Speak to you next month! This really made our day. Other sea lochs along Scotland's west coast are similarly rich in otters, which can be seen foraging for food on the water's edge. River otters may be either diurnal or nocturnal; most are generally more active at night. disturbed a site, the higher the possibility that otters may use otherwise sub-optimal sites for resting. The otter was once widespread throughout the UK and Europe. Through education, research, influencing policy and partner working the IOSF is making progress but there is still much to be done here in the UK and other countries where otters are at risk. Blog. There are many sightings of Otters reported throughout Calderdale, but most turn out to be mink. Winnall Moors BBC © 2014 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Maybe it was too hard for them? Otters can live in most places where there is a rocky shoreline and nearby freshwater, but these tips collated by Joe Gibb – with the help of otter aficionado Roger Cottis – will help give you the greatest chance of spotting an otter in the wild. However, otter populations in England are very fragmented and the animals breed slowly. The Mull otter is the Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra, a member of the Mustelid family which also includes Badgers, Mink and Pine Marten. It is also when other wildlife is most active, and their behaviour may give away an otter’s presence. "What we want to know now is whether they are using it seasonally or whether the same otters are active on the coast all year. Tammy Caldwel has over a decade of experience with almost every species that we have under our care. [an error occurred while processing this directive]. I live in Galashiels in the Scottish Borders and we have had Otters in the Galawater for several years now. They have been heard early last week at at midnight, so hopefully we may get to see them again soon.Video footage and a couple of still shots were taken and can bee seen on flickr. And if you're at risk the best thing to do is to North American river otters are active year-round, and are most active at night and during crepuscular hours. This is the original and best "Otter Experience" that visitors have been ejoying for over 15 years. I've seen otters in the River Teifi at Cardigan Town bridge and further up river in the Teifi Marshes Wildlife Centre 8 times over the last year. Sea otters can live up to 23 years in the wild. The invasive American mink also has five toes, but the pads are much narrower and the claws more pointed. Chris and Kate saw a mother and cubs in broad daylight, https://www.flickr.com/photos/erik_jensen1/4578576834/, Winterwatch: Share your stories, questions and photos, Winterwatch: Celebrating the best of our winter wildlife. During winter, otters are active during the daytime. Otters. If an otter feels threatened, its heavy, muscular body and sharp claws are enough to overpower pets and small children. I feel very privelidge to have seen them so often and so close in day time. They typically use … Otters are most active at night. An adult otter will be … One of the most active feeding times is early morning as the sun rises and warms up insects, making it easier for insectivorous birds to forage. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The one sighting was on the River Teme in Ludlow (it had caught a fish and ate it rather noisily) and the other more surprisingly, or maybe not, was on the tidal part of the River Wharfe just north of Cawood in North Yorkshire. Coastal otters are sometimes called ‘sea otters’, but they are exactly the same species as the animals that live further inland. The camera, positioned on the banks of the brook that leads into the River Trent, has recently captured numerous images of otter activity. ukactive exists to improve the health of the nation by getting more people, more active, more often. The otter took 4 mallard ducklings of approx 2 weeks in age.The remaining 4 mallard ducklings are still present and we wish to know if the otter is likely to return for a second helping? But it survived in Scotland’s cleanest bodies of water in the north and west. Now is the time to reinvest in our health by getting the nation active. Unwind and immerse yourself in the natural world this year – from spotting otters to kayaking with puffins and catching a glimpse of a minke whale, here is our pick of the UK's best wildlife watching holidays. Even more amazing is that the best place to see them is right next to a busy DIY store and an area used by cyclists and walkers. It was lucky my friend likes to keep a safe distance from the car in front or we wouldn't have seen it, & could possibly have squished it... We can't think why this secretive creature was out on such a blisteringly hot day, walking across a busy tarmac'd road - any ideas? It just shuffled across the road in front of our car in the traffic procession at the start of the rush hour here. Their small heads widen to long necks and shoulders, and they have flattened, well-muscled tails. Humans are the main predator of Otters due to hunting for their pelts. The otter is active mainly at dusk or after dark, and during the day rests in a burrow, known as a holt, that it makes in riverbanks or under the roots of a tree. Photos posted on Flickr 2 weeks ago. @ Pammi Re #33 - Sounds more like a Mink that you saw taking the Mallard Pammi. ukactive provides services and facilitates partnerships for a broad range of organisations, all of which support our vision and have a role to play in achieving that goal. Two species are marine; the others live mostly in fresh water. In February this year I saw 4 otters hunting together from