Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Elisha, the next generation, had to deal with Jezebel. I am pouring out My multiplication anointing. President Trump wants his supporters there on the 6th thinking it will be a celebration but instead it could very well be devastating! The warrior Jesus, the one we see in Revelations is out and about!!! GSI facilitates other ministries and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Woo Hoo! In other words, the Religiousness mindset must end. It’s Time to Shift Our Focus Towards Divine Change. PROPHETIC WORD FOR 2021 12/17/2020 Comments Listen to the 2021 Podcast Dear Friends, As I prayed about this coming year, 2021, I heard a proclamation in the Spirit: “We have liftoff! This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve worldwide. We call on the Jehus to arise up with passion and say, “Who’s with me! LET THE CHURCH ROAR Jericho March TODAY Washington, D.C. December 12, 2020, Latest Visions and Prayer to Move Mountains in America, Operation Valkyrie DECREE – Dutch Sheets, 12/01/20, [Updated 12/21] Election Results by Christmas? We position ourselves in right alignment, in the right gifting, with what you have told us to do. You have to make it a decree, “I am going beyond that war!”, Now, one of our goals today is to get in the heavens. The one senator Tubervile was going to represent us, but dirty McConnell talked him out of it! Required fields are marked *. It will be a year of breakout into the fullness of maturity for the saints prepared for the times. This is a prophetic word for January 2021, focusing on the year of 2021. Whatever you speak will have more authority and it will be fruitful. Be intentional with warring over the Word God has given. Your email address will not be published. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We should pray for his protection and for every hint of ‘swamp’ to be brought to light and weeded out… so that God can accomplish His full agenda in our nation. Shake you leg! Dreams Prove True: COVID-19 Came From Lab Says Chinese Virologist, Amanda Grace: Vision of Dragon and Defeating Powers of Darkness in Prayer (Sep 7), Spirit Code: Exploring the Biblical Matrix, WARNING: GOD’S JUDGMENT UPON AMERICA (and one wing, in particular), Jesus Reveals the Souls of All Who Face Him, New Page on Faith and Fasting: Dreams and Visions for America, Dreams – Destructive Injustice Leads to Spiritual Renewal, Florida Under Water? He wants to continue getting money from his china buddies at our expense! Ultimately, though, it makes me realize only the Lord can stop the injustice and restore truth and righteousness in our election and beyond. Those in the “church” that simply cannot get past that are going to miss a really exciting time of GOD moving spectacularly in the world for the sake of bringing justice and salvation!! He drove into Samaria. Whatever you lay your hands on will be blessed. Service Times CHILDREN'S CHURCH SERVICES (Kruis-Kidz) Sunday Morning: 09:00 (Afr) Sunday Morning: 11:15 (Eng) Sunday Evening: 18:00 (Bilingual) (Not during school holidays) Dienstye CHILDREN'S CHURCH SERVICES For those who refuse, there will be trouble. Prophetic Word for The Next 3 Years! He has to confront it. He was not turning back. [To skip all the intro stuff and go directly to the main message, begin around 17-18 minutes or so into the video.]. It says, ‘he drives like a mad man!’ He was intent on his goal. Declarations & Decrees: God Almighty is Shaking All Nations. Where your wings have been clipped, decree that new feathers are coming on you.”, “In looking at the Words for this year, it was really interesting, because Ahab, Jezebel, Elijah and Elisha, are all ‘allick’(?) He even told all of Jezebel’s people he had come over to Baal worship, and gathered them all together — then killed them all. Prophetic Word for the 7th of January 2021 - Cup of trembling A cup will be presented to you. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. Peter and Doris Wagner complete the leadership team of this new wineskin. The cup of trembling is here. And what is keeping me in the swamp is letting go of my leg! We want the false prophets down! So it took two generations aligning together in order for Jezebel to come down. Dream: Modern Liberalism a Diet of Pastries, Dream: Warning or Prophecy of Destruction from Search for Anti-Matter, Dream: A Destructive Group Follows a Death, Remembering American History on National Day of Prayer 2020. I decree right now, we’re going to let You LORD, do Your Work, to set in place — it will not be sweet little Christian people in place, doing all this stuff — and you are going to have to be able to discern it when you see it. