The lunar underwing (Omphaloscelis lunosa) is a moth of the family Noctuidae. Open sandy, heathy or calcareous sites and open grassy areas within woodland, occasionally appears to wander. Lunar Yellow Underwing (Noctua orbona) - Norfolk Moths - The macro and micro moths of Norfolk. LUNAR YELLOW UNDERWING LARVAL SURVEY. It has a scattered distribution in western Europe including Spain , Scandinavia and Algeria . A variable species, with individuals ranging from yellowish orange to dark brown. Noctua orbona, the lunar yellow underwing, is a moth of the family Noctuoidea. In the overall impression a broad-winged species. 73. There are six similar species of yellow underwing moth in the UK which can be very difficult to tell apart. Recorded in 39 (67%) of 58 10k Squares. Taxonomy Version: Butterflies & moths 1.0 Search. Butterflies and Moths Lesser yellow Underwing Ask about this Print. Minimum temp was 5C, previous night was 6C Lunar Underwing 3 Black Rustic 3 Feathered Ranunculus 2 Lesser Yellow Underwing 1 Shuttle-shaped Dart 1 Common Marbled Carpet 1 Beaded Chestnut 1 Square-spot Rustic 1 (worn) Setaceous Hebrew Character 1 … A variable species, with individuals ranging from yellowish orange to dark brown. Featuring: 744,543 Records of 1,876 Species and 3,588 Photos! Looking for a specific moth species? Wingspan 32-38 mm. Martin Townsend and Paul Waring (Illustrated by Richard Lewington), Barry Goater (Illustrated by Geoffrey Senior and Robert Dyke), David Newland, Robert Still and Andy Swash. When to see it. Central European populations on average smaller than Noctua comes. Special features: Lunar Yellow Underwings are nocturnal moths which have now become quite scarce. Lunar Yellow Underwing (Noctua orbona) - iMoths - Suffolk Moths Mobile The darker forms usually show contrasting pale veins and cross-lines, giving a 'netted' appearance. Caterpillar of the Large Yellow Underwing. 29 ix 2019. These field meetings provide an introduction to identifying and recording the larvae of the rare yellow lunar underwing. Comparison 1, 2. lunar yellow underwing Noctua orbona 4, 5, 7, 8. lesser yellow underwing Noctua comes 3, 6. large yellow underwing Noctua pronuba The wingspan is 38–45 mm. However, despite previous searches, it has not been seen at the site (or indeed elsewhere in the country) since 2007. Watsonian Vice Counties - 12 mile buffer Ordnance Survey Grids - 10km Countries with sea areas Minimum elevation (in metres) Sensitive Coordinate uncertainty category Spatial validity Location ID The darker forms usually show contrasting pale veins and cross-lines, giving a 'netted' appearance. The caterpillars grow to a length of c 45-50mm. Individual records comprise of: [5 Adult] . Omphaloscelis lunosa (Lunar Underwing) §2 male. … The Underwing Moths of Oklahoma: html file, or PDF file--keys and describes 35 species, giving some life-history information (no illustrations). Scarcer species include Langmaid’s Yellow Underwing and Lunar Yellow Underwing. Identification difficulty. As far as our experts are aware, Tentsmuir is the moth's sole surviving site in Scotland. It is found in the Palearctic. Over the past decade, the Lunar Yellow Underwing has become exceptionally scarce in Scotland. Flight: One generation June-Sept. Foodplant: Grasses and small herbaceous plants. … Noctua orbona, the lunar yellow underwing, is a moth of the family Noctuoidea. LUNAR YELLOW UNDERWING LARVAL SURVEY. The moth flies at night from late June to September, but usually with a period of aestivation (‘summer hibernation’) in mid-summer. Lunar Yellow Underwing (Noctua orbona) Conservation status Section 41, Nationally Scarce Breck habitat for the Lunar Yellow Underwing Introduction This species has an annual life cycle. Concise Guide to the Moths of Great Britain... Colour Identification Guide to Caterpillars. It still occurs in scattered localities in southern England and East Anglia, but is generally quite rare. In the British Isles the caterpillars feed on a variety of low herbaceous plants including dandelion, dock and grasses. We are closed due to the Covid-19 situation, but we are otherwise normally open to the public at our centre at Wat Tyler Country Park every Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday 11am-4pm, check. Download this stock image: Lunar yellow underwing, Noctua orbona 1, and lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing or Langmaid's yellow underwing, Noctua janthina 2-5. 