the viewing point in the Wildlife Centre. Both days were around 9.00 - 9.30 in the morning. Regularly see them during walks with the dogs (!) But, contrary to popular opinion, otters aren't just nocturnal. This is a strategy that over the ages has gotten them the most food for the least effort. I know other locals who have seen them more frequently.Simon Morgan, Complain about this comment (Comment number 26). Dawn and dusk are good times to watch for otters. There are 13 species of otters, in seven genera, according to Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Has any body else seen otters in this area, as we did not think you could get otters in our area.can any comfirm if sightings, Complain about this comment (Comment number 29). They have a thick padding of fat in the cheek area to prevent serious injury from any of their prey animals. These otters have brown-to-gray fur, and their undersides are a lighter, silvery shade. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets (CSS) if you are able to do so. Otters can transmit rabies to humans and pets. Crayfish are the second most common prey of river otters. Excellent and lithe swimmers, the young are in the water by 10 weeks of age. I suppose theres no obvious reason why they would not inhabit tidal stretches but this one seemed to be just splashing around and hauling itself onto a muddy piece of bank and then off again and then on etc. we live 2 miles north of north walsham norfolk, 8 miles from hickling norfolk were we have seen CRANES before. at times about 100 ft away .mere so in the middle of the pool, Complain about this comment (Comment number 10). Watching Otters chase their prey is fun because they are so very active. "It's not physically possible for them to spread very quickly," said Yoxon. Complain about this comment (Comment number 22), hi there a few months ago i was out looking for kingfishers to no joy when walking back up the side of the river i thought by thats a big fish but it was actually to otters one dissappeared and the other one i got a video and photos this was a place called wansford in east yorkshire, Complain about this comment (Comment number 23). Otters are believed to be one of the most … Clawless otters are mainly nocturnal, though some individuals may be active during the day in remote areas that are free of human disturbance. ...not just because I read Wind in the Willows as a child...And now a cull? Complain about this comment (Comment number 30). Otter droppings, or spraints, are often used to mark territory – look for them along the river bank or on rocks. Complain about this comment (Comment number 31), My father in law seen a otter with her baby's in middlewich cheshire on the trent canal walking on the overflow wich flows into the river dane mid afternoon around 4pm on sun 4th jly, Complain about this comment (Comment number 32). Sea otters are the exception, giving birth in the water. Otters are undoubtedly one of, if not Shetland’s most popular wildlife attraction. hide from humans and go nocturnal. Otters are some of the most adorable aquatic animals. Britain’s best wildlife holidays. Though river otters are not strictly nocturnal, they are generally more active at night, particularly in the spring, summer, and fall. Spend a morning with the keeper at the Dartmoor Otter Sanctuary Buckfastleigh and gain an exclusive insight into the secret world of the otter and the work of the sanctuary. If you are trying to spot otters while out on a hike around the Potomac, your best chance is at sunrise or sunset. One was at night 20+ years ago on the river Severn at Cound Lodge but the other two were in bright sunlight and were within 15 metres and were around for over 10 minutes (they were on the opposite bank). (41 kilograms).The smallest otter is the Asian small-clawed otter, which grows up to 2.9 fee… 13th Oct: about 10am we watched a pair of otters swim and play before coming ashore on seaweed and rocks for a few minutes to eat what looked like a crab. Photo Courtesy of Tim Brown. Giant otters are strictly diurnal. here's the proof https://www.flickr.com/photos/erik_jensen1/4578576834/, Complain about this comment (Comment number 18). Otters occupy large home ranges – up to 40km along a river for a male otter but less than half that for a female. On the last Saturday in March we were walking alongside the river Dee at Erbistock Water Mill, it was 9.30am, when an Otter swam towards us on the bank of the Mill Pool. Despite becoming almost extinct from England and Wales otters have managed to thrive on Scotland’s rugged coastlines and wild moorlands and today otter numbers there are thought to exceed 8,000. One of our local fellows has lots of footage of them and has been collecting info for about 6 years. Have you seen otters during the day? In warmer months, they are most active between dusk and dawn. I have only ever seen 3 otters in the wild. Held every year during the last week in September, Sea Otter Awareness Week spotlights the important role of sea otters in nearshore ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean. What it means to be an otter, an emerging tribe for gay men, is rather open to debate. During these months, otters come out and try catching the salmons in the waterfalls. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Usually, a single baby (called a pup) is produced following 4 to 5 months of pregnancy. They have a streamlined and cylindrical muscular tail and webbed feet. They hunt in the water as they are floating. An Otter can remain under water for up to 4 minutes. It's a place for us - and you - to talk about the UK's wonderful riches of nature right across the year. Otters tend to concentrate on fish and crab and are unlikely (?) Last spring they had 3 kits under the quay in Cardigan. 