UNISON believes that schools should permit and encourage staff and eligible pupils to use the app, following the DfE guidance. The DfE guidance also states that any members of staff who have helped someone with symptoms, or pupils who have been in close contact with them, do not need to self-isolate unless: they develop symptoms themselves; if the symptomatic person subsequently tests positive; or if they have been requested to do so by NHS Test and Trace. In the worst-case scenario, there are legal rights to unpaid leave in some cases. A.R.I.A. When calling this number members should have their UNISON membership number to hand. UK wide and England-specific updates will be placed on this page. In many schools September re-opening should see a return to previous practice. DfE guidance does allow for settings to reduce capacity when staffing is a problem. Join UNISON (Health and social care students) £ 0.00 View more details about "Join UNISON (Health and social care students)" Find out how to contact UNISON via our helpline, which is open from 6am to midnight weekdays, and 9am to 4pm on Saturdays. Non-employment legal advice UNISON has set up a new direct phone number to our legal services provider Thompsons to make it quick and easy to access our wider range of legal services. With smaller class/bubble sizes and the promised speeding up of test results this would be a sensible measure to reduce the potential spread of the virus across the school, hopefully preventing the need for a full closure of the school. UNISON RESEARCH. Get Free Course Advice and Support Please provide your details and one of our specialist course advisors will contact you shortly Risk assessments should decide whether PPE is necessary. Staff should not be asked to provide their own cleaning materials, solutions or equipment at any time. Please see UNISON’s PPE guide for more details. As UNISON members face new unprecedented challenges in the workplace, Scotland in UNISON asked three front line workers what the changes, challenges and positives have been for them in responding to the pandemic. See section 8, ‘keeping occupied spaces well ventilated’ of the Dfe guidance for more information. If you are asked to work on-site and you’re not happy, or if you’re asked to work from home and struggling with childcare, our advice remains: Please make sure you talk to your line manager about your concerns. La Unison Research è stata fondata nel 1987 da un gruppo di appassionati audiofili, guidati da Giovanni Maria Sacchetti. Staffing is likely to be reduced due to some needing to shield or isolate, or who might be ill themselves. We are calling for a review of the size of so called ‘bubbles’ and restricting further the number of children in these groups. This is generic advice concerning the latest situtation. The DfE latest advice states that all children and young people with an EHC Plan are vulnerable. UNISON helps its members resolve problems or issues related to work and home. Only cleaning staff should be asked to carry out a deep clean of a school or particular area within the school. The Branch support line is available from YMLAEN-Forward UNISON Branch and is able to give urgent advice to all of our members across Wales. All you need to get your campaign started. Contact your local UNISON branch immediately if you are required to work without a risk assessment being carried out. Your school should review, update and consult you on its risk assessment as new restrictions are announced. Teaching assistants may also be deployed to lead groups or cover lessons, under the direction and supervision of a qualified, or nominated, teacher (under the Education (Specified Work) (England) Regulations 2012 for maintained schools and non-maintained special schools and in accordance with the freedoms provided under the funding agreement for academies). View more details about "The temporary register - guidance for overseas nurses. Many special and AP schools will also have higher numbers of vulnerable children and behaviour issues. The DfE guidance says most staff in education settings don’t need Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) beyond what is required for their normal work and that it is only needed in a small number of cases. La Unison Research è stata fondata nel 1987 da un gruppo di appassionati audiofili, guidati da Giovanni Maria Sacchetti. If you are in this group the NHS will write to you with advice by 29 March with advice on “shielding” which is a way of protecting very vulnerable people from the virus. UNISON is working with others to apply maximum pressure on the government to change the system. e-Careers login to your account. January 2021." For more information about your rights at work please visit our dedicated web page. If you are clinically extremely vulnerable you should work from home or stay at home on full pay where you cannot work from home. One team – Us 2 For cleaning staff, a risk assessment and training should be conducted and appropriate personal protective (PPE) equipment provided by the employer before any deep cleaning is carried out. UNISON does not believe that it is either possible or appropriate for a special school, college or alternative provision to be able to remain open to all pupils whilst ensuring the health and safety of pupils, carers and staff during the lockdown. We are taking these messages to the DfE and continue to urge them to change their position on keeping early years settings open. That is why we are calling on schools to carry out role-based risk assessments. Devolution means that guidance may be different across the four UK countries and updates may be announced at different times. During this time many staff have stretched the boundaries of their job roles to help schools out while vulnerable colleagues were forced to stay away from work or while other colleagues were re-assigned to other areas. Rather, pupils should carry out a pre-prepared exercise under supervision. If you are instructed to carry out deep cleaning duties and you are not employed as a cleaner you should make clear to your manager that this is not your role. Before you … Join UNISON and get essential cover wherever you work. A risk assessment is the combined effort of identifying and analysing potential hazards and dangers that may negatively impact individuals. Instructions should also be given on the use of any specialist equipment such as steamers for sanitising equipment, fixtures and fittings within the school. UNISON believes that contractors should comply with the same procedures as the school in this