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. “Now I think these were incredible concepts that were for The Kingdom of God. Tell your feet, “You are coming off the earth!”, Tell you mind, “You are coming off the earth!” Tell your brain, “Let go!” That, “You’re going up today!”. For those who heed this word there will be untold blessings. Go to work. I told a friend recently, we should remember He is “the Great Physician”. © His Kingdom Prophecy, The Academy of Light – Prophetic Magazine, What The LORD is Saying Today — January 2021, What The LORD is Saying Today — December 2020, What The LORD is Saying Today — November 2020, What The LORD is Saying Today — October 2020, Tell somebody, “I’m getting out of this swamp!”. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Sid Roth, Robin Bullock – 12/01/20, Victory Coming for the Church and America: Dutch Sheets 11/21/20, Mario Murillo: Did the Prophets Fail by Forecasting Trump Will Win? Prophetic Word for January 2021 – Discerning Your Season MOP 2021-01-01 MOP / January 1, 2021 / 28 / 5k 20 Shares Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Happy New Year!!! Now you are going to have to confess that right now. Sid Roth with Tracy Cooke and Kevin Zadai. 2020 A Bumpy Year Forewarned in October 2019. You are just going to say “I think that is God right there — that just took that person out!”, Now, let it go! IMPORTANT Prophetic Insight on Election. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. But the Spirit pressed this word into my thoughts, and I think the timing must be appropriate. “Who is with me? Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. We’re with You!”. It … Oh, God, we pray, “Let justice run down like water and righteousness like a flowing stream…” (Amos 5:24). Your email address will not be published. LORD, we ask now. Ask Him to give you a Soaring Anointing. 2021 Prophetic Word Prophet David Wagner Father I thank you for what your doing in the earth,Lord I thank you for what your doing in the lives of your people. 2021 will be a volatile year where the kingdom of light and righteousness will move against the encroaching darkness. Truly, the year has been harsh, taxing, tough and, at times, hurtful. God bless you, Jessie. Prophetic word for 2021December 31st God gave me this prophetic word for 2021 and told me to give it exactly how he spoke it to me. Change ). If declaring the insurrection act is a path to saving our country from being enslaved, then he should do this! He had to show that there was One God. You are going to have to be able to discern it when you see it, even if it doesn’t seem to look like your Christian understanding — and you are going to have to say, “That’s God, right there!”, For Him to chose Hazael, for Him to choose Jehu — and Elisha, was not afraid to turn at certain youth who were mocking, and allow them to be killed, before that. Dreams and Visions for America – updated 1/21/2021, Prophecy to Rulers and God’s People – Ezekiel 34, Perry Stone: The New Demon Controlling America, Follow FAITH AND FASTING on, FANTASTIC Amanda Grace Talks: A Few Things During this Time, 1/20/2021, Flash Point: It’s Not Over! January 15, 2021 January 15, 2021 — Posted in Prophetic Things, Spiritual Warfare — 1 min read Just getting this right now: 1/14/2021 8:10 pm. Pray For The American President, Donald J. Trump. ( Log Out /  Ask The LORD to get you a new movement from His Wind. Together, we stand strong in prayer and support for God’s plans for America! Amanda Grace: A Fiery Word published 1/14/2021 Mario Murillo Prophetic Word for 2021 Amanda Grace: Armor Up and Stand in Your Faith 12/28/2020 Dramatic Visions: A Glimpse of 2021? Here we are, heading into 2021. In Jesus’ mighty name! Certainly it seems like Trump would have to win for almost any of this prophetic vision to come to pass in 2021. Wow, what a terrific and absolutely spot on word. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. 11/20/20, Amanda Grace Talks… Powerful Word for Election and 2021 released 11/17/20, MUST WATCH: Game-Changing Prophetic Vision of the Election. And let God start moving in this nation!”, Blessings,Chuck D. Pierce Glory of Zion International Ministries Website: Email: I have felt for many years now that the Hippie Jesus era is OVER!! Shake your leg! A Prophetic Word for 2021 Freedom We are about to move out of 2020, and for the multitudes, this is a sigh of relief and a reason to celebrate. Many confessing Christians had a very challenging year in terms of their emotional and spiritual state. We want that Jezebel structure down that the judgment that You have declared will fall, and so shall she. God bless you for caring so much about what is good and right. God always deals with The Church first. That is why this prophetic message for 2021 includes open heavens, angels, dreams, vision and how to walk in the dimensions of the Spirit. ( Log Out /  He did not prophecy the same. 2021 Word of the Lord – Pt 3 “Revival Fires vs. Dragon Fires” Dr. Sharon Stone. ?”, We call on the eunuchs to arise and throw her down.”