7th Birthday Salute, Great Food Gardening With Niki Jabbour, Seeding 101, Cool People Profile, Home For the Holidays, SABStv’s Spring Special 2016, SABStv’s Spring Special 2015, SABStv’s Spring Special 2014, For more information on Niki Jabbour follow her… Twitter: @NikiJabbour Facebook: @NikiJabbour Instagram: @nikijabbour and visit, And they were probably on their way to my garden. For the record I’m the worst at geography. Niki: Yeah, for sure. You don’t have to go and buy anything. And while it’s not as insulating as wood, they certainly have their place. cuba, mastering microgreens, with kate spring of good heart farmstead, gifts for gardeners: my tried-and-true gear, david lebovitz’s french onion soup (from ‘my paris kitchen’), pumpkin custard: holiday pie, minus the crust, I mean, some people do put heating cables in the soil of their cold frame, usually before they’re planted, of course, because you want that to be sunk down at the soil, but that is something you can totally do. It’s ALWAYS wonderful spending time with today’s guest – as our resident EAST COAST EXPERT when it comes to all things gardening – Nova Scotia’s Niki Jabbour has graciously shared her infinite wisdom with SEA AND BE SCENE over the years. No answer or feeling shy? If somebody has a bed of carrots or parsnips or beets or other types of hardy crops like leeks, I mean, in late fall, you can dump shredded leaves or straw right on top of that bed and harvest all winter. MY WEEKLY public-radio show, rated a “top-5 garden podcast” by “The Guardian” newspaper in the UK, began its 11th year in March 2020. For the most part, I like to grow compact crops, so ‘Vates’ blue curled Scotch kale is so delicious and it’s so beautiful. Why would I choose that because there’s, again, all these other gizmos in the book, to use our new favorite word? Or maybe you’re going to grow peppers in a northern climate and tomatoes in your structure and pruning them or training them to one or two stems—it can be so much more productive for you. Niki Jabbour: Hi, Margaret. So it’s not as important for me to make sure the light is getting into that cold frame for the root crops versus the salad greens, like the spinach or the lettuce or the arugula, where they’re still slowly growing and they still need that solar energy to warm up the interior of the frame during the day. I host a public-radio podcast; I also lecture, plus hold tours at my 2.3-acre Hudson Valley (NY) Zone 5B garden, and always say no to chemicals and yes to great plants. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Niki Jabbour is a garden writer and radio host from Nova Scotia. And it did. Niki: Yeah, it totally should. There are many uses for cold frames. You’re taking something that maybe is more like a three-season cold frame and turning it into a four-season cold frame. Cold-frame 101: Maybe we should start with like what is a cold frame for? How inspiring you two are! O.K? Happy year of madness. And I went up yesterday before the temperature dipped and I filled it with some shredded leaves and straw just for extra insulation. I have loads of cold-frame questions for me, too, besides the extra extending of the season in them, and we’ll get there–because “build a cold frame” is actually the Number 1 thing on the top of my 2021 garden to-do list, because I had an ancient one that succumbed finally and fell apart for my early years as a gardener here and I never replaced it. When you pick a bush variety with short vines and pair it with a…” You and I are nature’s best hope, and I’m glad Doug joined me again to help us learn to support it. It’s a lovely… [Laughter.]. I think there’s a lot of considerations we often don’t think about when we’re growing under cover, and I wanted to take the guesswork out of that for people for sure. Now living in zone 8 it seems I should be able to grow some greens throughout the winter (arugula, mizuna, spinach, and the miner’s lettuce mentioned). So it’s not just about growing vegetables. It’s produced at Robin Hood Radio, the smallest NPR station in the nation. I mean, I garden in Nova Scotia, which is deer country as is, of course, much of the U.S. and Canada, and I deal with deer every single day. Mar 22, 2019 - 4,475 Likes, 82 Comments - Niki Jabbour (@nikijabbour) on Instagram: “I talk a lot about my raised beds, but I also grow veggies and herbs in containers. If it’s going to be late December and all of a sudden it’s above freezing and we’re getting a rain, I’ll open those cold frames just to give them a watering. You have everything. Last year, I did a test of them and most of them went all winter long with no extra protection other than the cold frame. If the roof is sloped, it’s going to run off much easier for sure. You also don’t want them touching the food crops. Her articles have appeared in Canadian Gardening, Garden Making, Gardens East, and The Heirloom Gardener. 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