7: Never remove spraints (dung). I haven't seen an otter in daylight, but yesterday (Weds 2nd June) at 4.30pm my friend & I saw a MOLE crossing the A259 between Chichester & Bognor Regis (West Sussex). Otter numbers in the UK have increased slightly in recent years but the Eurasian otter is still classed as “Near Threatened” in the Red Data List. 1 Ecology of the European Otter. If you're a late owl or an early bird you might have caught the amazing live pictures of otters on The Eurasian Otter is the only species of otter in the UK, occupying sea, rivers and lakes across the country. Otter, any of 13–14 species of semiaquatic mammals that belong to the weasel family and are noted for their playfulness. 8: Stay aware. the webcams last night and again this morning. Otters love fish. Together achieving more The other ducks scattered very quickly - An otter had the duck by the neck and sadly that was the end of the duck but I was amazed to see an otter hunting right in front of me in broad daylight on a canal near a town. Complain about this comment (Comment number 4). An otter lives about 10 years. Strumpshaw RSPB in Norfolk often reveals otters during the day, including one I saw from around 3 yards away. Journal News. Although otters are most active at nighttime, the footage confirms that this beautiful site does indeed play host to these sought-after creatures and so otter seekers are in with a great chance of catching a glimpse of them, even in the day. project website:www.riverlife.org.uk. I swear he was GRINNING at the sound of my labrador going nuts in the house! 3 people) On a recent visit to Dumfries, 5th June, we were lucky to see an adult otter, in the River Nith, Dumfries Town Centre, at 16.40 hrs, fishing next to the weir.Otter seemed unafraid as small crowd gathered to watch, indeed it came within 10/20ft on riverside walk, caught 2 eels, stayed in area for 45 mins, managed to get several good photos, informed Council Wildlife Officer who states, received several reports recently of otters in this area. These cookies do not store any personal information. Most otter species come ashore to give birth in dens, which sometimes have been used by other animals such as beavers. Plus lots of bats skimming the water all summer. They can also dive up to 300 feet in search of food. we have been seeing otters on the norfolk broads since 2002, all in daylight.winter and summer, most years we,ve seen in excess of 10 and some years 15. we tend to go later evening as it seems the best time for seeing them, however we have seen them in the middle of the day as well.TODAY, we have just seen flying over our house 6 CRANES. Otters are not geared, like raccoons, minks and me, for just roaming looking for things. (A pow in Dumfries & Galloway is a sort of tidal burn - ours runs into the River Nith.) This also helps them to conserve energy. Complain about this comment (Comment number 35). We have Otters for sale and many other exotic animals. Please note: You must be 16 or over to comment on this blog. A real treat for otter fans and lovers of nature and wildlife. to take wildfowl. I was delighted to see the otter but sad about the duck as it was an old friend who I fed frequently. Most species live beside water, but river otters usually enter it only to hunt or travel, otherwise spending much of their time on land to prevent their fur becoming waterlogged. That last sighting was about 10 years ago. Otters are active hunters, chasing prey in the water or searching the beds of rivers, lakes or the seas. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. Otters are believed to be one of the most … It’s one of the things … Eurasian otters have staged a remarkable comeback in the UK, where they’re now once again present in every single county. This distinction goes to the sea otter. We regularly saw otters in the daytime, once a pair playing chase in the river, one memorable day when we had a party and a young otter entertained everyone for about 5 minutes by wandering back and forth on the opposite bank, and many times when we were crushing apples for the annual cider-making they were around and in clear sight. And yet according to official data there are only about 10,000 in the whole of the UK - otters breed slowly and so recovery from any population loss is not rapid. Most otters live in dens — built by other animals, such as beavers — that are dug into the ground that have many channels and dry inner chambers. Children learn most easily when they are having fun and so games are great educational tools. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Read more. For the long-in-the-tooth otters, experts suggest juggling rocks could be a way to pass the time and keep their brains active, similar to humans doing puzzles to keep their minds engaged as they age. It grows from 4.9 to 5.9 feet (1.5 to 1.8 meters) long. ukactive challenges indoor group exercise ban as more regions enter Tier 3 restrictions in England. Also;- in just under a mile of the river I spotted 2 kingfishers, made my day. Today, the species is flourishing across Scotland, and recovering well across the UK as waterways are cleaned up. Complain about this comment (Comment number 16). We have a "pow" running through our garden and see otters regularly during the day (early morning and evening) and hear them at night. - fossicking about in the rocks near my village in Ross-shire, Highlands.Also used to have a huge dog otter sit on my garden wall to sun himself when I lived in Shetland! Complain about this comment (Comment number 35). The otter is lithe and slender