Diffuse calming essential oils or pet the dog with the calming oils and reward any and all calm behavior. Dogs can hear the heartbeat of a rabbit or the peep of a mouse. A thunder jacket replicates swaddling and may sooth your dog into a calmer state. Within minutes, he will come by me. Ever since then, sometimes even at just the sight of lightning,Zora heads for the windowless bathroom no matter how calmly I react. Compared to humans, who can hear frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz, dogs can hear sounds between 67 Hz and 45,000 to 60,000 Hz, depending on breed. So, for us, it’s especially unfortunate that summer’s humid conditions can produce some of the biggest storms of the year. 2. While you may not always be able to make their fears go away, you can help them calm down and get through the storm without a meltdown. Buy Thunder by Hot-Dogs on AudioJungle. Projecting a calm, cool vibe and giving Grant attention in the form of playing, grooming, or other activities he normally enjoys. You can also try calming essential oils or pheromones, such as the canine-calming pheromone DAP. She is a senior now and I find the combination of melatonin, thunder shirt, rescue remedy, DAP and her new Calming Olaf, filled with herbs seems to work for her. Complementary therapies we sometimes use include Rescue Remedy, which is based on calming Bach flower essences, and Ark Naturals Happy Traveler, a botanically based chew that can produce a calming effect. The cruel irony is that if we, as owners, fawn over Grant or try to over-comfort him, we’re essentially reinforcing his panic behavior. Do what you need to do to help your dog.” Other tips include muffling noise with quiet music and, if possible, staying with the dog in a windowless, interior room. My dog is anxious or unsettled about car rides. “Thunder Phobia” can develop in dogs between ages two and four.  |, Lynn M. Hayner I’ve tried this method of covering dogs with thunderstorm vest, but it’s not working for me.. The calmer you are and more you ignore the the dog’s reaction to the noise, the better your calm attitude will be reassurance to the dog that all is not as bad as he/she thinks it is. After several short sessions (3-5 minutes each) per day for a few days, begin to increase the volume.  |  This diverts his focus, and enjoying the treat/toy during the storm has gradually helped to recondition his response. Not to state this too strongly, but the Thundershirt is a miracle. What Are Dogs Scared Of? Exercise helps relieve your dog from any stress, fear, and anxiety. It is very important that you remain calm and act normally around the dog. As your dog grows older, storm anxiety can evolve into hiding, pacing, whining, scratching and a complete personality change. Dog-calming music can also be helpful for the highly nervous dog to muffle the sound of the storm. If your dog has not already picked out a place, provide one. available. Is your dog scared of thunder? Thunderstorms are a normal part of summer in the South, but some dogs … Thanks, Nora, Hi Nora, Body wraps like the ThunderShirt ease anxiety in fearful dogs, but allow your dog enough time to acclimate to a ThunderShirt prior to using it during a storm. It often begins working within minutes, and on a few occasions Grant has actually drifted off to sleep (yes!). Each of these options work with a dog because they affect the chemical reaction inside the body and not simply targeting the behavior itself. Check out Whole Dog Journal’s tips for soothing a dog who is afraid of thunder >>. I put it on, put him in the bathroom, turn on the radio and walk away. Start with just a single flash and reward as stated above. You cannot go too slow, but you can very easily go too fast. While your dog remains relaxed at this level, say a simple cue word like “chill” and provide a yummy treat every 15 seconds or so. Stream songs including “Don't Stop Retrievin'”, “Jurassic Bark” and more. By accident I discovered my dog was not fearful is allowed to get in the car during storms. Thumbnail: Photography © garybis | iStock / Getty Images Plus.