Use the radius chart to determine what the minimum recommended radius of the base course of the wall needs to be, so the top course of the wall will not be less than 4 ft. (1.2 m). Curved walls have a greater setback, which causes a coning effect to occur causing your retaining wall to have its tightest radius at the top of the wall which in turn creates the need for a larger radius at the base course.. Place two caps on top of the wall spaced so a third cap will fit tightly between their widest point. Place two caps on top of the wall, spaced so a third cap will fit tightly between their widest point, Mark the overlap on the bottom of the center cap, Measure the distance of the gap between the 2 caps (x) at the front of the wall. Capping a curved wall takes a bit of cutting and fitting, but produces a beautiful finish. Set a piece of cap block where the next one goes to act as a spacer as shown below. "Wedge shaped stackable stones can leave you with unsightly gaps. Install the blocks with the front of the blocks lining up with the mark. Then set in place so the three fit tightly together. Use the radius chart to determine the minimum radius on the base course. Read on for tips for adding topper stones to your retaining wall. Lay out the primary geogrid around the curve butting front edges together. The final height of the wall will determine what the minimum radius at the base course must be.Curved walls have a greater setback, which causes a coning effect to occur causing your retaining wall to have its tightest radius at the top of the wall which in turn creates the need for a larger radius at the base course. If you enjoy geometry, you can cut each stone at an angle to curve along your wall. Draw a line from the mark to the front corner. If the curves are mild, then use a mallet and chisel. Lift the section of grid that overlaps and place the fill material to separate. A wall cap can also help protect cinder block retaining walls by preventing too much moisture from entering the wall cavity. Then set in … Be sure to wear appropriate safety gear, including protective eye wear, dust mask, and hearing protection when cutting, and operate power saws carefully. Always start capping from the lowest elevation of the retaining wall. The above steps work for both inside and outside radiuses. If the radius of the curve becomes so tight that the angled edges of the blocks touch, you would have to cut the edges to a sharper angle to prevent gaps in the joints from showing. Yes, you have to cut each of the caps to the radius of the wall. It's a good idea to secure caps with a high strength construction adhesive once they are all cut. Install the blocks with the front of the blocks lining up with the mark. Repeat this process as often as needed to cap the entire curve. To construct retaining wall corners using wedge-shaped blocks: Outside Corners: Most retaining wall outside corners built with wedge-shaped blocks are curved, rather than a 90° angle, since it’s impossible to make an outside corner without showing the cut (and unattractive) end of the blocks. To build smooth outside curves, remove one or both of the "wings" from the back of the blocks and tighten the radius of the curve. Cup the cap with a saw, and place the cap on the wall. Break wings off by tapping on the back of the wing to obtain a clean break. We provide step-by-step instructions for capping a small concrete block retaining wall. Tamp the area down so that it is flat. Allan Block's patented design allows for easy installation of both inside and outside curves. Draw a line from the mark to the front corner. The final height of the wall will determine what the minimum radius at the base course must be. From the point of where the curve will start, measure straight back from the wall the required amount (shown in the radius chart) and drive a stake into the ground. The string is the guide you will use to determine where the curves take place and how far your block is sticking out. To transition the curve back into a straight wall or another curve, lay out the curve and the first couple blocks of the next section. To achieve this, additional layers need to be installed above the course where the geogrid is required to fill voids that are created. Before beginning construction, review the. This video tutorial shows you how build a retaining wall system with an outside radius curve. This will be the center of the curve. More options for finishing your retaining wall. To build a flowing inside curve, butt the block end to end to match the smooth curve required on the project. Which made for a lot of stone caps to cut along the way. Before beginning construction, review the. How to cut stone caps expalins the steps for cutting paver stone caps. DIY pavers, DIY garden edging, DIY retaining project – hints, tips and video guides! If you are using AB Fieldstone, follow instructions on capping AB Fieldstone. Place two caps on top of the wall, spaced so a third cap will fit tightly between their widest point. It was totally worth the effort. Attach a string line to the stake the length of the radius and rotate it around to mark the location of the base course.