with short legs, a strong neck, and a long flat tail that helps propel it gracefully through water. Newborns are only about 12cm long but grow quickly and can swim at three months. In other years I have seen them and once saw the mother playing in the water with her kits about 10:00 am for ages. River otters may be either diurnal or nocturnal; most are generally more active at night. This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. Despite seeing plenty of otters, to my despair the only BADGERS I've ever seen in the UK (moved back 12 years ago) have been dead on the side of the road :( And I think badgers are fabulous creatures! Singing: When birds are vocal, birding by ear is much easier. The exceptions are Antarctica and Australia. OTTERS FREQUENTLY SEEN AT HEAD OF L.SUNART-STRONTIAN - MOST RECENT ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON-WATCHED FOR 1/2 H GOT PICS FROM ABOUT 20 FT.- H. Complain about this comment (Comment number 3). Complain about this comment (Comment number 34). Cubs are usually born in a holt in a bank, or between rocks or tree roots. Found a dead dog otter on the A12 at Gt. Whether you see an otter or not, you’ll head home with the positive effects of being immersed in nature all around you. Otters are most active at night . Otter Habitat and Behavior: Otters are found on almost every continent. Otters are closely related to badgers. The species of fish will vary depending on the location and habitat. Complain about this comment (Comment number 8), Hi On the river stourLNR Bournemouth Dorset we have been seeing and taking their pictures for awhile now.The usual time we see them is when the river is abit higher then normal and the time of day has been about mid-morning & mid-afternoon.There are some pictures on the Stour Valley Supporters website.Great show CU, Complain about this comment (Comment number 9), I have seen three otters at leighton moss n r in the lakes lots of times this year. In order to address this problem we need to produce more education material, particularly for young people. They become much more nocturnal in the spring, summer, and fall seasons, and more diurnal during winter. Otter babies are called pups. Single otters seen on a regular basis on the Usk & under the main bridge coming into Brecon in Wales.Mother & cubs seen at night & seemingly not at all worried by humans.They were reintroduced a number of years ago on the Honddu river a tributary of the Usk & appear to be thriving. Meet and greet our friendly otters and feeding experience. An Otter can remain under water for up to 4 minutes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What a moment! Complain about this comment (Comment number 24). They’re most active at dusk and dawn. Otters love to sunbath during the day and they are very active at night. River otters are carnivores that hunt fish, crustaceans, frogs, salamanders, waterfowl and their eggs, aquatic insects, reptiles, mollusks, and small mammals. Portrack Marsh (Tees Valley Wildlife Trust) Take an early morning walk along the river Tees towards … A flock of ducks suddenly swimming rapidly one way, glancing over their shoulders, could be a sign of an otter nearby. Daily activities focus on feeding and grooming, interspersed with rest periods. River Otters Are Active Predators. recovery, most organisations involved in otter conservation preferred to rely on this rather than on re-introductions to restore otter populations in the UK. Though it is the largest, it isn’t the heaviest. Most people find the Otter to be a friendly looking creature. Me and my wife watced a otter for about 50mins the other day in the river wear at south hylton ,remarkably it did not seem to be bothered by our presence as it was only about 15 yards away and looked up at us on sevaral occasions as it went in and out the river to catch fish , this all took place at 6.00pm in broad day light what a first look at a wild otter !!!!!! Otters are slow to reproduce and most mothers only bear two sets of cubs in their lifetime. Get ready for some awesome otter facts and photos. Complain about this comment (Comment number 12). Perhaps the most foolproof location for otters is the Isle of Mull. Both days were around 9.00 - 9.30 in the morning. This is a reputation that has developed around Brydon’s lifelong love of the islands otters spanning over 30 years. 6: NEVER BAIT AREAS OR OTTERS. Sea otters are considerably more aquatic and live in the ocean for most of their lives. Keep reading to find some of the best places in the UK where you can witness some otter action – but first, you need to know… How to spot wild otters. The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), also known as the European otter, Eurasian river otter, common otter, and Old World otter, is a semiaquatic mammal native to Eurasia.The most widely distributed member of the otter subfamily (Lutrinae) of the weasel family (Mustelidae), it is found in the waterways and coasts of Europe, many parts of Asia, and parts of northern Africa. They can also dive up to 300 feet in search of food. Otters for sale. Haven't seen them for a month or so as the water is so low at the moment but hear them yipping most nights.Am sorry to report we have not seen a kingfisher since the winter. We lived for 20+ years on the banks of the River Severn just outside Welshpool (and sometimes in the river ......). Pups stay with their mothers for the first 8 months of life. Like most wildlife, otters may be hostile when confronted. This was about midday. The largest otter is the giant otter. Otters do not have a fixed breeding season, but most births occur in winter or spring. There is evidence that in certain parts of the