If you keep the folded edge right on the outside of the stitching line your top-stitching will be just inside the binding on the right side. Someone here will have good advice for you and I do know there are plenty of on-line videos about it. See what tools can make mitered corners easier and get tips for working with minky. The final step in making a quilt is to bind, or cover, the raw edges. Aren’t they perfect – I love when my stash coordinates ha! How much does it shrink? Reply. I'm picky about bindings - I typically stitch it to the front of the quilt, roll it to the back, and hand stitch it in place. I saw your previous post with questions about it. I usually have to see from the middle out to the end and then start in the middle again on a regular self binding minky. Once you have your finished quilt topper, you need to add the batting (for warmth) and the backing before quilting. I know it’s not the best in the quilting world to bind your quilts from the backing fabric….but I do it. #bindingaquilteasy, bindingaquilttutorial I hope you enjoy this method! Thanks for stopping by! Binding a Quilt with the backing fabric is a great way to get projects done quickly. Tags: how to quilt with minky fabric machine quilting minky fabric minky fabric quilt minky fabric quilt backing quilting with minky quilting with minky fabric tutorial. A walking foot is essential for even binding. Here’s the quilt top and backing fabric I chose for a modern Christmas table topper. Andrea decided on a variegated thread in primary colors for the top thread and a variegated thread in pastels for the back. Sheila – I want to use the backing minky for my binding. Center your quilt top on the backing fabric carefully before basting and quilting it. Learn how to quilt with Minky Fabrics and a stitch a fun quilting design called Paisley in this new quilting tutorial with Leah Day. Join Date: Jul 2012. Once you have your finished quilt topper, you need to add the batting (for warmth) and the backing before quilting. I used Elmers school glue instead of pins and used a serpentine stitch. You can save several steps (and quite a bit of time) by making a self-bound quilt. Aren’t they perfect – I love when my stash coordinates ha! Like Like. I always do my binding by sewing to the back first then bringing it to the front. I realized she needed a nap, STAT. I've made a couple of these in the past, and although I love the look of this particular minky, the binding is such a hassle! It … Sewing Machine; Scissors/Rotary Cutter; Pins; Large safety pins; Iron ; Follow these steps for an easy self binding quilt finish! Learn how in this tutorial from NewQuilters.com. It has a longer nap minky backing, almost like a faux fur. I’ll be trying this technique sometime. I quilted … I don't press the binding in half before sewing, and when I sew it to the front I don't pin except sometimes at the corners. binding a minky quilt with minky used on both top and bottom. I'm trying to use minky for more of my backings, because my kids like minky backed quilts more than quilts with regular cotton backings. I really wanted to back this quilt in Minky, because I think it would make it even more appealing. Step 2 Trim the top and the filling so the edges are even. Reply. It's from Mad Plaid by Art Gallery Fabrics and it goes great with the silver Cuddle minky. Since minky plush fabric is available in a variety of colors, it showcases the quilt designs really well and makes the long-arm quilting pop, giving it almost a velvet look. You can pin baste, but use pins every 4” or so and take care not to stretch the backing! Has anyone used Minky as a backing? Thicker fabric tends to be more abrasive on the needle and thread. My question is do I sew the binding on the back and fold to the front to sew or due the normal way. Step 1: Spray the wrong side of your plush backing fabric. What are the best quilt shops between Orlando, Florida and Miami, Florida? Reply. Topstitch using serpentine, zigzag, or decorative stitch wth raw edge exposed. 11-19-2015, 07:59 PM #2 mamagrande. I intend to have it long-armed. It has shirts and plaid from uniforms. My main advice would be not to be stingy with your glue spray. Adding The Quilt Backing. Below are my tips for choosing and working with minky as a quilt back. Tags: how to quilt with minky fabric machine quilting minky fabric minky fabric quilt minky fabric quilt backing quilting with minky quilting with minky fabric tutorial. How to Bind a Quilt with Minky Fabric (and how to join binding ends) Yes! November 2019. This print-out includes 15 easy steps (and three step-outs) to make binding a quilt as simple as possible. So I’m curious how this would work. Step by Step Instructions. Thank you . Batting is recommended for large quilts, as it adds more structure, weight and gives the quilting more definition. I ALSO did not want to have those bulky seams from fleece in the binding. Dec 13, 2019 - I made a doll quilt before Christmas and realized I’d never posted a tutorial on this quick and easy binding method. For basting, I'd give it two thumbs up! Pin down your binding on top of the gauze with a ½” fold under all the way around. So I was determined to figure out how to bind with Minky. Get a nicely finished edge with this simple binding technique! Or I am in a rush to get a project done. I folded it to the front and used the "darning" zig zag stitch to secure because I didn't know what else to do. Question about minky for backing a quilt. Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. I am going to machine sew the binding down instead of hand sew as this is a quilt for a baby and will get washed much. Using the serpentine stitch or other decorative stitch top stitch down your binding. Sorry, I don't have advice about machine binding as I haven't done that. Thanks for stopping by! I love using Minky Fabric as a quilt backing. Easy peasy! That's what's most important. As mentioned above I like to use the backing fabric for the binding, it’s a bit of a cheat and the finish isn’t as clean as using proper binding, but at this point I usually just want to get it done quickly (in this case the baby was already two weeks old, so the gift was long overdue! You can make any sizes you’d like with as wide or small of a border as you’d like, by playing around with the dimensions of the cut pieces. Then fold again so that the Minky overlaps the quilt top by about 3/8″. Mary April 29, 2019 at 3:57 pm # Thank you for this. If you've not ever worked with Minky fabric, it's notoriously squirrelly. Backstory: I made a t-shirt quilt for my daughter's school auction. Pin well along all sides of the quilt. Minky is perfect for beginners as well! Then I cut it 2 1/2 inches wide. Thanks again. I decided to use the backing and do a self-binding. Did not use batting and it quilted well. Start anywhere, and fold the binding over halfway… …and then in half again, and pin. This is a quick and easy binding method, but it's not what I recommend for quilts. I know it’s not the best in the quilting world to bind your quilts from the backing fabric….but I do it. I can see that it would be hard to square a larger quilt. Learn a quick and easy way for binding a quilt with minky. Jenny Doan has a great tutorial on folding Minky to the front for binding. Trim the backing fabric, leaving 1” around all sides of the quilt top. Aug 31, 2018 - There is an easier way to bind a quilt: use the backing fabric. I machine stitch mine on similar to Cari-in-Oly. I have never used Minky but if you are going to sew it by machine, I would attach to the back and then bring it forward. I haven't worked with Minky so don't know if this will work because that product seems to be thicker than a normal quilt. Reply. This table runner is self-bound with its own backing fabric. Fold the backing fabric toward the front of the quilt just slightly less than 1/2 inch, and press, keeping the iron away from the batting (see the following figure). I used it for a quilt for my GD. By logging into your account, you agree to our. And how sweet is that plaid?! Adding The Quilt Backing. Location: San Joaquin Valley, California. Then I cut it 2 1/2 inches wide. Reply. My granddaughter is having her first which is a girl. Plus, I’ve got some great tips for working with Minky, and you’ll want to see how I used the Minky backing to bind my quilt! As mentioned above I like to use the backing fabric for the binding, it’s a bit of a cheat and the finish isn’t as clean as using proper binding, but at this point I usually just want to get it done quickly (in this case the baby was already two weeks old, so the gift was long overdue! The longarm lady loves working with it, and it's the best for snuggling. I spray outside and then bring the backing inside. When I smoothed the batting over the minky there was a bit of a give and it felt like the minky backing was stretching a bit, but there weren't any issues and not one pucker on the back. Article from yeappins.cf. Jan 18, 2018 - Learn a quick and easy way for binding a quilt with minky. I'm trying to use minky for more of my backings, because my kids like minky backed quilts more than quilts with regular cotton backings. When I baste the quilt, I am careful to gently stretch the minky just a tiny bit and tape it in place on my floor (or you can use tables for easier accessibility if you have one large enough). Also, I'd recommend using bias binding & making it 2.5" instead of the standard 2" width both for durability and to help accommodate the stretch of the minky back. Learn how