73.344 Lunar Yellow Underwing Noctua orbona. First recorded in 1839. Lunar Yellow Underwing Noctua orbona f a c t s h e e t Conservation status Priority Species in UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Flight: One generation June-Sept. Foodplant: Grasses and small herbaceous plants. In the north to Scotland, southern Norway, central Sweden and southern Finland. These field meetings provide an introduction to identifying and recording the larvae of the rare yellow lunar underwing. Download this stock image: 73.344 (2108) Lunar Yellow Underwing - Noctua orbona - GNN3YJ from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. The UKMoths Facebook Page is a great place to post your identification queries. The adults are on the wing between July and September, when they are … Special features: Lunar Yellow Underwings are nocturnal moths which have now become quite scarce. Lunar Yellow Underwing Lesser Yellow Underwing Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing Langmaid's Yellow Underwing Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing Least Yellow Underwing (Stout Dart) Double Dart Rosy Marsh Moth Cousin German Autumnal Rustic True Lover's Knot Pearly Underwing Ingrailed Clay The moth flies at night from late June to September, but usually with a period of aestivation (‘summer hibernation’) in mid-summer. Most are smaller than the large yellow underwing; the similar-sized, broad-bordered yellow underwing, has a thick black border to its yellowy-orange hindwings and a … Further info: Noctua orbona - UK Moths - NBN Atlas - Fauna Europaea - - Svenska fjarilar - . Lunar Yellow Underwing. Like its larger cousin, the Large Yellow Underwing (N. pronuba), it shows a wide range of variation in colour and pattern of the forewings. The large yellow underwing (Noctua pronuba) is a moth, the type species for the family Noctuidae.It is an abundant species throughout the Palearctic realm, one of the most common and most familiar moths of the region.In some years the species is highly migratory with large numbers appearing suddenly in marginal parts of the range. Noctua comes is noticeably smaller than pronuba and so is named the lesser yellow underwing; its out-stretched wings measure 1.5 inches from tip to tip. The second of two evening training workshops and walks to record the larvae of the rare lunar yellow underwing moth, with Sharon Hearle of Butterfly Conservation. Lunar Yellow Underwing Noctua orbona. The second of two evening training workshops and walks to record the larvae of the rare lunar yellow underwing moth, with Sharon Hearle of Butterfly Conservation. Lunar Yellow Underwing (Noctua orbona ) You may think it strange that I have chosen to include a photo of a dead moth. Fingringhoe Wick NR, Fingringhoe, Essex. Ref:17820. Lunar Yellow Underwing (Noctua orbona) - Suffolk Moths - The macro and micro moths of Suffolk. Lunar Yellow Underwing (Noctua orbona) Conservation status Section 41, Nationally Scarce Breck habitat for the Lunar Yellow Underwing Introduction This species has an annual life cycle. Lunar Yellow Underwing. © 2020 Ian Kimber/UKMoths. Large Yellow Underwing - Noctua pronuba (Linnaeus, 1758) Larva: The 40mm final instar larva is brown with a whitish dorsal stripe and buff subdorsal lines with black rectangular markings above on each segment.Broad buff spiracular stripe with white spiracles surrounded with small black patch. There are 13 county records of 5 individuals from 11 different sites. Last night, 14 of 9 . It resembles Noctua comes but has a constant and characteristic ink black spot on the costa near the apex of the forewing. The Underwing Moths of Oklahoma: html file, or PDF file--keys and describes 35 species, giving some life-history information (no illustrations). Table 1 Details of Survey Sites Site name Aldringham Walks Blaxhall Heath. The species was first described by Adrian Hardy Haworth in 1809. English: eng-000: lunar time: English: eng-000: lunar time period: English: eng-000: lunar topology: English: eng-000: lunar trajectory: English: eng-000: Lunar Underwing All rights reserved. Lunar Yellow Underwing Noctua orbona (Hufnagel, 1766) Noctuidae: Noctuinae. ID: Forewing ground colour ranges from pale ochreous to blackish; crosslines, veins and margins of stigmata pale ochreous but variable in expression and strength. Contact. North Africa (Morocco