A licence is not required to undertake surveys for otter where surveys use non-invasive techniques. Wildlife Licensing Natural England Horizon House Bristol BS1 5AH. Applications for a derogation licence should be made in writing, including survey results and proposed mitigation measures, to: Note that if the proposed activity can be timed, organised and carried out so as to avoid committing offences under Irish wildlife legislation and the EU Habitats Regulations, then no derogation is required. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Otter Disturbance Licence Tummel Bridge - Wharry Burn Scottish Executive / SNH DEROG 052-2010 Access tracks, OHL construction, borrow pits, depots between Tummel Bridge and the W harry Burn 16-Mar-10 31-Dec-16 SSE / Chris Meek Otter Disturbance Licence - Amendment Tummel Bridge - Wharry Burn Scottish Executive / SNH DEROG 052A-2011 Cost £80 Various Badger Ecology and Surveying 0.5 Day For more information please visit our website. Shelter – Around 30 resting places in one otter territory. ... that involve ground disturbance… Basic otter surveys don’t require a licence, as long as you plan your survey carefully to: minimise disturbance to otters; minimise examinations of otter structures that could be in use; Otter surveys usually involve walking through potential otter habitat looking for places used for shelter or protection (e.g. The domestic legislation that implements this directive gives strict protection to individual otters and their breeding and resting places. Licence to Interfere with or Destroy the Breeding Places of Any Wild Animals, Stop Damage to Flora and Fauna by Wild Animals, Licence to Disturb Bats or Otters or their Breeding or Resting Places, Photograph a Protected Wild Animal or Bird, Capture/Kill Protected Wild Animals for Educational or Scientific Purposes, Department of Culture, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht. T. 020 802 61089 EPS.Mitigation@natura Origin & Distribution: The otter is a secretive semi-aquatic species which was once widespread in Britain. 1. [2,765KB]. Where techniques used to survey otter may result in direct disturbance of otters within a holt or a couch, a disturbance licence may be required. Send your completed form by post or email to Natural England using the details on the form. We can advise on your legislative obligations and have the experience to interpret whether a license is required. In Northern Ireland, the otter also has the same degree of protection under the Wildlife (NI) Order 1985. The Habitats Directive1 aims to conserve various species of plant and animal which are rare across Europe, and it requires Member States … If you want Natural England to add a purchase number to your invoice, you must include it in the invoice details in your charge form. The licence permits the intentional disturbance of water voles and damage/destruction of water vole burrows by means of ‘displacement’ (to facilitate development activities). Most populations of otters in Europe are listed as being vulnerable, in decline or extinct making the Irish population all the more important. This buffer zone may be extended to 200m if the site is a natal or breeding site. If this is your first licence application then NRW will normally issue the licence for 1 year. sites where otters are known to occur you need to have a licence for otter disturbance in addition to the bat disturbance licence. These may be issued "provided there is no satisfactory alternative and the derogation is not detrimental to the maintenance of the populations of the species concerned at a favourable conservation status". Check how the new Brexit rules affect you. However, if the bats are giving rise to concern, you should liaise with the NPWS by contacting wildlifelicence@chg.gov.ie and provide details of the address where the bats are present. Otter is a smart note-taking app that empowers you to remember, search, and share your voice conversations. This guidance is provided for ecologists and developers considering applying for a mitigation licence for otters where disturbance or harm to otters and their habitat is likely to happen.Your mitigation licence application needs to follow the above standing advice and this additional licensing information or it may be refused. Being listed under schedules 5 and 6, it is an offence to deliberately kill, injure or take an otter without a licence. We have successfully obtained numerous licenses for many clients to disturb otters. Mitigation licensing - Common Otter (Lutra lutra) Please Note – Applications can be completed online. Where a proposed development will affect a site known to be used by bats, consideration needs to be given to the likely impact on the population(s). Youâve accepted all cookies. Please also note it is your responsibility to return your licence reports and renew your licence, this doesn't happen automatically. 8 October 2013 . Capture/Kill Protected Wild Animals for Educational or Scientific Purposes are issued to allow for capture and To Mark or Ring Birds or Wild Animals cover marking. Updated version of application form added. Weâll send you a link to a feedback form. “The UK Wild Otter Trust has taken a pragmatic approach to otter predation in fenced fisheries, and now offers a practical, non-lethal, legal solution to owners of fenced fisheries. Donât include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Various Otter Ecology and Surveying 0.5 Day Online, Ecology Training UK 07818073660 ecologytraininguk@gmail.com www.ecologytraining.co.uk. In the vast majority of cases, no action is required. The domestic legislation that implements this directive gives strict protection to individual otters and their breeding and resting places. 