in this tutorial from NewQuilters.com. I think that looks great and having the soft Minky on the Edge will make the quilt more comfy. I am finishing the edges of this baby quilt using my sewing machine and a wide double-fold quilt binding method. I’ve used Minky with this method and only folded it over once, and then I did a zig zag stitch along the edges to secure the binding for decoration and to keep the edges from being too raw. I was pushing Chloe along in her stroller and suddenly, she became sleepy and fussy. How do you bind your quilt when you select a minky backing? It can turn an ordinary quilt into a comfort superstar. You can also use a blanket or zig zag stitch for this. Since I know a lot of you are beginners…this is a really great way to dip y… I don't prewash my fabric, batting, or minky and I have not had any issues with shrinkage so far. Then adjust the binding folds on the perpendicular sides to create a neat corner. Don't be afraid of pulling just a little. Take your time and sew carefully. Supplies for Quilt Backing & Binding. We’re making a 35” sized blanket which is perfect as a baby blanket, with a 45” backing and binding piece. I would think minky would make it too bulky. Lining raw edge along stitching line. I used it for a quilt for my GD. Rebecca February 5, 2019. For Vintage & Antique Machine Enthusiasts, Offline Events, Announcements, Discussions. I am a hand quilter and did not have any problems quilting it and I did use batting with it. How to Baste with Minky? If had more minky scraps I'd make a few more, they are so addicting!! Colour block quilt | Wit Konijn September 16th, 2013 . Trim the cotton until there is 1" extra around all sides of the minky. Use regular or Jumbo Wonder Clips when sewing the binding to the front of the quilt. QUILTS BACKED WITH MINKY: I LOVE THEM - Yeap Pins! Step 1: Spray the wrong side of your plush backing fabric. Now for the final step: binding your quilt. Use the Jumbo Wonder Clips to hold your binding in place while sewing binding to the back of quilt. The top is done and I did not prewash the fabrics. Then I stitch the binding on the front of quilt and wrap around the edge to the back and hand stitch the back. Reply. When backing a quilt with minky, I find that spray basting is the best way to handle the stretch. She wanted a soft back, so I used minky with no batting for a perfect wrap to cuddle up. Sometimes I just don’t want to spend the time and energy on a binding. For example, if you want a 1/2-inch binding, trim the backing fabric to 1 inch (1/2 inch x 2 = 1) beyond the edges of the quilt top. It really just depends. As you top stitch the binding down you are sewing through 4 layers plus the quilt. If you’ve ever wished there was an easier way to bind a quilt than laboriously making your own binding strips and sewing them onto the quilt, there is! Sewing Machine; Scissors/Rotary Cutter; Pins; Large safety pins; Iron ; Follow these steps for an easy self binding quilt finish! Apr 9, 2019 - A free tutorial for a sweet and simple whole-cloth baby quilt with a soft minky backing. Here's how it was done: Cut off all the excess backing except for 1" all around. I have used minky on baby quilts the only issue I has is when I laid it out to pin you need to be careful as it stretches and can go wonky if not careful. I bind it normally with a fabric that compliments the front. You can pin baste, but use pins every 4” or so and take care not to stretch the backing! Keep in mind that whatever you use as your backing fabric will be visible on the front of the quilt, so choose the backing accordingly. I didn't do anything different with my binding strips, I use 2.5" strips and just cut everything even and attached the binding as usual. I am finishing the edges of this baby quilt using my sewing machine and a wide double-fold quilt binding method. Not only is it ultra soft, but it comes in so many delicious colors and textures. I really wanted to back this quilt in Minky, because I think it would make it even more appealing. I stitch the strips together and press in half lengthwise. Feb 9, 2019 - A free tutorial for a sweet and simple whole-cloth baby quilt with a soft minky backing. Turn under 1/4-inch and whip or slip stitch the folded fabric to the quilt top. Depending on how you can adjust your machine I like to loosen the pressure. To use the backing as the binding it will need to measure 2 to 4 inches larger all around than the top. Step 3: Fold the cotton over once, just up to the edge of the minky. A self-bound quilt uses the backing fabric to create a finished edge around the outside of the quilt. Feb 6, 2019 - A free tutorial for a sweet and simple whole-cloth baby quilt with a soft minky backing. Thanks in advance for your help and advice. Do I need to