". ►Schlingtang Note that Imitater is called Imitator. chernobyl imitator. Humor. The difference between the two is the Imitator will show up as a black and white Tall-nut with a barrette, and then switch into that plant when planted. Imitater Pool: Hier kann er keine Upgrade Pflanzen imitieren. Durch Imitatoren kannst du in einem Level zwei Exemplare derselben Pflanze benutzen! https://plantsvszombies.fandom.com/wiki/Imitater_(PvZH)?oldid=2347497. What plants do you imitate? Außerdem benötigt er etwa 3 Sekunden um sich in die imitierte Pflanze zu verwandeln. When you select the Imitator, another menu of the same plants will pop up. His appearance is more reminiscent of his appearance in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Moderne: Mondblume ►Jalapeno ►Angsthasenpilz ►Feuer-Erbsenkanone However, I've heard a few people say they had a flowerpot, but I've never seen a screenshot. ►Melonapult ►Kokosnusskanone Imitater Fan. Tribe However, you are better off not using any bonus attacks instead, simply because Imitater has low strength, and you cannot play any other plant later as any tricks used to boost his strength will be wasted when he transforms into another plant. Hagelzuckererbsen verschießen gefrorene Erbsen, die den Zombies das Vorankommen erschweren. ►Sonnenpilz ►Guakodil However there's something about it that sort of disappointed me. There is not too much you can do against this card, unless he is not used in a one-turn combo. This is a very powerful card. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ►Grabfresser ►Eis-Drachenmäulchen Sonnenbohne ►Blumerang ►Blitzschilf ►Schattenlupfer {This site is still under construction}. Another good strategy is to use Biodome Botanist to make Imitater turn into a 1/1 plant, making him unable to turn into stronger plants. Tag: Erbsenkanone Sonnenblume Kirschbombe Wall-Nuss Kartoffelmine Hagelzuckererbse Schnapper Duplinator Nacht: Pustepilz Sonnenpilz Stinkpilz Grabfresser Hypnopilz Angsthasenpilz … Pfanzen gegen Zombies 2: It's About Time Bearbeiten. You can use Pecanolith to take advantage of its high health, making him better at fighting back. ►Geist-Peperoni What strategies? I've heard different stories on this. None Plants vs Zombies 2 Online New 3D Animation Trailer Please Subscribe! Personally, I guess: 1a) Imitator. Seerosenblatt Der Grabfresser wird in Pflanzen gegen Zombies 2: It's About Time nur im Alten Ägypten und im Mittelalter benötigt, da es sonst nirgendwo Gräber gibt. Almanac (not purchased) The competition of choosing Squash or Imitater to cost gems (from Plants vs. Zombies Facebook, August 13, 2015). ►Vergrößerungsgras ►Eigenthymian ►Stinkeblüte Note that it doesn't show plants like the Gatling Pea or Cob Cannon. ►Endurian Der Grabfresser kann auch nicht im Zen-Garten erscheinen, da er keine spezielle Fähigkeit durch Spezialdünger bekommt. 4 Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ►Kornapult Posted by. Traits hide. Plants Vs Zombies 2 PVZ Figures Plush Baby Staff Toy Stuffed Soft Doll (Cabbage Pult) Plants vs Zombies GW2 - 7" Super Brainz Plush. ►Saftling ►Sternenfrucht Rarity The Imitater, when planted, will appear as himself, but after three seconds (1.5 seconds in the DS version) he will transform into his copied form, and also has the disadvantage of being defeated while transforming. Then, pick the Imitator. Es gibt dann quasi ein Original und eine Imitation der kopierten Pflanze. ►Zedrate It can imitate the power of any plant and its Plant Food ability depends on the imitated plant. ►Schattenpilz However, you can remove him with a heavy-damaging card like Cakesplosion, or take advantage of his low strength by playing Rolling Stone on him. The copied form costs as much and behaves just like the original plant. Piratensee: Dach: ►Feldrübe It's so dark you can't even see your house. Zu bedenken ist aber auch dass der Imitator einen weiteren, eigenen Samenplatz benötigt. ►Elektro-Blaubeere The description likely refers to the fact that Imitater does not have any noticible offensive/defensive abilities on its own. Hier kann er keine Upgrade Pflanzenimitieren. Hier ist die Liste der Pflanzen in Pflanzen gegen Zombies 2: It's About Time Diese Übersicht zeigt alle verfügbaren Pflanzen im Spiel Pflanzen gegen Zombies. ►Mangold-Mangler Mittelalter: ►Kirschbombe ►Wall-Nuss Posted by. He can be used to his full potential if played in a lane with Pair Pearadise and a powerful plant such as Kernel Corn is played in another one. However, he can stil be Conjured by him. save. Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neigbourville, https://pflanzen-gegen-zombies.fandom.com/wiki/Imitator?oldid=11208. Buying the Imitater. In der Zeit vor der Verwandlung hat er nicht die Eigenschaften von z.B. ►Erdbeerbömbchen Wehblatt Download PvZ: http://www.popcap.com/plants-vs-zombi... Help King Raber Reach 4 000 Subscribers! ►Stinkpilz Günstige Plants vs Zombies Fanartikel bei LadenZeile.de - Große Auswahl Top Marken Stark reduziert Die neusten Trends Preise vergleichen und online bestellen! However, the copied version will have th… ►Hypnopilz Besonderheit: kann jede andere Pflanze imitieren. He does not have any traits, and his ability transforms him into the next plant played or made, excluding another Imitater. 3 years ago. ►Urzeit-Wall-Nuss ►Stachelstein Log In Sign Up. ►Zunderholz Der Imitator ist eine Kartoffel mit dem Aussehen eines Pantomimen. This subreddit is for everything related to 3rd person PvZ Shooters: Plants vs Zombies: Battle for … Press J to jump to the feed. ►Magnetpilz Ferne Zukunft: ►Knoblauch ►Stinkpilz Dead4Left 11 years ago #1. He is based on the plant in Plants vs. Zombies and Plants vs. Zombies 2 with the same name. Der Imitator kommt inPflanzen gegen Zombies vor und in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Plants vs. Zombies is a tower defense and strategy video game developed and originally published by PopCap Games for Windows and OS X in May 2009, and ported to consoles, handhelds, mobile devices, and remastered versions for personal computers. ►E.M. 5. ►Intensiv-Karotte You will end up with four of the same plant. Dies ist die Liste aller Pflanzen in Pflanzen gegen Zombies. 1 1. comments. However, pulling this off is extremely tricky and not worth the cost, unless the zombie hero does not disrupt the formation. ►Eispilz Tag: ►Unend-Nuss ►Jalapeno Pflanzen gegen Zombies 2: It's About Time. Imitated explosives will exp… share. The Imitater transforms notably faster in this game. If your opponent uses Imitater to have many of the same type of plant on the field, Extinction Event can weaken or outright destroy them all. Wir hatten Mumm. ►Friemel But avoid doing this if the plant has a strong "When played" ability like Astro Vera, or else they will play it again. 1 ►Sternfrucht ►Erbsenhülse ►Doppelsonnenblume Cost imitator is absolutely crucial to many strategies and they wouldn't work without him, which is why he has always been considered a top tier plant. When asked the secret to fighting zombies, Imitater replied: "...." Truly a master of his craft. ►Hypnopilz User account menu. Plants vs Zombies 2 reveals that during the events when Dave, Penny and the Player reach Modern Day, the timeline's already going bonkers, to the point where Dr. Zomboss tries to make them stop destabilizing the timeline with a taco in a waffle. ►Maiskanone, Haus des Spielers: It seems the poll lists a three way tie between Gold Bloom, Power Lily and Imitator. Meerpilz Imitater vs Power Lily. Sunflower. ►Blumentopf Pustepilz Abilities User account menu. ►Krötenpilz For instance, let's say that you select the Gatling Peashooter as a plant the Imitator can change into. ►Granatenapfel Hmmmm. ►Süßkartoffel When you play a Plant, this transforms into a copy of that Plant. ►Schnapper Altes Ägypten: It turns into the first plant it meets. More Auditions http://bit.ly/1uNpiTpClick Here To Subscribe! Die imitierte/kopierte Pflanze hat ein weißes Aussehen. Plants vs. Zombies; Flowerpot in Zen Garden. 1 Verwendung von Pflanzen 2 Pflanzenarten 3 Upgrade Pflanzen 4 Spezialpflanzen… Close. I always fall back on XarXee's Poll of Premium Preferences. 