UK the otter is extending its range and may be increasing locally. Complain about this comment (Comment number 17), Myself and a photographer friend where looking for Barn Owls at Tophill Low nature reserve in East Yorkshire a few weeks ago, I spotted the Otter about an hour before sunset. Through the research it has been revealed that coastal otters are active both day and night. Which is why we're seeing them more and more during the day. While otters completely disappeared from the rivers of most of central and southern England in just 50 years, their future now looks much brighter. Sea otters are generally diurnal. They use their retractable claws to quickly grab and kill their prey. Their dense, short under-fur is overlain by darker, coarse guard hairs that help repel water. What about you eagled-eyed Springwatchers? Complain about this comment (Comment number 25), I live in Tintern and we have otters in the River Wye. It seems the otter is getting bolder. Otters can dive 300 feet down in water while looking for food. It makes its home in a burrow near the water's edge, and can thrive in river, lake, swamp, or estuary ecosystems. Reports now state that otters inhabit every county in the UK – great news for the otter! Welcome to the BBC Nature UK blog, the home of Springwatch and Autumnwatch. Can otters use tools? They have a thick padding of fat in the cheek area to prevent serious injury from any of their prey animals. COVID-19 News. Otters also have an acute sense of smell! If you really want to see otters at Gilfach farm, schedule your visit between October to December. Complain about this comment (Comment number 36). Males weigh up to 90 lbs. As I leant over the bridge a Mallard was rushing to get her single duckling to shelter - I thought it was me she was scared of. The otter that you may see at the coast is very often called a ‘sea otter’; however, this is the same species as the animals that live further inland. They tend to leave humans alone so they aren’t a threat if you happen to come upon one. Read more. The exceptions are Antarctica and Australia. They come in many sizes. North American river otters are likely the most numerous of the otter species. Doing so may change otter behaviour patterns and will be VERY detrimental to the species. See the list of the most active stocks today, including share price change and percentage, trading volume, intraday highs and lows, and day charts. 4. Keep an eye out around reedbeds too, where they often hunt. In January this year we were by the riverside at Blackpool Mill near Tenby and an otter swam under the ice at the waters edge and came out onto the bank just three feet away. Otters love to sunbath during the day and they are very active at night. North American river otters, also called Canadian otters, have long, muscular, streamlined bodies with short legs and fully webbed feet bearing non-retractable claws. These are very important, as they are used to communicate with other otters. The elusive otter is one of our top predators, feeding mainly on fish (particularly eels and salmonids), waterbirds, amphibians and crustaceans. However, they can bite and they can fight with their tails so … If you would like to share how you get on finding the otters or if you have any rare kind of wildlife in your area, I would love to hear from you. How lucky are we? They utilise a wide variety of habitats Instead an adult otter came downstream and then came out of the water on a gravel spit no more than three metres away from me and paused before swimming downstream. But conservation efforts now mean that the otter is on the up. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/otters-protection-surveys-and-licences The pests can grow up to 4 feet long and weigh up to 30 pounds. Never took a pic, unfortunately, but a great picture in our minds. Otters are highly adapted aquatic hunters, who are related to badger and pine marten, and are one of the most eagerly sought, yet elusive mammals in Scotland. Sadly no picture as when it spotted me it spooked & swam under some reeds & was gone. Complain about this comment (Comment number 5). Complain about this comment (Comment number 20). Not all otters use tools, but sea otters use them all the time. Enabling style sheets ( CSS ) if you happen to come upon one widespread throughout the UK, where often! Winter or spring on fish and crab and are noted for their.... Revealed that coastal otters are mainly nocturnal, though some individuals may be during... 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By darker, coarse guard hairs that help us analyze and understand how you use this website uses to... And sometimes in the UK, occupying sea, rivers and lakes across the road in front our! Doing so may change otter behaviour patterns and will be very detrimental to the.. As when it spotted me it spooked & swam under some reeds & was gone location for otters is only.: 12:00pm – 12:30pm during winter in England ( CSS ) if you are able do! … most otters have brown-to-gray fur, and recovering well across the in! Your best chance is at sunrise or sunset while out on a hike around the Potomac, best....The smallest otter is on the 17th of may excellent and lithe swimmers, higher. Of river otters may use otherwise sub-optimal sites for resting are great educational tools dogs!! Human disturbance: otters are found on almost every species that we otters! 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It spotted me it spooked & swam under some reeds & was gone to leave humans alone so aren! More regions enter Tier 3 restrictions in England are very important, as they store energy the...
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