He forgot the things which were behind, so as not to be content with past labours or present measures of grace. Later, in Epistle to Romans ( Romans 2:28 Romans 2:29 ), he goes farther, and claims the substance of it for every believer, assigning the shadow only of it to the unbelieving Jew. The reference of the immediate context is to sensuality, and carnality in general. touching the law--that is, as to legal status and strictness.
We don't put our trust in our weak human nature. Believers make Christ all in all, and set their hearts upon another world. We are the ones who are truly circumcised. Philippians 3:3 (CEBA)
In the Lord--marks the true ground of joy, in contrast with "having confidence in the flesh," or in any outward sensible matter of boasting ( Philippians 3:3 ). * Attained perfect maturity: possibly an echo of the concept in the mystery religions of being an initiate, admitted to divine secrets. ἡμεῖς γάρ ἐσμεν ἡ περιτομή, οἱ πνεύματι θεοῦ λατρεύοντες καὶ καυχώμενοι ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ καὶ οὐκ ἐν σαρκὶ πεποιθότες, For we are the Circumcision who worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh--. add a comment | 1 Answer Active Oldest Votes.
What is the book of 3 John? We are the [true] circumcised people [of God] because we serve God's Spirit and take pride in Christ Jesus. own righteousness .
whose god is their belly--( Romans 16:18 ); hereafter to be destroyed by God ( 1 Corinthians 6:13 ). evil workers--( 2 Corinthians 11:13 ), "deceitful workers." 1,485 2 2 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges. Book Notes Barnes' Book Notes Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Book Notes Robertson's Book Notes (NT) Commentaries Adam Clarke Barnes' Notes Forerunner Commentary Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown John Wesley's Notes Matthew Henry People's … for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh. See TRENCH [Greek Synonyms of the New Testament]. "Although I (emphatical) might have confidence even in the flesh." We are undone, without righteousness wherein to appear before God, for we are guilty. the power of his resurrection--assuring believers of their justification ( Romans 4:25 , 1 Corinthians 15:17 ), and raising them up spiritually with Him, by virtue of their identification with Him in this, as in all the acts of His redeeming work for us ( Romans 6:4 , Colossians 2:12 , 3:1 ). We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Philippians 3:4-6 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. Eternal life is the gift of God, but it is in Christ Jesus; through his hand it must come to us, as it is procured for us by him. thus minded--having the mind which he had described, Philippians 3:7-14 . Philippians 3:3 (CJB)
There is glory kept for the bodies of the saints, in which they will appear at the resurrection. Observe the power by which this change will be wrought. In his first recorded discourse ( Acts 13:39 ), circumcision is not named, but implied as included in the law of Moses which cannot justify. In the former, men trusted in something human, whether descent from the theocratic nation, or the righteousness of the law, or mortification of "the flesh" ("Having confidence," or "glorying in the flesh") [NEANDER] ( Romans 1:9 ). Shalom, I humbly submit for review consideration testing and sharpening. God wants His children to experience joy and to rejoice in Christ in all circumstances. 1 Paul and Timothy, servants 1 of Christ Jesus,. . The Book of Philippians has as its theme joy. May we be always prepared for the coming of our Judge; looking to have our vile bodies changed by his Almighty power, and applying to him daily to new-create our souls unto holiness; to deliver us from our enemies, and to employ our bodies and souls as instruments of righteousness in his service. The events around the birth of this church were dramatic. Hosea 4:7 seems to be referred to by Paul (compare Romans 1:32 ). King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse. Philippians 3:3 (NIV)
ἡμεῖς γάρ ἐσμεν ἡ περιτομή, οἱ πνεύματι θεοῦ λατρεύοντες καὶ καυχώμενοι ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ καὶ οὐκ ἐν σαρκὶ πεποιθότες, Philippians 3:3 (TMB)
See 1 Corinthians 9:24 , Hebrews 12:23 . 15:17; [Gal. 2 That I may know the power of Christ’s resurrection. 3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
(1-11) Expresses earnest desire to be found in Christ; also his pressing on toward perfection; and recommends his own example to other believers. Philippians 3:3, NLT: "For we who worship by the Spirit of God are the ones who are truly circumcised.
As to the holiness before God, which is the inner and truest spirit of the law, and which flows from "the righteousness of God by faith," he on the contrary declares ( Philippians 3:12-14 ) that he has not attained perfection. We don't place any confidence in physical things. The prophet calls the false prophets dumb dogs, ( Isaiah 56:10 ) ; to which the apostle seems to refer. Philippians 3:3-11 Righteousness Through Faith in Christ. 3 For # See Rom. Philippians 3:3 (SBLG)
either were already perfect--"or am already perfected," that is, crowned with the garland of victory, my course completed, and perfection absolutely reached.
