Thanks for the tips. One thing I can say though, draw from every enemy at least once. Many peoples' major gripe with VIII in general comes from having to draw so much magic, and while this won't solve all those problems it will definitely give you a major leg up (especially early on). but he does learn Enc-None which disables random encounters. You will three-shot bosses with this method. If you press the trigger button (R1 on PS) when Squall hits the enemy with his gunblade, he crits. Thanks! (cus its really frustrating to miss some GF while they are all really easy to obtain) Because this game is gorgeous and you don't want to spoil it with walkthrough. Use refine abilities. but dont be a butthead and fallow a guide. You can get a crit every time with him with some practice. They can learn the ability to allow your characters to "junction" (read: equip) your magics to a specific stat. Eden on the other hand, is a GF who trumps them all. It's useless to give 3 GFs that all give the ability to junction to your strength to the same character, for instance. Good luck! Using it will initiate a fight with Diablo. There are a lot of special items to be mugged from bosses. There is a weird card game in ff8 aswell. Grinding and leveling up is not useful in preparing for this battle because Diablos' stats increase as your characters do. Guide him and his companions through a vast number of quests. Most bosses in the game will have a spell you haven't got, and you should draw at least 100 of them; 300 is better but takes a lot of patience. You could, for example, attach the 37 Fires from the example above to your strength stat to increase the stat by a few points. The reason I prefer this setup, is because I just feel the most comfortable with it. The "Boost" ability that many GFs learn is used by holding select during its animation. You should spread those three across 3 different characters. Played ff8 12 years ago and I thought it was awesome. My Top 6 Tips Before Playing Final Fantasy VIII Remastered! Acquire Bros once you get to Dollet and they can learn Str+60. One additional reason to stay low level - late in the game you can get access to Stat Bonus abilities, that give you +1 to a stat when you level up. But when you're at level 45, or 55, or 95, the enemies will still be the same, so there is incentive to keep leveling. Performance TIPS ===== For faster injection: Put your /textures folder on an SSD and direct tonberry/prefs.txt to the folder location. Advertisement. Much more efficient. There are only a few cutscenes and it's definately not overdone like ff10,12,13. It's all about the junctioning; very rarely will you actually cast magic. Purchase on Amazon. Also try to get HP-J and L-Mag-RF. Played ff8 12 years ago and I thought it was awesome. Final Fantasy VIII. Renzokuken is very good at killing those fish guys on the beach for example. Just make sure the attacker is immune to Confuse. I'm sure all of this stuff is all over the internet for a fifteen year old game, but I figured I would compile my knowledge. One final thing - the Boost command confuses some people. Reddit; Email; Favorite. Reddit mysteries are eerie, and it's safe to say that the platform has no shortage of them. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Running away is fine. I can confirm that you do not need the maximum Ixal rank to challenge him. There is a weird card game in ff8 aswell. Triple Triad is FFVIII's card game, and a highly rewarding mini-game. Suggested characters are Squall for his crits, Zell for his awesome limit break and Irvine for his awesome limit break/hair. Remember to draw GFs from the bosses that have them! It's how you build your characters' power. They also have Blind, which is very useful against some bosses later on.) If you're anything like me you'll be getting the shit out this guy as early as possible. GFs have stat plus abilities that give you extra attributes when you level up, and they can make your characters unstoppable if equipped correctly. Final Fantasy VIII HD Top 5 tips and tricks that nobody know's. Final Fantasy VIII: Garden Festival Band Choices Explained. But, there are plenty of ways to cheap shot Malboros for easy tentacles. Mash square to a game of red-light-green-light to get as much damage as possible. Anything I should to avoid headaches? Whenever you download a file, I'd appreciate it if you posted a nice "Thank You" message, then tell me which site you came from. Various ways to level upon Disc 1-4--- Grand Dragons --- You can do this as early as Disc 1, and this area is recommended, as other areas with the Grand Dragon have another annoying enemy, the Gimme Cat, which only gives you 1-6 exp. Rinse and repeat with a 'no' in there and see how your score changes. Meeting the President of Esthar Final Fantasy VIII. This is a pretty good way to break the game, because there are some early enemies whose cards refine into very good spells. Learn Recover from Leviathan, and equip it on one character, while having 100 Zombies junctioned to another's Status ATK. There are only a few cutscenes and it's definately not overdone like ff10,12,13. Register yourself as a member of Eyes on Final Fantasy in order to post, have less ads, be able to read more thread replies per page, and much much more. There are seed tests that raise your seed rank - try to max out your seed rank by finishing those tests as early as you can and keep it high for the entire game - this is your main source of income so it is pretty valuable. Ha ha. Click the register link above to proceed. 