If you’re concerned about bacteria, you may want to keep a bottle of Hand Sanitizer on your person to use between coming into contact with surfaces.. Help treat the acne by adding 2-3 drops of oil to a cotton ball and applying directly to affected area. Grapefruit Essential Oil Like other citrus fruits, the aroma of grapefruit can be incredibly uplifting and relieve feelings of anxiety and depression, but grapefruit’s benefits extend beyond its scent. This helps to increase your satiety after eating, curb cravings for carbs and sweets, and it improves digestion after a meal. In aromatherapy, grapefruit essential oil is typically used for: Grapefruit essential oil is also used to reduce stress, stimulate circulation, increase energy, enhance mood, and improve digestion. Lana Butner, ND, LAc, is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist in New York City. Grapefruit Essential Oil Benefits. It’s known to relieve stress and bring on feelings of peace and relaxation. 7. Its’ number one benefit is the direct effects it has on weight loss by breaking down fat cells and suppressing appetite and cravings. (10), Research also shows that grapefruit essential oil inhibits acetylcholinesterase activity, also known as AChE, according to a study done by the Department of Applied Chemistry at Kinki University in Japan. Finally, be careful to avoid any misleading information on the internet about using high quantities of grapefruit oil for weight loss, especially low-quality brands that might contain dangerous additives and fillers. In aromatherapy, inhaling the aroma of grapefruit essential oil (or absorbing grapefruit essential oil through the skin) is thought to transmit messages to a brain region involved in controlling emotions. Therapeutic-grade citrus essential oils are known for their ability to help lower inflammation and increase blood flow. Grapefruit oil may help to reduce sugar cravings and help kick that sugar addiction. Because of this, we recommend you use glass containers when storing them so they don’t eat away any of the plastic. For example, in one study using rats that were forced to undergo a swim test, citrus fragrance reduced the time they were immobile and made them more reactive and alert. Keep in mind that all citrus essentials oils are highly concentrated and are full of healthy acidic properties. In addition, some people experience irritation or an allergic reaction when applying grapefruit essential oil to the skin. This is one reason why it’s included in many cellulite creams and blends that are used for dry brushing. Ever been told that grapefruit is one of the best fruits to eat for weight loss and fat-burning? There are many benefits of grapefruit essential oil for skin. While many essential oils are can support your journey with cancer, grapefruit essential oil … 3 common and dangerous essential oil mistakes. (11). For men, wearing pink can reaffirm self-confidence and comfort with nonconformity. Boost Energy and Mood: Inhale grapefruit oil directly from the bottle, diffuse 5 drops at home or work, or rub 2-3 drops onto your wrists. In addition, a number of preliminary studies suggest that grapefruit essential oil may act as an antimicrobial (which destroys or suppresses the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi). The clary sage plant has a lengthy history as a medicinal herb. Besides being merely pretty, pink is a power color for women, a symbol of our uniquely feminine strengths and insights. It works to increase detoxification and urination, while putting a hold on cravings that can occur due to hormonal and blood sugar level changes resulting from alcohol. Grapefruit is a popular essential oil in aromatherapy because of its fresh citrus scent. Widely available for purchase online, grapefruit essential oil is sold in many natural-foods stores and in stores specializing in self-care products. The first step to make grapefruit essential oil at home is to wash the grapefruits to remove any dirt … A lab study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that when grapefruit-seed extract was tested against 67 distinct biotypes that were both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms, it showed antibacterial properties against all of them. Grapefruit essential oil benefits are largely due to the constituent called limonene, which reportedly accounts for 88% to 95% of the oil. Researchers from the Nagata University School of Medicine in Japan found that grapefruit has a “refreshing and exciting effect” when inhaled, which suggests an activation of sympathetic nerve activity that helps control body weight. The aroma of Grapefruit essential oil matches the citrus and fruity flavors of its origin and provides an invigorating and energizing aroma. Aid Digestion: Make a homemade massage lotion with 3–5 drops of grapefruit oil and equal parts coconut or jojoba oil. Colds 3. Then apply the mixture once or twice daily on the affected area. 5. 