Today it’s possible to produce fresh veggies and beautiful flowers in your own home year round! As well as problems with potting and poor drainage of the plant. This page is designed to help identify some of the more common plant diseases and provides earth-friendly solutions (see organic fungicides) for combating them. Houseplants affected by bacterial dropsy or edema exhibit water-soaked spots with cork-like swellings along the leaf surface and stem. Signs of the disease first appear as small, white spots that quickly grow and merge. Therefore if Rust is suspected you must isolate it from other houseplants to prevent it spreading. Others can survive on nearby dead plants or infected gardening tools. /*-->*/ It can be tough for a plant to recover from this disease. If it’s dry, add some water, but if it’s wet (or slightly moist), leave it alone. Most indoor plants will respond quickly when watered, picking up within a day or so. Inadequate air circulation around plants, lack of fresh air, high temperatures and excess humidity provide ideal conditions for fungal diseases to breed. Effects of diseases and pests If left unidentified and untreated diseases and pests can end up being fatal for your beloved monstera deliciosa. Pests and plant diseases that can plague your indoor plants. ]]>*/, Evergreen Garden Care Australia, If repotting isnât possible, then drenching the existing potting mix with a solution of white oil or neem oil (diluted as per label instructions) will help alleviate the problem. Watering may be the most important aspect of healthy plants; however, most people tend to over water, creating breeding grounds for fungi and other disease-causing agents. Read on to learn more. Insecticide sprays seldom have much effect on this pest because of its propensity to breed rapidly. However, indoor gardening is not without its nemeses. [CDATA[/* > There are many species of fungi that can cause leaf spots on house plants (leaf spot on prayer plant). The most likely are here in this guide to indoor plant disease identification. Remove any leaves with symptoms and remove dead leaves from the surface of the potting mix â decaying leaves will often harbour fungal spores. This tiny black fly is the most troublesome pest of indoor plants. /*-->