2. Sidequests/Mini-Games Triple Triad. FF8 Eden GF By this point in the game, you’ll have gained access to dragon kings, gods and elemental avatars within Final Fantasy 8. this will heal you when you do physical attacks. Junction Regen to HP. Through drawing, you wouldn't be able to access Curaga until deep into the 2nd disk. On a technical level, especially as far as balance goes, it really is a very flawed system. I started another play through in honor of the 15th anniversary and all this information is all in my brain. FF8 Eden GF By this point in the game, you’ll have gained access to dragon kings, gods and elemental avatars within Final Fantasy 8. And yes, 7 long bullet points is "super quick" as far as an explanation of the complex Junction system goes. You can experiment with this, or just look up what items are good. 99 spells is almost 20 times better than 5 of the same spell. Physical attacks and limit breaks are your bread and butter, sadly summoning isn't effective and magic lowers your damage by expending your junctions. Shiva's Ice Magic Refine ability can turn Fish Fins that drop from the fish guys on the beach outside Balamb into 20 Water spells, which are pretty good early on. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, like the original, is full of secrets and hidden facts. The card game can also be abused in other ways. 1. For Final Fantasy VIII on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 123 guides and walkthroughs. For Final Fantasy VIII Remastered on the PlayStation 4, GameFAQs has 123 guides and walkthroughs, 38 cheat codes and secrets, 35 trophies, 1 review, and 19 critic reviews. It may be a bit late, but avoid spoilers. Since you really haven't gotten to the meat of the game yet, the only thing I can say is put some time into it. (through the game, you will find new spells that boost stats better than the early spells, but still, spend a boring hour or two to max those early fire, ice and cure spells to make life easier in the long run). As an alternative, the game includes far superior means of collecting powerful magic much earlier than you otherwise would be able to. It is the first game in the series where Ramuh is not the main Lightning-elemental summon, being replaced by Quezacotl. It’s always handy to have a stock of 100 certain spells on hand, which when junctioned to certain stats, can boost them considerably. You can take one test per level on Squall, and each test gives one SeeD rank. Final Fantasy XV is a massive open world game, full with quests, enemies and activities. It's much better, for example, to junction 100 Lifes or Curagas to your HP stat, than it is to junction 100 Firagas. Approach he Guards; beat them. *Information in the Guide* It's a matter of convenience and being able to show your appreciation for all of our hard work over the past few years! 1.3 GENERAL PLAYING TIPS This could be called the most important section of this walkthrough. ), tldr; Get Squall's ultimate weapon, grind levels on the 3rd disc (if at all), and consider getting Doomtrain. Final Fantasy VIII is the follow-up to the incredibly successful Final Fantasy VII.It was developed for the PlayStation and it had the same graphics capabilities yet it featured much more realistic graphics when compared to the more cartoonish appearances of characters in Final Fantasy VII. Feel free to [email protected]. Most important thing you can do in the game is get Squall's ultimate weapon. Draw 100 of everything, then junction strong offensive stuff to STR (once you have that option). He's initially a pain in the ass to get. Just so you know what they have. Junction the Water magic to Strength and watch as you 1shot everything until the end of the first disk. Ragnarok The Islands Closest to Heaven and Hell. Up until the end of disc 1 I actually consider to be the strongest opening act in the series and there are plenty of … If you've discovered a cheat Borigrad. r/FinalFantasyVIII: Reddit's home for one of the most iconic installments in the legendary Final Fantasy series. This will SERIOUSLY break the game if you get good at the game and put some effort in collecting good cards. Though some people have a hard time letting go of the rare cards, and getting them back at disc 4 is more trouble than its worth honestly. Turn certain items into related magic. if u wanna power level, then power level! And are there any tips? Most of your magic should be obtained through your GF abilities though, like Fire Refine from Ifrit. Sollte sie falsch sein bitte ignorieren. Being able to silence, put to sleep, or blind an enemy with an attack is helpful, but you want to avoid fighting whenever possible. Before you head off to Dollet Cid will give you a lamp.