. In order to make progress. We are going to be so blessed this year of God's word coming and For we are still in a swamp! Declarations & Decrees: LORD, in You Alone Will I Trust! One of our goals is to get to a place, where we can get beyond religion and decree that Jezebel will come off the walls. A Prophetic Word for 2021 by Garris Elkins | Nov 27, 2020 | Prophetic | 3 comments I prophesy that all who choose to live by the following instructions will prosper in their soul in 2021, without exception. Now let me tell you something, for God to choose a man like that, we have got to get freer in The Church, so God can move. You should know that generally when I receive prophetic words I come up with my own title after writing it based on That is not going to make you less holy — to go with God. You made it! There are too many lowlife traitors like Mitch McConnell, Mark Meadows and possibly VP Pence to rely on jan 6th! The Year 2021 shall be our year of supernatural turnaround as a … He didn’t have to lay it our for them. Sid Roth and Chris Reed. Interesting question. American Election 2020, Dreams: Voter Fraud, with Hope in the End, PROFOUND MUST WATCH: Kynan Bridges Dream About President Trump on Sid Roth, Praise for God’s Deliverance While Fasting for America, An INCENDIARY Vision – Election Prophecy and the Full Armor of God, Prayer and Fasting the Solution Against Spiritual Attack on America, Trump Prophesy – Calling Global House of Prayer to Stand With God’s Plan. Below is the 2021 prophetic declarations from Bishop David Oyedepo of the Winners’ Chapel: The year 2021 is declared your TURNAROUND ERA. Promises of Recovery and Victory! NEW Evidence Revealed, CALLING ALL PRAYER WARRIORS TO PRAY AGAINST ELECTION FRAUD, Jonathan Cahn Video: Call For Day of Prayer & Fasting on Election Day November 3, 2020, DAY 3: Prayer and Fasting for American Election 2020, DAY 2: Prayer and Fasting for American Election 2020, Jonathan Cahn: Day of Prayer and Fasting on Nov 3, Election Day 2020, DAY 1: Prayer and Fasting for American Election 2020, Three-Day Prayer and Fasting for 2020 Election Begins Tomorrow (Oct 31) at Sundown, Dreams: Covid-19 is a Plague of Judgment but there is a Solution, POWERFUL: Two November Surprises with Sid Roth and Dr. Francis Myles, Profound Promises to God’s People: Isaiah 35, Prayers that BREAK CURSES OFF AMERICA on Franklin Graham’s Day of Prayer and Fasting – Oct 25, 2020, Franklin Graham: Day of Prayer and Fasting on October 25, 2020, A Call to Fast Three Days for 2020 Election: Nov 1-3. He continues to say Trump won and all will be exposed. Posts about Prophetic word for 2021 written by oneseekingtruth Friends, be blessed, awakened, and empowered today as you hear a word from Mario Murillo regarding current events and the outpouring of revival to come. It contains a prophetic word of both warning (to the corrupt) and promise to God’s people for America. will begin to March forward. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I am going to say it again! He is in the process of cutting out the cancer in this nation and in His people. THE RETURN with Jonathan Cahn – September 26, 2020 – Washington, D.C. A Warning of Destruction to the Democratic Party – Prophetic Dream. Please note that I … Praise with thanks be to God for this Now Prophetic Word, Confirming to me he LORD is going to begin to pay off mortgages and cancel debt. Now that means we are going to have to be delivered today of a lot of stuff, because what brought Jezebel down was not out of The Church. President Trump deserves a loyal armyband not a bunch of spineless toads! That you are getting past the last battle that you have been experiencing. I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "January is a month of multiplication. Shall Not the Judge of the Whole World Do Right? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Mario Murillo: Election Prophecy Alert! Shake it! !” And they threw her down. Charles D. “Chuck” Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI). Tom Hamon | Jan 21, 2021 Joe Joe Dawson: "Get Ready! He is on our side, and I believe He has a good plan that no man or enemy from hell can stop. It took a power confrontation on Mount Carmel in order for him to bring down a structure of false worship.”. General Flynn and Lin Wood is right, declare the insurrection act! We are passionately seeking what you have said. If you would like to give to the ongoing work of this ministry you can donate online, by calling our office at 1-888-965-1099 or 1-940-382-7231, or by postal mailing your donation to Glory of Zion, PO Box 1601, Denton TX 76202. “Now, before we go any further, I want you to know this. We are getting up out from under this stuff and we’re going to say, “LORD, this is in Your hands! 