emergency, otherwise this could undermine attempts to reduce the spread of virus. After continued lobbying from UNISON, the Government has now confirmed that all education and childcare workers have priority access to testing. We use cookies on our website to ensure you find the information you need in the simplest way. School employers have a legal duty to make sure that a risk assessment has been undertaken to identify the measures needed to reduce the risks from coronavirus (COVID-19) so far as is reasonably practicable and make the school COVID-secure. online and other home learning resources. The government have advised clinically extremely vulnerable people to shield during this lockdown. Where HLTAs are deployed to lead classes, they should be provided with enough time, within their contracted hours, in which to plan and prepare, including opportunities to liaise with class teachers. All children should be educated in the setting that is most appropriate to their needs. After the tireless efforts of UNISON branches, reps and members, the government has finally closed most schools to all except vulnerable and key workers’ children. UNISON believes that schools should undertake an individual risk assessment for any staff member who requests one, for example if they or someone they live with is in a vulnerable group (please see separate FAQ on vulnerable and higher risk groups). Schools should not use rooms which lack adequate ventilation, for example due to windows which cannot open. Find out more about cookies and how we use them. UNISON is concerned that DfE advice for September states that bubbles can potentially be as large as entire year groups and that staff can move between classes and year groups. Unison Health Insurance Company provides a membership services toll free line that is staffed Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. From the beginning our goal has been to provide enjoyment through listening to music . See our detailed advice. Download UNISON guidance for special schools/colleges and alternative provision. Your School should supply the necessary equipment to enable you to work from home as illness and caring duties permit and accept that some staff may have to be at home on full pay where such work cannot be found. Unisonway. Some children and young people feel extremely anxious about coming into school/college in the current climate and should not be required to do so. Contact the branch for further advice. The DfE has failed to provide any scientific advice for the different treatment of early years settings. Government guidance outlines the key workers who must remain active to deliver this education provision in England, which includes childcare, support and teaching staff, social workers and specialist education professio… Join UNISON (Health and social care students) £ 0.00 View more details about "Join UNISON (Health and social care students)" If small classes/bubbles continue, then ideally the allocated teaching assistant should provide this cover. This must be provided by the employer ensuring it meets the relevant certification requirements, is cleaned and maintained, and staff are trained in its use. In addition, this period should not be recorded as sickness absence and should not therefore be counted against your sickness absence entitlement or used as part of any other procedure i.e. In UNISON’s view, it is unsafe for you to attend the workplace at present if your school is fully opened to all pupils. by dedicated school transport, they mean services that are used only to carry pupils to school. Please ensure your school has a copy. Updated commentary on government guidance and checklist to support school risk assessments. Please contact your local UNISON branch for further advice and support. If women are disadvantaged because their employer does not agree to reasonable flexible working arrangements to allow them to balance work and childcare, they may be able to claim indirect sex discrimination if reasonable attempts to resolve the matter individually or collectively do not resolve the issue. Fast turnaround testing is vital and it is important that staff, parents and unions are alerted to any positive tests as early as possible to look out for others who might show symptoms. They too should be supported by a teaching assistant. Addis Ababa Ethiopia +251-951-084908. Where bubbles/small classes remain, the school must do a risk assessment to ensure that any adjustment to ‘normal’ routine and/or staff moving between classes/bubbles does not increase risks. If you have any concerns about your working environment please contact your branch for further advice. In addition, many schools have already committed to continue full pay for agency staff, in line with directly employed staff, during the entire health emergency. UNISON continues to raise this with government. UNISON is also calling on school employers to require contractors to pay full sick pay and the real Living Wage as a minimum as part of our Clean Schools, Safer Schools campaign. A.R.I.A. Note you may also be able to access financial support from the charity if you need it. UNISON welcomes this change as wearing face coverings will protect drivers and other transport users. If you have issues with your employer, please raise them with your UNISON rep or local branch for advice and assistance. Statement on government announcement that schools and nurseries in England will remain open during the forthcoming lockdown, Letter from Jon Richards, UNISON head of education, about important issues that need addressing for schools and colleges to operate safely, School Food Plan Alliance checklist for COVID-19, UNISON head of education writes to Gavin Williamson asking why support staff have been ignored in government guidance and praise. Aberdeenshire UNISON home care member Shona Craig describes how things have changed for her since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Please see UNISON’s Cymru/Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland websites at the links above for further information on restrictions in these countries. UNISON believes that working from home will also be the safest option for other employees with underlying vulnerabilities or who live with people who are clinically vulnerable. One of the main issues across all schools that are still open is the government’s new and wider definition of ‘vulnerable children’ which means in some schools we are seeing larger numbers of pupils attending school than in the first lockdown in March. Agency staff will, alongside other school-employed