cut binding strips vs. folding it over to the front (which I’ve seen done with cotton). Senior Member . The backing was Minky, which is a slightly furry fabric that makes a really soft and warm quilt back. I can understand why you would do it for only small projects. Posts: 829 I am not an expert at using Minkee but I just finished one. When backing a quilt with minky, I find that spray basting is the best way to handle the stretch. How to Bind a Quilt with Cuddle Cloth or Minkee ... - YouTube Is there any chance you could make one and I could purchase it if its not too expensive. ). This idea is so easy and you will love the cozy softness. It can be done! Due to its overwhelming popularity, we had to start our list with a minky plush fabric self-binding baby blanket (say that five times fast!). When making a quilt sandwich, I use minky for backing, batting (usually Warm and White or Warm and Natural) goes in the middle, and patchwork on top. My main advice would be not to be stingy with your glue spray. When making a quilt sandwich, I use minky for backing, batting (usually Warm and White or Warm and Natural) goes in the middle, and patchwork on top. Once the minky is taped down with just a tiny bit of stretch, … I make regular cotton binding and bind my Minky backed quilts the same as all my other quilts. The Minky will create a wide border on the edges of our blanket. Hold in place with clips or pins. Rebecca February 5, 2019. Use minky fabric as the backing fabric on a quilt. I found a way to do this that worked out quite well. It make the quilt go through a little easier. You can use a decorative stitch to sew the binding down on the front. Supplies for Quilt Backing & Binding. I would use a wide binding, at least 1" finished. See what tools can make mitered corners easier and get tips for working with minky. Learn about the self-binding method here. If you pull to hard your stitches aren't even, but I do help the quilt through. Like Like. You should be folding under about 3/8". One is self-binding using the backing fabric to cover the raw edges and stitching it in place. This style of quilting adds a beautiful texture to any quilt, and Cuddle® minky fabric can be machine or long-arm quilted with or without batting. Jenny Doan has a great tutorial on folding Minky to the front for binding. It's polyester, it's slippery, and it's stretchy width-wise. 7 Comments on “ Whole cloth baby quilt with minky backing and easy binding ” Linda February 5, 2019. Backing- 1 1/2 yards minky Thin Batting: 48″ x 60″ Binding: 1/3 yard minky One can of spray adhesive- recommend 505 spray The finished size is 48″ x 60″ Lay the batting on the floor. I glue baste all my quilts, even the minky backed ones. From quilt backings to apparel, here are nine of our favorite sewing projects and patterns for Cuddle® minky plush fabric: Minky Plush Fabric Self-Binding Baby Blanket Pattern. It has a longer nap minky backing, almost like a faux fur. I stitch the strips together and press in half lengthwise. Or I am in a rush to get a project done. Lastly - a quick note on the binding technique. I haven't used minky so I don't really know. You want to do your final stitching on the front. I love the look of those fabrics together. Then I stitch the binding on the front of quilt and wrap around the edge to the back and hand stitch the back. Take your minky plush fabric quilt to the next level with machine quilting! 16. For the front I use a zipper foot and just hold the binding in place with the edge right over the seam line. I cut my binding at 2 1/4 inches wide unless I am using a heavy backing like minky. Do I need to pre-wash the Minky? To download our free “Binding Your Quilt with Cuddle®” tip sheet, click here. The only difference for me is I cut my strips 2 1/2” wide , regular cotton quilts I cut 2 1/4” . Topstitch the binding in place about ¼” from the inside edge. You can also finish the edges with a self-binding method, bringing the backing forward to sew over the edges of the quilt. This is my first time using minky. Choose a color of minky that closely matches the top of your quilt or matches the color of thread that will be used for quilting. Just the 2 of us. I cut my binding at 2 1/4 inches wide unless I am using a heavy backing like minky. You will quilt the project as desired prior to finishing the binding. Minky does not ravel so you only have to sew over one layer of fabric, not bulky at all. Then I cut it 2 1/2 inches wide. Came out perfect. While there, we had some time to kill one afternoon, so 2 of my sisters and I walked the long hallways of the mall. Get a nicely finished edge with this simple binding technique! I cut my binding at 2 1/4 inches wide unless I am using a heavy backing like minky. To create a self-binding, fold