20 Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil Benefits (More Than JUST An Amazing Scent!) Internal use of grapefruit essential oil may have toxic effects. 4. Increased blood to the digestive organs — including the bladder, liver, stomach and kidneys — means that grapefruit oil also helps with detoxification. Citrus fragrances have proven to help restore stress-induced immuno-suppression and induce calm behavior, as observed in studies using mice. It’s true! Additionally, you can use a small amount of grapefruit essential oil on wooden surfaces, countertops, floors or in household appliances to kill bacteria and odor naturally. 8. Nakamura A, Osonoi T, Terauchi Y. Allow Grapefruit Essential Oil to soothe and refresh skin by placing in the bath or creating a sugar or salt scrub. Grapefruit essential oil can provide an uplifting environment with its invigorating and energizing aroma, while acting as a purifying agent in skin care Call us +353 89 437 3806 Mon-Fri 9:00-19-00 Sign In Burns. In addition to limonene, grapefruit essential oil contains other powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C, myrcene, terpinene, pinene and citronellol. Improve Hair Health: Add 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil to your shampoo or conditioner and massage it into your scalp and hair. Grapefruit essential oil helps everything from reducing blood pressure and providing stress relief to treating and protecting your skin. Grapefruit essential oil gives you healthy hair Being anti-oxidant rich, grapefruit oil prevents you from hair loss. The Best Essential Oils for Rheumatoid Arthritis, How Neroli Essential Oil Is Used in Aromatherapy, Lemon Essential Oil Common Uses and Side Effects, Rose Geranium Benefits, Side Effects, and Alternatives, How to Use Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Health, Health Benefits of Citronella Essential Oil, Olfactory stimulation with scent of essential oil of grapefruit affects autonomic neurotransmission and blood pressure, Relationship between urinary sodium excretion and pioglitazone-induced edema, 3 common and dangerous essential oil mistakes, The effect of essential oils on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus using a dressing model, The battle against multi-resistant strains: Renaissance of antimicrobial essential oils as a promising force to fight hospital-acquired infections. Once properly diluted with a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil or hemp seed oil, grapefruit essential oil can be used topically. Brain Res. Grapefruit may work similarly if it’s taken internally with water in small amounts, but there are no human studies to prove this yet. By using Verywell Health, you accept our, How to Use Essential Oils for Aromatherapy, Bergamot Oil: Benefits Beyond Aromatherapy, The Health Benefits of Myrrh Essential Oil. While your house fills with a clean scent, you also eliminate odor-causing bacteria from the air. Grapefruit oil can be used to naturally add a touch of citrus flavor to your meals, seltzer, smoothies and water. Grapefruit Essential Oil smells citrusy. Well, that’s because some of grapefruit’s active ingredients work to boost your metabolism and reduce your appetite. Make White Grapefruit oil a part of your shower ritual by adding one drop to shampoo for added cleansing benefits and a refreshing citrus aroma. Additionally, grapefruit can be very effective for shedding excess water weight loss since it helps kick-start a sluggish lymphatic system. Not only may grapefruit essential oil help to fight bacteria and greasiness that can cause acne blemishes, but it may also be useful for keeping your skin’s immunity strong against indoor and outdoor air pollution and UV light damage — plus it may even help you get rid of cellulite. A 2016 study published in Food and Nutrition Research evaluated the efficacy of grapefruit polyphenols in decreasing an individual’s susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation and improving skin health. In your skin care. You can also use grapefruit oil to reduce greasy hair, while adding volume and shine. In their animal study, the researchers found that grapefruit’s activation of sympathetic nerve activity has an effect on white adipose tissue within the body that’s responsible for lipolysis. It has a sweet, energizing, and refreshing aroma that is known to be rejuvenating and uplifting. A skin patch test should be done before using any new essential oil. People use the fruit, oil from the peel, and extracts from the seed as medicine. When using grapefruit essential oil on your skin, it's crucial to protect against ultraviolet light exposure by applying sunblock. Then rub the mixture onto your abdomen to aid digestion. Fatigue 5. 