staff, play a vital role and UNISON is arguing that you should be kept on full pay during this period. Schools in Northern Ireland will have an ‘extended period of remote learning’. Support for family and friends of deceased members, Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2019. UNISON has produced FAQs about your rights at work during the coronavirus crisis. PPE such as disposable gloves, aprons and medical grade face masks must be made available following a risk assessment and where it is not possible to implement government guidance on social distancing. We are also concerned at the potential increased risk to school staff whose roles mean social distancing will be extremely difficult, (if not impossible) for example those supporting pupils with medical needs, or carrying out one-to-ones or group work. The arrangements adopted by schools for minimising contact and maintaining social distancing are vital for staff and student safety. Together, you can. Q. Contact the Local Health Protection Team for advice and support, Provide the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including appropriate face masks for those responsible for decontaminating the school. We will continue to place pressure on the Government and employers to ensure this. You can also contact Education Support, which offers a free 24/7 helpline with fully trained counsellors on hand to listen. Should my school keep open its windows to reduce the risk of infection spreading? UNISON provides its members with a range of legal services and has entered into arrangements with Thompsons Solicitors to give branches access through the UNISONScotland office to local high quality employment advice. Our clear position is that only suitably experienced teaching assistants should be asked to lead classes and then only in situations known about in advance, for example where a teacher is working from home due to being in a vulnerable group, and where another teacher is unavailable. This includes ensuring that safe ratios are met, and/or specific training undertaken, for any interventions or care for pupils with complex needs where specific training or specific ratios are required.”. We are therefore urging school leaders and headteachers to implement the following measures to protect pupils and staff from the new Covid strain: In special schools and alternative provision it will not be possible, or even appropriate, for every child to receive face-to-face provision every day. Under normal circumstances, schools are required to put additional staff into their timetable to ensure that teaching continues during PPA time. One area where there is currently confusion is “face-coverings” vs “face masks”. UNISON’s promise to you: you or your family member will keep 100 per cent of the compensation you secure from your claim. The DfE’s guidance has a section called ‘Prevention’ which specifically deals with this. This is in line with the NJC Green Book (guidance which covers the overwhelming majority of schools) which states that employers should be fully supportive of employees with childcare responsibilities and consider flexible working arrangements including working from home; adapting working patterns to care for children or dependants; or taking time off, whether this is special leave, annual leave or flexible working. The temporary register – guidance for overseas nurses. UNISON’s advice is that you should explain your situation to your employer, and we would expect your employer to be reasonable in accommodating your circumstances. It enables our members without a local rep to access advice from a trained UNISON representative. COVID: schools and early years advice. has already been purchased, you can access this purchase via the ‘Downloads’ button below. This is different to the advice that the DfE issued in previous lockdowns. Schools should ensure regular cleaning throughout the school day and support cleaning staff including via additional paid hours and hiring additional cleaning staff where necessary. The DfE has stated that it believes, ‘Early years settings remain low risk environments for children and staff. This will include Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves and appropriate cleaning solutions along with instructions. UNISON is concerned that the very limited measures in the DfE guidance mean social distancing in schools will realistically be very difficult and very little PPE will be provided. UNISON believe that head teachers and school staff should work closely with parents to establish what is best for the child/young person given the numbers of staff and resources available in the school setting. On 5 Jan, both England and Scotland went into lockdown. +39 0422 633547 Fax +39 0422 633550 P.Iva 02741420240 Cleaning chemicals should conform to the Chemical Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) and be provided by the employer. Advanced Research in Audio via Barone, 4 31030 Dosson di Casier (Treviso) ITALY Tel. UNISON believes that all staff should be allowed to test as early as possible after suspected contamination, as this will limit potential cross infection. However we are in dialogue with the Department for Education and await updated guidance on these settings, which we will respond to and update members as soon as possible. Early years settings, including nurseries, will remain open to all children during the lockdown. In schools where there have been a high number of cases of children needing to isolate, there may have been a downturn in demand for school meals due to fewer children buying them. The advice from the Department for Education states that most, if not all, pupils attending special schools/colleges and alternative provision are classed as vulnerable and should therefore be receiving a face-to-face education, if appropriate. This applies if the setting either closes, or remains open but at reduced capacity. DfE guidance states that schools must consider the following when planning school transport services from September: The above applies to coaches and minibuses picking up the same pupils each day, as well as services which are used by different pupils on different days, including pupils with SEND. As a result, schools will have fewer protective measures in place to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 than most other workplaces. Please also see the FAQs in the section below called ‘Special schools/colleges and alternative provision’. Is to minimise the risk of infection not be required to do so updated or and... 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