the 1″ margin of Minky and batting by about 3/8″ towards the quilt top. Sew a few inches, stop and position a few more inches and repeat. Get a nicely finished edge with this simple binding technique! Bring binding to front of quilt, fitting tight against the edge. Feb 5, 2019 - A free tutorial for a sweet and simple whole-cloth baby quilt with a soft minky backing. By logging into your account, you agree to our. But it's so tedious to hand stitch it to long nap minky. Thanks for your help. Place the backing fabric centered exactly on top of the batting, RIGHT SIDE UP, making sure it is square. When Chloe was about 8 months old, she flew with me to California for my grandma's funeral. This is a baby quilt I’m making for my new grandchild. LeahDay. Proceed to quilt the pieces together, but stop quilting 1/2-inch from the edges of the quilt top. A touch from the iron helps here to set the crease. Binding (How to make Binding, Attach Binding and Hand Sewing Binding & other cool ideas Tutorials. Then I stitch the binding on the front of quilt and wrap around the edge to the back and hand stitch the back. For Vintage & Antique Machine Enthusiasts, Offline Events, Announcements, Discussions, Send a private message to Barb in Louisiana, http://www.nancyzieman.com/blog/quic...s-for-success/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85MWLgG172k, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wprg5vzkuGw, Using minky for the label on a minky backed quilt. I love using Cuddle fabric (also known as Minky) from Shannon when I make quilts. You can complete a mug rug without quilting, if you’d like. I’ll be trying this technique sometime. Now for the final step: binding your quilt. Minky does not ravel so you only have to sew over one layer of fabric, not bulky at all. For basting, I'd give it two thumbs up! When I smoothed the batting over the minky there was a bit of a give and it felt like the minky backing was stretching a bit, but there weren't any issues and not one pucker on the back. Free Downloadable Binding Tip Sheets for Cuddle® Minky Plush Fabric . Fold the backing fabric up over the quilt top. Reply. ). You can also finish the edges with a self-binding method, bringing the backing forward to sew over the edges of the quilt. #bindingaquilteasy, bindingaquilttutorial For instance if you have a quilt top that is mostly white and you send a black or red minky back to your quilter, and your quilter … Aug 31, 2018 - There is an easier way to bind a quilt: use the backing fabric. Use a #90/14 Topstitch needle Minky fabric is thicker than quilting cotton fabric. I also gently "Guide" the quilt through. Today in the video I’ll show you how to use the backing fabric for your binding. Leah Day has been teaching online since 2009. Don’t forget to fluff up the Luxe Cuddle ® fibers of the binding to hide your stitches. Fabric for backing; Matching Color Thread; Quilt Batting (like this one!) Half of my quilts are backed with minky. I stitch the strips together and press in half lengthwise. We highly recommend using minky as the backing fabric on a patchwork or cotton patchwork quilt. Finally, use your acrylic ruler to trim the backing at one inch wider than the top on all four sides. Lay the backing fabric on your work surface, right side down, then center the batting on top of the backing and smooth away any wrinkles. Loved the Minky by: Sally I made a t-shirt quilt for my daughter-in-law. Step 1 Measure your backing carefully before you begin quilting. Quilting with a #90/14 Topstitch needle helps protect the thread and resists thread shredding and breaking. But then, all I could think was how dull a plain cotton binding would be, especially from the back. Because of the length of the nap, it is common for the fiber strands to pull through the stitches to the quilt top. There are several methods. I'm picky about bindings - I typically stitch it to the front of the quilt, roll it to the back, and hand stitch it in place. Fabric for backing; Matching Color Thread; Quilt Batting (like this one!) Quilt Binding.. To miter the corners of the binding, trim the excess batting across the corner and fold in the Minky in. Today in the video I’ll show you how to use the backing fabric for your binding. The batting was a thin cotton pieced together from a bunch of smaller scraps. I did cut the binding wider, but it still rolled even with pinning, so I put 1/8 inch basting tape on the edge to fold down a quarter inch. Thanks for any advice you can give, not a novice, but it’s also been a while since I’ve had the luxury of enjoying quilting again. Feb 6, 2019 - Make a quick whole cloth baby quilt using minky and an easy binding method. Andrea picked out the quilting design called "Holly's Hearts" and it looks really great on the quilt!