and Libya), western, central and southern Europe. JF M A M J J A S O N D Egg Larva Pupa Adult The English name of this attractive moth partly describes the yellow coloration of the hindwings, which are hidden beneath the forewings when the moth is at rest. More often than not you'll get a positive ID on most photos fairly quickly. Wingspan 32-38 mm. The wingspan is 38–45 mm. Enter just part of the name below. Comparison 1, 2. lunar yellow underwing (Noctua orbona) 4, 5, 7, 8. lesser yellow underwing (Noctua comes) 3, 6. large yellow underwing (Noctua pronuba) Description This species generally has the appearance of a smaller ( wingspan From the Baltic states across through Russia to the Urals. To light. First Recorded in 1891. Table 1 Details of Survey Sites Site name Aldringham Walks Blaxhall Heath. This poor thing managed to get itself trapped in the house while we were away on holiday and I found it in the garden room. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Johann Carl Bock after Eugenius Johann Christoph Esper’s Die Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur, Erlangen, 1786. The moth flies from June to September depending on the location. Download this stock image: 73.344 (2108) Lunar Yellow Underwing - Noctua orbona - GNN3YJ from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. It is found in the Palearctic. We are closed due to the Covid-19 situation, but we are otherwise normally open to the public at our centre at Wat Tyler Country Park every Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday 11am-4pm, check. Grid reference TM466611 TM380565 Forewings with weakly pronounced lines, the colour is leather yellowish brown to reddish brown, often obscured at the margin. 2108 / 73.344. In Asia, the southern records extend from Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and questionably to Iran, Afghanistan and northern India. We are also normally open on Wednesdays 10am-4pm., Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 September 2020, at 02:50. Wingspan 32-38 mm. UKMoths is built, run and maintained by Ian Kimber, with thanks to the many kind contributors who provide photos and information. They can be distinguished from the more common Large Yellow Underwing by the straighter forewings which also have a large black mark on the leading edge. The darker forms usually show contrasting pale veins and cross-lines, giving a 'netted' appearance. Lunar Yellow Underwing Noctua orbona (Hufnagel, 1766) Noctuidae: Noctuinae. They can be distinguished from the more common Large Yellow Underwing by the straighter forewings which also have a large black mark on the leading edge. The species The distribution area in the East Palearctic includes Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The larvae feed on various herbaceous plants and grasses. Forewings with weakly pronounced lines, the colour is leather yellowish brown to reddish brown, often obscured at the margin. Follow us on Facebook Similar Norfolk Species: Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba: Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comes: Forewing: 17-20mm. Inhabits a varied range of habitats. A declining species which has now disappeared from many of its former haunts. Immature Stages: Other Images: Links. I expect it is. We are also normally open on Wednesdays 10am-4pm. The species Lunar Yellow Underwing Noctua orbona (Hufnagal, 1766) Larva: August-June. Similar Norfolk Species: Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba: Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comes: Forewing: 17-20mm. Habitat. 2108 / 73.344. 73. A variable species, with individuals ranging from yellowish orange to dark brown. It resembles the Lesser Yellow Underwing ( N. comes ), but has a narrower, straighter forewing with a distinct black mark on the leading edge near the tip. Last Recorded in … Download this stock image: Lunar yellow underwing, Noctua orbona 1, and lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing or Langmaid's yellow underwing, Noctua janthina 2-5. Grid reference TM466611 TM380565 Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Johann Carl Bock after Eugenius Johann Christoph Esper’s Die Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur, Erlangen, 1786. Taxonomy Details; Rank: species Authority: BirdGuides IUCN Category: Not Evaluated BOU Category: British & Irish Rarity Status: Ungraded.