3.5 The otter is currently protected under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act which includes England, Wales and Scotland. Guidance on managing woodlands with otter in England . You must report within 2 weeks of your licence expiring, even if youâve taken no action. Background. 2.2.3 Because otter avoid disturbance and are largely nocturnal, surveys usually have to be carried out by searching for otter field signs. This protection also extends to its holts. All bats are listed on Annex IV of the EU Habitats Directive. GUIDANCE . Version 2 . These details will be forwarded to your local NPWS Conservation Ranger who will, in due course, arrange to carry out a site visit to assess the situation. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Donât worry we wonât send you spam or share your email address with anyone. You may not need to pay for a licence if itâs: Natural England will send you an invoice when it approves your application. If you witness any incident (Level 1, 2 or 3), please help Sea Otter Savvy study disturbance and harassment of sea otters by completing our Disturbance Incident Report. Reliant on a diet consisting mainly of fish, otters occupy a range of wetland habitats including rivers, streams, lakes, marshes, ditches and coastal areas. The domestic legislation that implements this Directive gives strict protection to individual bats and their breeding and resting places. For further details and guidance on the protection of bats during development you are referred to Irish Wildlife Manual No 25: Kelleher, C. & Marnell, F. (2006) Bat mitigation guidelines for Ireland. 1 April 2015. Disturbance from noise, vibration and light spill. In the late 1950s and early 1960s otters underwent a sudden and catastrophic decline throughout much of Britain and Europe. A licence is not required to undertake surveys for otter where surveys use non-invasive techniques. Article 16 of the Habitats Directive provides for derogations. Course covers ecology, surveying and field signs. Otter are a European Protected Species (EPS). 2.2.2 Otter surveys were undertaken between March and July 2006. Natural England may also ask you to submit interim reports. If an otter resting site is present within 30m of a development site, then a derogation license under the Habitat Regulations is required if any disturbance is predicted. You must include your invoice number with your payment. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services. Updated version of application form added. The otter is a European protected species, fully protected under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended). As otter have no fixed breeding season, this period is considered to be optimal for identifying the features of importance to otter. REDUCERI FINALE de pana la -70%! This includes: If the application is for a phased or multi-plot development, you will need to provide: Natural England will decide whether to issue a licence within 30 working days of receiving your application. They will help you to apply for a licence from Changes in hydrology affecting habitat functioning and migration of fish. For more information on survey licences, see ‘ Applying for licences to undertake standard survey work on otters ’ and ‘Schedule 5 and 6 application form’. Different techniques exist to survey otter, the most commonly used of which is a detailed search for field signs. Your invoice will give payment method details. Disturbance caused by forest operations are again unlikely to be so severe as to constitute an offence unless a mother and her young are directly affected. This is not an official report to law enforcement, but is a vital part of our effort to collect detailed data on these incidents. version of this document in a more accessible format, please email, Otters: mitigation licence application form (A45), Charge screening form for A45 licence applicants, terms and conditions for paying for a wildlife licence, European protected species return form (LR13), Natterjack toads: apply for a mitigation licence (A44), Report your actions under a European protected species licence (LR13), Hazel dormice: apply for a mitigation licence (A35), Great crested newts: survey or research level 2 licence (CL09), Smooth snakes and sand lizards: apply for a mitigation licence (A46), Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Transparency and freedom of information releases, capturing, killing, disturbing or injuring them - on purpose or by not taking enough care, damaging or destroying their breeding or resting places - even accidentally, obstructing access to their resting or sheltering places - on purpose or by not taking enough care, a habitat management and maintenance plan, debit or credit card by telephone - except American Express. A survey licence is required: for invasive surveys using invasive techniques and equipment such as endoscopes to view inside holts. Where a proposed development will affect a site known to be used by otters, consideration needs to be given to the likely impact on the population. Capturing and marking bats for research purposes is covered by the Wildlife Acts (1976 and 2000). Brexit. Obtain a licence to allow otherwise unlawful activities. No disturbance – Otters are nocturnal and need quiet, undisturbed places to rest during the day. The pre-construction survey could reveal shelters/ roosts within the specified buffers as detailed in the paragraphs above. A survey licence is not required: for direct observation or for presence/absence surveys, Includes a video of a field visit to carry out a survey. Descopera acum noua colectie! Replaced