3) Power Lily. He costs 3 to play and has 1/4. Bei Plants vs. Zombies 2 wird nur das Samenpaket weiß. Wilder Westen: Wenn gerade keine Aktion läuft sind das 2,69 €. ►Powerlilie TavasHome Plants vs Zombies Plush Toy Set Pack of 3 pcs, 30cm/12'' Bandit Zombie , 25cm/10'' Egg Pusher Imp , 30cm/12'' Mummy Zombie , Stuffed Plush Gift. Back in the original, the Imitator had essentially the same function, however the plants that he copied were monochrome in order to signify that they were actually the Imitator. ►Lava-Guave ===== 2.4.9 | Stage 4-10 ===== ZOMBIES: o Normal Zombie o Conehead Zombie o Buckethead Zombie o Ducky Tube Zombie o Jack-in-the-Box Zombie o Balloon Zombie o Pogo Zombie RECOMMENDED PLANTS: o None LANES: 6 o Uppermost Lane o Upper Lane o Upper Pool o Lower Pool o Lower Lane o Lowermost Lane THIS IS IT.. ►Kiwibiest ►Hagelzuckererbse ►Nachtschatten ►Urzeit-Sonnenblume ►Hochwall-Nuss ►Elektro-Ribisel ►Lenkdistel Riesenwellenstrand: ►Stachelkraut However, you're better off with planting Pecanolith after Imitater because Pecanolith is very powerful, unless you want to play a plant like Astro Vera. Imitater is a colossal super-rare plant card in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Kabloom class. Hochwall-nuss oder der Kirschbombe der Fall. Bei Pflanzen gegen Zombies wird die Pflanze und das Samenpaket (welches dann die imitierte Pflanze abbildet) weiß. Set ►Bananenwerfer ►Ringelblume Der Imitator ist vor allem hilfreich wenn die Aufladezeit einer nützlichen Pflanze lange dauert. The Imitater is a potato spud mime which can mimic any plant (except itself). ►Hagelzuckererbse Melonapult ►Hochwall-Nuss ►Wintermelone Upgrades: ', Der Imitator ist hier eine Premiumpflanze und kostet Echtgeld. ►Knallerbse I am pretty done with the levels themselve, Plants are mainly max lvl 3, and … Press J to jump to the feed. ►Kornapult 2 hours ago. Premium: Imitator ►Kaktee ►Wall-Nuss Er dient dazu, jeden beliebigen Pflanzensamen zu kopieren und damit die Aufladezeit letztendlich doppelt so kurz zu halten. ►Kaffeebohne Plants vs Zombies Wiki: Welcome. ►Goldmagnet Super-Rare Der Imitator ist in Pflanzen gegen Zombies für 30.000 €/$ in Deppie Daves Laden erhältlich. Imitator is an extremely useful plant that gives you a chance to survive far higher in endless mode. ►Schlingtang ►Drachenmäulchen ►Matschkürbis Then pick the plant you wanted to imitate. Roter Stachler ►Sonnenblume User Info: Dead4Left. For Plants vs. Zombies on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I dont understand the imitator, could someone explain? Health Seerosenblatt ►Blühendes Herz So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. ►Aloe report. Neon-Mixtape-Tour: Fette Beete It cannot turn into: Aquatic Plants (Due to no Ducky variant of this zombie.) Er kann das im Level mit jeder Pflanze machen, aber sich nicht selber imitieren. Root Mime Plant $5 (Redesign Normal size) Imitater is a plush that is based of its PvZ2 appearance, although it has two arms instead of multiple roots. It will show you a screen of all your plants. Plants vs. Zombies Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You can use him to have two of the same plant on the field. Pfirsich You just select a plant and the Imitator will change into that plant when you place it on the field. Damn :-). ►Knoblauch ►Doppelsonnenblume When asked the secret to fighting zombies, Imitater replied: "...." Truly a master of his craft. The Imitater is a premium plant that can be purchased for $4.99, USD ($2.99, USD prior to the 5.9.1 update). Hope I helped! His appearance is more reminiscent of his appearance in Plants vs. Zombies 2. 'Damals hatten wir nicht diese schicken Erbsenkanonen und Jalapenos. ►Schirmblatt Verlorene Stadt: The Imitator is kinda tricky to use. When you play a Plant, this transforms into a copy of that Plant. Since he is a mime card, you can boost him and make him perform bonus attacks without worrying about Gargantuar Mime also performing bonus attacks. Due to his ability, once Imitater is on the field, do not play any cheap or weak plants first as he will transform into a weak plant, wasting the best of his ability. ►Katzenschwanz ►Stinkmorchel A waffle taco. ►Triplinator You must rely on the lightning … ►Matschkürbis Pflanzen in Pflanzen gegen Zombies. Der Imitator hat französisches Theater an der Julienne studiert und als Straßenkünstler seine "Kartoffel in der Kiste"- Technick perfektioniert. ►Duplinator chernobyl imitator. Besonderheit: kühlt getroffene Zombies herunter ►A.K.E.E 3 ►Schrumpf-Veilchen Kohlapult ►Paprikatapult 5. Imitater vs Power Lily. Statistics Erbsenkanone After selecting, he will take up a slot as the imitated plant in a melancholy gray. ►Bowlingknolle ►Chilibohne Preferably, you will want to use him with plants that have powerful "When played" abilities like Dandy Lion King, or powerful plants in general like Grapes of Wrath. Vorlage:InfoboxIn Plants vs. Zombies 2 ist sie eine Premium Pflanze und kostet Echtgeld (5,49 €), hat aber die gleichen Eigenschaften.. Eintrag im Lexikon [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]. Selecting the Imitater's seed packet causes it to imitate the previous seed selected, making it impossible to bring an Imitater plant without the regular version. ►Urzeit-Katoffelmine ►Pustepilz Vorlage:Infobox ►Knallerbse ►Unheilspilz Strength Colossal ►Sonnenblume ►Pusteblume. ►Duplinator Heiße Kartoffel ►Zunderholz PvZ2 Question. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ►Pack Choi Erbsenkanone And whatever you do, never play this card in Mushroom Grotto or if Solar Winds is on the field and you finished your play for the turn, as he will simply turn into a weak plant. 11 months ago. Do note that Evolution abilities will not activate, even if the original plant is Evolved. Jurassisches Moor: Urzeit-Erbsenkanone Der Duplinator ist die stärkste Pflanze im Alten Ägypten Im Gegensatz zur Ersbenkanone ist sein Helm bei Vergabe von Spezialdünger blau. ►Wasabi-Peitsche ►Erbs-Nuss Class ►Schnapper ►Kürbis If the plant Imitater turns into has a high cost, you can Bounce it to prevent the card from appearing for another turn, and the plant hero will have to spend the full cost of it. 'Ich erinnere mich noch an den Zombie-Krieg von '76...' sagt Imitator mit brüchiger Rentnerstimme. Close. Grabfresser ►Traubenschuss einer Hochwall-Nuss und kann leicht von großen Horden von Zombies gefressen werden. Advertisement showing that the plant is over 60% off. Pflanzen gegen Zombies Wiki ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. ►Kaktee $15.99. ►Stachelstein ►Magnetpilz 1b) Gold Bloom. ►Kohlapult MG-Erbse Humor. In Plants vs. Zombies, the player takes the role of a homeowner in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Nebel: ►Zwierbel He is based on the plant in Plants vs. Zombies and Plants vs. Zombies 2 with the same name. PvZ2 Question. ►Ringelblume It also has a green beret. ►Imitator ►Wehblatt His mime tribe is the first tribe to stretch between both plants and zombies, specifically between him and Gargantuar Mime. Plants vs. Zombies 2 [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]. TavasHome Plants vs Zombies Plush Toy Set Pack of 3 pcs, 30cm/12'' Bandit Zombie , 25cm/10'' Egg Pusher Imp , 30cm/12'' Mummy Zombie , Stuffed Plush Gift 4.8 out of 5 stars 35. ►Hurrikohl ►Eisbergsalat On most versions of the original Plants vs. Zombies, the plant will appear monochrome (silver) colored. On the iOS and Android versions, the Imitater version is the same color as the regular plant. Plants vs Zombies 2 Bearbeiten. While Imitater does synergize with Starch-Lord due to his root tribe, the boost he gets will be meaningless as Imitater's purpose is to transform; the only instance this boost becomes useful is when you don't have enough sun to play your desired plant, or if Imitater turns into a root. ►Stachelkraut The thing I most understand is that for Zen Garden, you can get all the plants except Upgrades and the Flowerpot. ►Wintermelone ►Lauer-Sellerie ►Kartoffelmine ►Parfümpilz ►Sprengnuss It can be used to effectively cut the recharge time of plants in half, although it takes up a seed slot. An advertisement for Imitater, getting it for 159 gems in a limited time. So I got the Imitator a few days ago and I've been playing around with it. ►Kartoffelmine The Imitater Zombie takes 300 hits. Konkret ist das Zum Beispiel bei der Wall-nuss bzw. I just like imitater plants more. Put your feet up, while you're at it, why not play a game of PvZ while you read through this wiki and learn the plants' awesome abilities and the zombies' weaknesses. ►Laserbohne Vorlage:Infobox ►Rotorübe Der Imitator ist in Pflanzen gegen Zombies für 30.000 €/$ in Deppie Daves Laden erhältlich. ►Kirschbombe Federbohne ►Triplinator (a waco!) ►Sporenpilz 4 4. Log In Sign Up. Imitater is a pun of Tater and the word "Imitator". Since he is quite tanky, he is pretty difficult to destroy. Epischer Auftrag: Goldblüte Frostbeulen-Höhlen: Nacht: ►Sonnenpilz Mumm und einen Löffel. ►Fluchtwurzel ►Goldblatt Archived. ►Pflanterne Garden, you can get all the Plants except Upgrades and the word Imitator. Und eine Imitation der kopierten Pflanze brüchiger Rentnerstimme Kiste '' - Technick.... And Imitator Wall-nuss bzw erscheinen, da er keine spezielle Fähigkeit durch Spezialdünger bekommt, getting it 159... That it does n't show Plants like the Gatling Peashooter as a plant, this into. 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