2021 Prophetic Word Leadership Training 0 Give Menu Search 2021 Prophetic Word Close Site Map About A worldwide ministry with one main promise: Increasing Your Faith. We want false worship down! I fully believe that cheating puppet will not get into our WH! What is a mantle? ~ by Veronika West › prophetic-word-for-t… Aug 8, 2019 — and get set, for 2021 will be a time of greater Kingdom Advancement, a time of greater acceleration and momentum, divine reset, restoration and … Chuck is President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile and is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps nations, cities, churches and individuals understand the times and seasons in which we live. Here’s what I’m hearing for what will be a turnaround year. LORD, we declare today, we have and alignment of the generations! The Battle Is Lost, but the Victory Is Closer Than Ever! I have been praying and fasting for justice throughout this land. Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Outlook for 2021: “We are on the precipice…” by noah 1 month ago 1 month ago 28.6k views 342 shares Share Tweet Parler Telegram Email Ok my friends, you’re going to love this. And as the Great Physician, he is a very skilled surgeon. not really a prophetic word very scriptural very true yes but prophetic word? Then lets see how well that cheating lizard Biden would do then! HTML tags allowed in your comment:
, Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing — Updated Daily. Are we going to enter the year Chuck Pierce Prophetic Word for 2021: Religion Can’t Get Jezebel Off the Wall (2 Kings 9:33) Info. Now Father, we decree right now, we’re coming up with You, we’re going to see things the way You see them and LORD, we ask You one thing, get us to a place in Your Kingdom that we can watch Jezebel fall off the wall. It described the “approach” that had been taken to restoring sections of And the question to ask ourselves is How are we going to enter the new year 2021? Thank you for this on time word from our Heavenly Father, may He continue to bless you and your ministry work. This isn’t breaking our laws and is made available to us because of our constitution! So what does 2021 look like? The Lord knows the heart of His people. However, I do think there may be many in places of power who aren’t supporting him as they pretend to be. ( Log Out /  BY FAITH! Jehu was not afraid to be more deceptive than the enemy of the day. Shopping. Prophetic Word for January 2021. anointing prophecy prophetic Dec 19, 2020. Well God has not turned His back on america! (Unsplash/Miguel Carraca) God is distributing new mantles for 2021. Forgive me, I normally don’t publish more than one post per day, and rarely two. Secrets of Strength: Seven Biblical Concepts that will Change Your Life, Calling Believers Worldwide to Pray for Muslims, Making Hay While the Sun Shines: A Hopeful Dream About Coronavirus, Dream of a 7 Year Old Child about End of COVID-19. 2021 Prophetic Word 2020 was a year of great tumult and trauma. It is an important, intense, but deeply hopeful word for 2021. He said, “Who’s with me?” And they knew exactly what he meant. Get rid of them!”, Now let me tell you something. Is VP Pence a traitor? If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Prophetic Word for 5781 Jewish New Year or 2021 God who is the creative power and Who is the beginning of all things has given you the burden for the people and He is encouraging you not to look backward to your past, but keep plowing and continue being useful to God’s Kingdom realm. Tap to unmute. Mario Murillo Ministries: Will Donald Trump Be Re-Elected? We have got to get out of our mindset if we’re going to see nations make the shift this season. According to Matthew 6:6! God did say there was a path to the presidency and I fully believe in order to save our country he needs to do what President Lincoln did and declare the insurrection act for a new election in just the key states! Off His Word one inch “now I think these were incredible concepts that were for next! Vp Pence to rely on Jan 6th will continue to pray Gods will be trouble, powerful the new 2021., the next 3 years be fruitful all will be done on earth as already. 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New mantles for 2021 — 3 Comments Robear on January 3, 2021 at 5:12 am said Amen. & Decrees: God Almighty is Shaking all nations in PRAYER and support God! The Election Closer than Ever, before we go any further, I do think may! Falling away of many aligned with corruption in both political parties and in His people to continue getting money His... Of power who aren ’ t promise when, but dirty McConnell talked out. Doomsayers have drummed for years ( and other respected prophets ) know has God ’ s plans for America ``.