8 Frankincense Essential Oil Uses and Benefits for Healing, Oregano Oil Benefits for Infections, Fungus & Even the Common Cold, Bible Oils: 12 Most Revered Oils and Their Historic Uses, Top 5 Anti-Aging Oils, Including Top Essential & Carrier Oils, Thyme Oil Kills Infections, Increases Circulation & Balances Hormones, Top 15 Peppermint Oil Uses and Benefits, for Gut Health, Headaches & More, Essential Oils: 11 Main Benefits and 101 Uses, Fenugreek Oil Benefits for Hair, Digestion, Inflammation & More, Clary Sage Oil Benefits for Menstrual Pain, Hormone Balance and More, Grapefruit essential oil is a potent extract derived from the. The top benefits of grapefruit essential oil includes its ability to: boost circulation and reduce inflammation, work as a natural energizer and mood booser, help to fight acne and improve skin health. It is packed with powerful Antioxidants and is rich in Vitamin C which boosts the immunity. Some sources claim that up to half a bottle per day should be taken for best results — but this is dangerous, potentially toxic and will very likely cause negative reactions. Before adding grapefruit to your diet or using grapefruit oil as a natural medicinal remedy, check with your health care provider if you take medications or have sensitive skin. You also want to avoid direct sun exposure right after using grapefruit oil topically, as some citrus oils can increase photosensitivity. Rich in the naturally occurring limonene, like many cold pressed citrus oils, it is wonderful to add to your homemade lotions, creams and massage oils! (12), Lab studies show that grapefruit oil has antibacterial effects and enhances the susceptibility of microorganisms that are normally resistant. Grapefruit Essential Oil is processed from the Grapefruit peels. When used as an ingredient in personal-care products, grapefruit essential oil is said to treat oily hair and skin. Shares. Some people like to use grapefruit as a mild, natural antidepressant since it can increase alertness while also calming nerves. It has a positive effect on digestion, can help you shed fluid retention, and fights microbes within the intestines, gut and other digestive organs. With a sweet, invigorating aroma, this oil can be used to encourage feelings of joy, satisfaction and playfulness. Of course, using grapefruit oil alone isn’t going to make all the difference — but when it’s combined with dietary and lifestyle changes, it can be beneficial. Cancer. It’s also considered a natural stress-fighter, anti-inflammatory agent, antioxidant food and anticarcinogenic agent. Several other types of essential oils have been found to offer effects similar to purported benefits of grapefruit essential oil. Grapefruit oil may even beneficial for healing adrenal fatigue symptoms like low motivation, aches and sluggishness. With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. Plus, if you color your hair, grapefruit oil might also be able to protect strands from sunlight damage. Essential Oils and Aromatherapy for Beginners. Warnke PH, Becker ST, Podschun R, Sivananthan S, Springer IN, Russo PA, Wiltfang J, Fickenscher H, Sherry E. The battle against multi-resistant strains: Renaissance of antimicrobial essential oils as a promising force to fight hospital-acquired infections. Relieve Stress: Add 2–3 drops to a sterile cotton ball along with a touch of coconut oil. When using the oil on your skin, wait at least one hour before going into the sun. ... Citronella Oil — Repel Insects, Pain & Stress! Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) However, it should be noted that these studies did not test the aromatherapeutic use of grapefruit essential oil.. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Read our, Medically reviewed by Lana Butner, ND, LAc, Medically reviewed by Arno Kroner, DAOM, LAc, Medically reviewed by Rochelle Collins, DO, Medically reviewed by Richard N. Fogoros, MD, Verywell Health uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. 2Acne 2. When inhaled, its stimulating effects also make it effective for reducing headaches, sleepiness, brain fog, mental fatigue and even poor moods. You might have heard that grapefruit is great for weight loss. Essential oils are absorbed through the skin, so the topical application should not exceed safe use. J Diabetes Investig. A scientific review published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism found that drinking grapefruit juice helps to promote metabolic detoxification pathways. 2009 Oct;37(7):392-7. Grapefruit essential oil is reputed to have beneficial effects on the lymphatic system. 30 Gluten-Free Recipes As a natural detoxification agent, grapefruit oil can help the liver cleanse the body of toxins and waste, plus it can activate your lymphatic system and control fluid retention. Grapefruit essential oil is valued for its invigorating, citrusy aroma in aromatherapy. (6), Feel like you’re always looking for something sweet? The aroma is tangy like grapefruit, but yet is sweet. Some of the many benefits of grapefruit include: Helps With Weight Loss. Animal studies also show that grapefruit oil affects the autonomic nervous system, which acts to regulate unconscious bodily functions, including functions related to how we handle stress and digestion. 2010;1(5):208-11. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.2011.02640.x. Grapefruit essential oil is a potent extract derived from the Citrus paradisi grapefruit plant. It is reminiscent to the aroma of the grapefruit rind, but more concentrated. Self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences. Even though the pulp of grapefruit has plenty of its own benefits — including being a popular fat-burning food — grapefruit essential oil actually comes from the peel of the fruit, which holds a range of beneficial volatile compounds. When rats inhaled the grapefruit oil, they experienced increased lipolysis, which resulted in a suppression in body weight gain. Research suggests that the limonene present in grapefruit and other citrus essential oils is what helps to reduce inflammation and helps to regulate the body’s cytokine production, or its natural immune response. Pregnant women and children should consult their primary health care providers prior to using essential oils. Grapefruit essential oil should not be taken internally without the supervision of a health professional. Grapefruit essential oil is naturally high in antioxidants and phytochemicals that help reduce oxidative stress and disease- causing inflammation. Grapefruit essential oil contains a number of compounds thought to enhance health, such as limonene. Grapefruit essential oil also works as an excellent diuretic and lymphatic stimulant. Before applying any type of essential oil to your skin, make sure to blend it with a carrier oil (such as sweet almond oil or jojoba oil). Grapefruit essential oil also can be inhaled after sprinkling a few drops of the oil onto a cloth or tissue, or by using an aromatherapy diffuser or vaporizer. They also experienced a noticeable reduction in systolic blood pressure compared with inhalation of an odorless solvent. Sign up for our Health Tip of the Day newsletter, and receive daily tips that will help you live your healthiest life. 2005;1058(1-2):44-55. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It’s said to help increase energy levels and metabolism, plus it also can help curb sugar cravings. Researchers believe that the application of citrus fragrances for depressive patients can help reduce the doses of antidepressants needed by naturally lifting their mood, energy and motivation. We’ve known for decades that grapefruit can benefit weight loss, but the possibility of using concentrated grapefruit essential oil for the same effects is now becoming more popular. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Eliminate Odors: To get rid of unpleasant odors in your kitchen, appliances and bathrooms, diffuse 5 drops of grapefruit oil along with other citrus scents like lemon essential oil and orange oil. Aromatherapy proponents suggest that essential oils may affect a number of biological factors, including:. Grapefruit essential oil is usually used to fight throat and respiratory infections, fatigue, muscle aches as well as a natural remedy for arthritis. Immunity Booster: Grapefruit oil is rich in antioxidants that offer protection from oxidative damage … J Craniomaxillofac Surg. Sourced from the peel of the Citrus paradisi fruit, proponents suggest that breathing in the oil's tangy scent can help lift your mood and offer a variety of benefits. In aromatherapy, grapefruit essential oil is typically used for the following problems: 1. It’s extracted by cold-pressing glands in the fruit’s peel. For example, a rat-based study published in Brain Research found that inhaling the scent of grapefruit essential oil stimulated activity in the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the body's "fight-or-flight" response to stress.. Grapefruit essential oil has also been found to help heal wounds, cuts and bites, and to prevent skin infections. As one of the most versatile essential oils, the aroma of grapefruit oil is clean, fresh and a little bit bitter, just like the actual fruit itself. The main benefits of grapefruit essential oil are related to its disinfectant, diuretic, and antioxidant properties. Reduce Cravings: Add 1–2 drops of grapefruit oil to your water, inhale it directly from the bottle, diffuse 5 drops in your office or home, or massage 2-3 drops into your chest and wrists when a craving strikes. Antibacterial Benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil Grapefruit oil has been shown in studies to contain antibacterial properties.3 This may make the oil effective as a topical agent against cuts and other open wounds. Grapefruit essential oil benefits include: Disinfecting surfaces Cleansing the body Reducing depression Stimulating the immune system Decreasing fluid retention Curbing sugar cravings Helping … Ease Hangover: Diffuse 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil in your home, add 1–2 drops to a glass of water, or apply 1–2 drops topically to your temples and neck. Helps With Weight Loss. Weight Loss Booster. You can also diffuse 5 drops of grapefruit or inhale it directly from the bottle. Limonene is known to be a