• Pet Animals Act 1951 Very old legislation and not up to date with modern trends and standards of Animal Welfare Only deals with basic minimum standards of Animal Welfare Animal Welfare Act 2006. Pet Animals Act 1951; Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963; Riding Establishments Acts 1964 & 1970; Breeding of Dogs Act 1973 & Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999 ; Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 1925 . PET SHOPS PET ANIMALS ACT 1951 (as amended) CIEH 2013 Model Licence Conditions and Guidance for Pet Vending January 2018 . In 2010 Wales became the first country in the UK to ban electric shock collars and other electric animal training devices. The 1951 Act regulated the sale of pet animals. Aquacultural Production Businesses that are authorised under regulation 5(1) of the Aquatic Animal Health (England and Wales) Regulations 2009, and that are inspected by the Fish Health Inspectorate. Postal address of the premises: 2. 1. 3. "Animal" includes any description of vertebrate. 0 0. The Act requires any person keeping a pet shop to be licensed by the local authority. Redress information. PET ANIMALS ACT 1951 Under the Pet Animals Act 1951 it is an offence to keep a pet shop establishment except under the authority of a licence granted for the purpose. Remit “Councils are responsible for enforcing the law in this area and anyone who has reason to believe that a pet shop is keeping animals in inadequate conditions should raise the matter with the council who will decide what action to take within the range of its powers.” The remit of the Pet Animals Act ends at the doors of the licensed pet shop. 4. 3. The laws that currently require local authorities to issue licenses for particular animal activities include: DETAILS OF APPLICANT Status [Sole Trader] … Changes to Legislation . The biggest change to the regulations is the reduction of the litter threshold for which a dog breeding licence is required. Licensing threshold. Random inspections should also take place. Selling pet animals as a business from a market or stall is prohibited under Section 2 of the Pet Animals Act 1951. Under the Pet Animals Act 1951 (PAA 1951), the ‘keeping of a pet shop’ means the carrying on at premises of any nature – including a private dwelling – of a business of selling animals as pets, and the keeping of animals in any such premises with a view to their being sold in the course of such a business, whether by the keeper or anyone else. PET SHOPS THE PET ANIMALS ACT 1951 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS 1. There are currently no known outstanding effects for the Pet Animals Act 1951, Section 3. The Pet Animal Act 1951, for example, hasn't been updated for over 60 years - and doesn't even factor in the internet! Pets must not be sold in streets or public places. 1951 CHAPTER 35 14 and 15 Geo 6 An Act to regulate the sale of pet animals. PARTICULARS 1. Any changes that have already been made by the team appear in the content and are referenced with annotations. The Pet Animals Act 1951 establishes a regulatory regime for “pet shops” under which local authorities (district and borough councils) are responsible for inspecting and licensing premises. It requires any person keeping a pet shop to be licensed by the local council. Are you disqualified from: 2 Please state the capacity … Revised legislation carried on this site may not be fully up to date. The Pet Animals Act 1951 - Part 2. The Pet Animals Act 1951 (as amended in 1983) protects the welfare of animals sold as pets. Pet Animals Act 1951, Section 5 is up to date with all changes known to be in force on or before 08 January 2021. The Act does not restrict the definition of “pet shop” to establishments visited by potential customers as the ordinary meaning of “pet shop” would suggest. vendors under the provisions of the Pet Animals Act (1951). 15.3 Licensees selling animals on the Schedule to the Dangerous Wild Animals Act should inspect the purchaser’s licence to keep such an animal, and inform the issuing authority of the details of the purchase. Any omissions or errors may delay the processing of your application. All licences expire on 31 st December each year by law. The Pet Animals Act 1951 (as amended in 1983) Pets Viewed: 253. Renewal of the licence for a further 12 months will be offered by the Council unless there are good reasons not to do so. APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO KEEP A PET … View the public register.