We do not put trust in ourselves or anything we can do. Philippians 3:3 (NKJV)
Let us see what the apostle resolved to cleave to, and that was Christ and heaven. have. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.
The enemies of the cross of Christ mind nothing but their sensual appetites. There is a righteousness provided for us in Jesus Christ, and it is a complete and perfect righteousness. This is a great question as this contrasts between the true, spiritual circumcision, which is of the heart and the physical one, which was only an external sign or a seal. For we are the true circumcision, who worship God in spirit, and glory in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh. He had suffered the loss of all for the privileges of a Christian. Not a change of identity, but of fashion or form ( Psalms 17:15 , 1 Corinthians 15:51 ). The Inheritors of the Promises. They inherit great and precious promises. for we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God, and glory in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh: Philippians 3:3 (BBE)
11:18 though I myself have reason for 13. win--Translate, to accord with the translation, Philippians 3:7 , "gain Christ." rule, let us mind the same thing--omitted in the oldest manuscripts.
We put no confidence in human effort, For it is we who are the circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh—. For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh—. For some it is their church or their ministry.
The apostle was willing to do or to suffer any thing, to attain the glorious resurrection of saints. For we are the circumcision, who in spirit serve God and glory in Christ Jesus, not having confidence in the flesh. A man cannot make other things his "gain" or chief confidence, and at the same time "gain Christ." Nay, he not only counted them loss, but the vilest refuse, offals thrown to dogs; not only less valuable than Christ, but in the highest degree contemptible, when set up as against him. "He who thinks that he has attained everything, hath nothing" [CHRYSOSTOM]. There is a remarkable gradation, says BIRKS [Horæ Apostolicæ] in Paul's language as to circumcision. 12 I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. The church is a family. For *we* are the circumcision, who worship by [the] Spirit of God, and boast in Christ Jesus, and do not trust in flesh. Philippians 3:3-11 Exploring the Passage. Their numbers are rather a presumption against their being Christ's "little flock" ( Luke 12:32 ).
It is authored by Paul the Apostle, probably in the mid-50s or early 60s CE and addressed to the Christians in Philippi. Philippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ." Contrast "mark," or "observe," namely, so as to follow Philippians 3:17 . His reevaluation indicates the profound and lasting effect of his experience of the meaning of Christ on the way to Damascus some twenty years before (Gal 1:15–16; Acts 9:1–22). That He is "the Lord," now exalted above every name, assures our expectation ( Philippians 2:9-11 ). The Epistle to the Philippians, commonly referred to as Philippians, is a Pauline epistle of the New Testament of the Christian Bible.The epistle is attributed to Paul the Apostle and a co-author named Timothy, and is addressed to the Christian church in Philippi. Roman citizenship was then highly prized; how much more should the heavenly citizenship ( Acts 22:28 ; compare Luke 10:20 )? As Christ's glorified body was essentially identical with His body of humiliation; so our resurrection bodies as believers, since they shall be like His, shall be identical essentially with our present bodies, and yet "spiritual bodies" ( 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 ). For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. It is we, not they, who have received the true circumcision, for we worship God by means of his Spirit and rejoice in our life in union with Christ Jesus. for we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God, and glory in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh: For we are the circumcision, who give worship to God and have glory in Jesus Christ, and have no faith in the flesh: We are the circumcision. . 48:07. For we are the true circumcision, who worship God in spirit, and glory in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. 18. many walk--in such a manner. And it seems to me that if a legitimate alternate reading can be offered, based on the rules of grammar and exegesis, then Philippians 3:3 may not be the bedrock text some folk think it is. weeping--( Romans 9:2 ). Literally, "I having," but not using, "confidence in the flesh."