otter licence application form A45 with revised version. You must report any actions you took using this licence on the European protected species return form (LR13). To help us improve GOV.UK, weâd like to know more about your visit today. We can advise on working methods and locations to minimise disturbance to otters. Background and purpose of document . Protection of Watercourses and Associated Species Drainage systems are to be designed so as to prevent otter … All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a A licence will be required whenever disturbance of otters or damage to their holts is likely to occur. The practice of hunting and trapping is now banned but the destruction of their habitats, human disturbance and falling water quality levels are a threat to the Irish otter … The otter is listed on Annex IV of the EU Habitats Directive. Discontinuity of flow from installation of culverts. Find out about the otter as a protected species.. You may need a licence to examine otter structures, use cameras near holts, or conduct research that might disturb otters. Any licence application will require a species protection plan with detailed mitigation proposals which may include measures such as the supervision of nearby works, the erection of exclusion fencing, and in some cases the construction of an artificial otter holt. Even when planning permission is given, or the activity does not require such permission, the wildlife legislation applies; otters and their breeding and resting places are still protected. Replaced otter licence application form A45 with revised version. Species Factsheet: The Otter (Lutra lutra) Conservation status Otters are strictly protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and cannot be killed, kept or sold (even stuffed specimens) except under licence. Holding a licence to work on protected species is a privilege and not a right. Licences for use of camera traps at a resting site (holt or couch) may be required if this would result in disturbance. VAT does not apply to charges for wildlife licences. Wildlife licence application forms Generate rich notes for meetings, interviews, lectures, and other important voice conversations with Otter, your AI-powered assistant. Added charge screening form and updated A45 licence application form. It is not necessary to obtain a licence to collect a dead otter (eg a road casualty) for the purpose of submitting it for post mortem as part of the Cardiff University Otter Project. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. You could be fined up to £5000 per offence and get up to six months in prison if you don't have a licence. 9. Apply for a licence to do development or other work that may affect otters and find out how to report your actions. Where techniques used to survey otter may result in direct disturbance of otters within a holt or a couch, a survey licence is required. This class licence also shows that protected species can be humanely managed in a … Government policy is that local planning authorities should consider such species when determining planning applications. Do you need to know whether a licence is necessary? A licence may be issued to allow a resting place to be destroyed (if one has been identified). Livrare rapida si retur gratuit la orice comanda. Licence Application Form. We use cookies to collect information about how you use GOV.UK. Natural England will assess your charge screening form and tell you: Read the terms and conditions for paying for a wildlife licence. The otter is listed on Annex IV of the EU Habitats Directive. The activities you can get a licence for vary from species to species. Peste 4500 modele de incaltaminte si genti. lone adult otter may move away from an area if forest operations are being undertaken. You must apply for a mitigation licence if your work will have impacts on otters that would otherwise be illegal. From 7 December 2020 you may need to pay for an A45 licence. By the 1970s, otters were restricted mainly to Scotland, especially the islands and the north-west coast, western Wales, parts of East Anglia and the West Country (though they remained common and widespread also in Ireland). Otter creates smart voice notes that combine audio, transcription, speaker identification, inline photos, and key phrases. Applicants will be required to justify their research and to prove competency to carry out the proposed investigations. The otter Lutra lutra is the largest member of the weasel family (Mustelidae) found in Britain. Disturbance. Even when planning permission is given, or the activity does not require such permission, the wildlife legislation applies; bats and their breeding and resting places are still protected. Otters,alongwiththeirbreedingandrestingplaces,are protectedundertheprovisionsoftheWildlifeAct,1976,as amendedbytheWildlife(Amendment)Act,2000.Otters disturbance and risk to species as detailed below: o 100m of known holts for Otters, 30m of known resting places; ... Licence to Disturb for Otter at the request of the Planning Inspectorate. Natural England accepts purchase orders. Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981(as amended) it … You will need a licence to take or disturb an otter, or damage or obstruct access to a breeding or resting place, in order to carry out any kind of research or detailed survey. 6 October 2014. First published. You may need to pay for an A45 licence. In all the devolved administrations of the UK, the otter is listed as a priority species. Disturbance and other impacts on protected species have to be carefully managed and may also need to be covered by a license. 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