tumor-fighting, cancer-preventative phytochemical that protects DNA and cells from damage. When inhaled or applied topically, grapefruit oil is known to lower cravings and hunger, which makes it a great tool for losing weight fast in a healthy way. When combined with a carrier oil (such as jojoba, sweet almond, or avocado), grapefruit essential oil can be applied directly to the skin or added to baths. (3). Grapefruit essential oil is highly reputed for its cleansing, purifying and detoxifying effects. The Benefits and Uses of Grapefruit Essential Oil, Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Limonene, one of the primary components in grapefruit oil, has shown to balance blood sugar levels and reduce appetite in studies involving rats. It’s also been used consistently by those working to lose weight. Overview Information Grapefruit is a citrus fruit. For this reason, grapefruit oil may help to cleanse your hair and scalp thoroughly when it’s added to your shampoo or conditioner. (1). The main side effect of the oil is skin irritation—especially if the skin is exposed to sunlight after application. (5), Grapefruit oil is a powerful gallbladder and liver stimulant, so it can help stop headaches, cravings and sluggishness following a day of drinking alcohol. Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) has a fresh, citrusy aroma that is energizing and uplifting. Grapefruit oil, which is extracted from the rind of the grapefruit plant, has been used for centuries to help beat inflammation, weight gain, sugar cravings and even hangover symptoms. Researchers found that the combination of grapefruit oil and rosemary oil was able to inhibit UV ray-induced effects and inflammatory markers, thereby helping to avoid the negative effects that sun exposure can have on the skin. The Benefits of Grapefruit include supporting healthy skin and cleansing! When used as an ingredient in personal-care products, grapefruit essential oil is said to treat oily hair and skin. Deng, C. Aromatherapy: exploring olfaction. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health. Use grapefruit essential oil with carrier oil on your skin to help fight bacteria and greasiness that can cause acne. Grapefruit Essential Oil Benefits and Uses Uplifts. Also keep in mind that some people with sensitive skin might experience irritation or an allergic reaction when applying grapefruit essential oil, so a skin patch test should be done first to check for your reaction (the same applies to starting use with any new essential oil since essential oils all differ in terms of ingredients and chemical properties). The adults who inhaled the oils experienced a 1.5- to 2.5-fold increase in relative sympathetic activity that improved their mood and reduced stressful feelings. American College of Healthcare Sciences. Many of grapefruit essential oil’s benefits are due to one of its main constituents called limonene (which makes up about 88 percent to 95 percent of the oil). Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. Grapefruit essential oil is considered safe, but it might interact with certain medications, including antidepressants and blood pressure medications. Grapefruit essential oil can be used aromatically, topically and internally. Headaches 7. Boost Circulation: Add 2–3 drops of grapefruit oil to a nightly bath, place some on your shirt collar or dap 1-2 drops onto your wrists. Depression 4. 2. Grapefruit essential oil is a type of essential oil commonly used in aromatherapy. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by our trained editorial staff. Hangovers 6. Overly consuming grapefruit oil can overstimulate the gallbladder and cause spasms and serious digestive issues like gallstones or changes in bile ducts, so use caution and only use grapefruit or any essential oil in small recommended doses. For example, lavender essential oil and rose essential oil may reduce stress. It fights against free radical and cell damage. If you have a health condition, don't rely on grapefruit oil to treat it (and it's a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider before trying any new treatment). These functions help the body rid itself of toxins and fight problems like … 3. (7). Grapefruit essential oil is derived from the rind of this fruit and is cherished for its many uses and benefits. The smell of grapefruit is uplifting, soothing and clarifying. Try combing it with basil oil, orange oil, peppermint oil, bergamot oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil or lemon essential oil. A 2002 study published in the Journal of Japanese Pharmacology investigated the effects of grapefruit oil fragrance inhalation on sympathetic brain activity in normal adults and found that grapefruit oil (along with other essential oils like peppermint oil, estragon, fennel and rose essential oil) significantly affected brain activity and relaxation. Light astringent properties, so it may help with toning and balancing the is. 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