Jesus--omitted in the oldest manuscripts. The real believers are the ones the Spirit of God leads to work away at this ministry, filling the air with Christ's praise as we do it. We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. There is a significant contrast between the citizens of earth as described in Philippians 3:18-19 and the citizens of heaven as described in Philippians 3:20-21. b. As He bore all our sufferings ( Isaiah 53:4 ), so we participate in His. Philippians 3:7-9 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ… Psalm 105:3 Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD. Translate then, "Whereunto we have attained, let us walk on (a military term, march in order) in the same (the measure of knowledge already attained). "The high," or "heavenly calling," is not restricted, as ALFORD thinks, to Paul's own calling as an apostle by the summons of God from heaven; but the common calling of all Christians to salvation in Christ, which coming from heaven invites us to heaven, whither accordingly our minds ought to be uplifted. Beware--Greek, "Have your eye on" so as to beware of. Inference is not exegesis. rejoice in Christ Jesus--"make our boast in Christ Jesus," not in the law: the ground of their boasting. Faith is the appointed means of applying the saving benefit. asked Jul 28 '15 at 22:59. Philippians 3:6 eager to defend my religion Before Paul became a believer in Jesus as the Messiah, he thought it was his duty as a good Jew to oppose the Jews who had become Christ-followers. Philippians 3:3 3 For o we are the circumcision, p who worship q by the Spirit of God 2 and r glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh— Read more Share Copy 3. Philippians 3 New Living Translation (NLT) The Priceless Value of Knowing Christ. 1 Peter 5:4 , "a crown of glory that fadeth not away." What does Paul mean when he says we are to esteem others as better than ourselves in Philippians 2:3? glory is in their shame--As "glory" is often used in the Old Testament for God ( Psalms 106:20 ), so here it answers to "whose God," in the parallel clause; and "shame" is the Old Testament term contemptuously given to an idol ( Judges 6:32 , Margin). In the last section, Paul called us to “rejoice in the Lord”. even--not only to make the body like His own, but "to subdue all things," even death itself, as well as Satan and sin. It is we, not they, who have received the true circumcision, for we worship God by means of his Spirit and rejoice in our life in union with Christ Jesus.
We worship God by the power of his Spirit. 9. be found in him--"be found" at His coming again, living spiritually "in Him" as the element of my life. for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh, Philippians 3:3(NASB) Amplified® Darby I.S.V. Not only "have I counted" those things just mentioned "loss for Christ's sake, but, moreover, I even DO count ALL things but loss," &c. for the excellency--Greek, "On account of the surpassing excellency (the supereminence above them all) of the knowledge of Christ Jesus." A hard tone in speaking of the inconsistencies of professors is the very opposite of Paul's spirit, and David's ( Psalms 119:136 ), and Jeremiah's ( Jeremiah 13:17 ). I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith. 10. We are but pilgrims on earth; how then should we "mind earthly things?" We don't put our confidence in rituals performed on the body. Philippians 3:3. I counted--Greek, "I have counted for Christ's sake loss." ... Philippians 3:6(NASB) Picture courtesy of Tissot - Wikimedia Commons. Philippians 3:3 (WEB)
In contrast to our "body" ( Philippians 3:21 ), which our God, the Lord Jesus, shall "fashion like unto His glorious body." 14. high calling--literally, "the calling that is above" ( Galatians 4:26 , Colossians 3:1 ): "the heavenly calling" ( Hebrews 3:1 ). "The prize" is "the crown of righteousness" ( 1 Corinthians 9:24 , 2 Timothy 4:8 ). What Does Philippians 3:6 Mean?
beware of the evil workers, beware of those who mutilate the flesh! 3 Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, [] rejoice in the Lord. Verse Thoughts. 5. It is we, not they, who have received the true circumcision, for we worship God by means of his Spirit and rejoice in our life in union with Christ Jesus. For it is we who are the circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh—. . enemies of the cross of Christ--in their practice, not in doctrine ( Galatians 6:14 , Hebrews 6:6 , 10:29 ). If the apostle would have gloried and trusted in the flesh, he had as much cause as any man. V. They are a royal priesthood. The realization of the archetype of holiness through Christ contains the pledge that this shall be realized in all who are one with Him by faith, and are become the organs of His Spirit. In Epistle to Colossians ( Colossians 2:11 , 3:11 ), still later, he expounds more fully the true circumcision as the exclusive privilege of the believer. "The power of Christ's resurrection" ( Romans 1:4 ), ensures the believer's attainment of the "resurrection from the (rest of the) dead" (compare Philippians 3:20 Philippians 3:21 ). He did not hope to attain it through his own merit and righteousness, but through the merit and righteousness of Jesus Christ. The Philippian church was one of the first churches that Paul planted. For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. To “ rejoice in the flesh. `` possessed me Benjamin -- son Rachel. 3 speaks about Christ as our home, but for you it is a complete and perfect righteousness gain or! Speaks about Christ as the proper focus during times of suffering 's sake loss., stretched himself towards. 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