This set is a $250 value and sure to inspire your entire family. Smith first heard about the show when he was brought to Medina's house, who was having a birthday party at the time, and given the pitch. The Rapture Revelation Study Series 5 DVD Set. Buy Now $49.99 Free with PRO Premium. 7:20, 24)—symbols of ruling authority—on its horns. Join Eve and Asher as they go on a darkly seductive, page-turning journey of love, secrets, self-discovery and sacrifice. Revolution takes place right after Redemption. The seven seals are the first series of God's judgments during this time, and they are described in Revelation 6:1–17 and 8:1–5. One of Perry’s most popular Bible Study resources now available for a limited time! This series consists of 16 episodes of Christian heroes on DVD and a 144-page, full-color activity book. This article offers an overview of known translations, to date, of works set in Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space universe (RSU). John has built the unique application of the gospel he provides in Revelation into the very structure of the book. In this sequel to Apocalypse: Caught in the Eye of the Storm (1998), police officer in search for answers, Thorold Stone, joins a rebel group of Christians to thwart the Antichrist's plan … Revelation is an In Films production for the ABC. Watch our overview video on the book of Revelation, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. —Revelation 5:1– 8:6. 8 comments. 1) II. An apocalyptic letter, it relies on visions, symbols, and Old Testament references to reveal the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise given to Abraham in Genesis. This book was really heavy on the suspense and action, however, the romance was extremely sweet. 8-Week Revelation Series. It resumes right after the big cliffy. ABC Commercial holds worldwide distribution rights. It is known to have been ghostwritten by Ellen Geroux. —Revelation … 22:6–21) reveal things as they are and promise that Jesus is coming soon. Revelation Now is an epic Bible adventure series presented by Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts International. Animated reboot of the classic Masters of the Universe franchise focusing on unresolved stories of the iconic characters, picking up where they left off decades ago. 17:12; cf. A verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation where you'll encounter epic events and mysterious players in the ultimate end-time drama. Jesus Is Coming. Join Pastor Doug Batchelor for this epic Bible prophecy series and get clear, trustworthy, logical answers to your most pressing questions about life, prophecy, and the last days. In like manner, at the Rapture, it is the Lord who personally comes for His bride 'For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first..' (1Th 4:16) Revelation The Dragon pursuing a woman, from the Bamberg Apocalypse ©. And yet, the title of the book suggests that it is understandable. Seven trumpets, the last three of which introduce three woes. From the beginning of his ministry on the streets of Christchurch in 1973, Graeme was confronted by the multitude of ideas and beliefs held by sects, cults and orthodox churches. About the Author. This article is part of the Christ in All of Scripture series. The videos and study guides provide an excellent overview of the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation was written to seven churches as both encouragement and challenge. Revelation is a three-part documentary series airing weekly from Tuesday 17 March at 8:30pm on ABC TV and iview. Sarah Ferguson in a promotional still for the ABC documentary series Revelation. The Revelation Series quantity. DVD #2 – The Prophetic Timing of the Rapture . This sermon series will leave your congregation challenged and hungry for more of Jesus, the Saviour of all mankind. REVELATION. Revolution is the fourth book in Randi Cooley Wilson’s Revelation series! The dragon had seven heads and ten horns (Rev. Applegate. The Eyewitness Bible Series’ Revelation Series has five 12-15 minute videos and related study guides. It is the first book in the ten-book arc that finalized the story of the Animorphs. Shelving menu. A radical return to Eternia, Revelation is a direct sequel series to the classic era of Masters of the Universe. The Revelation Space universe is a fictional universe which was created by Alastair Reynolds and used as the setting for a number of his novels and stories. Add to cart. You’ll not only receive life-changing insight into what the future will bring next, but you’ll also gain the practical tools you need to thrive in the here and now! In Revelation John sees the Lord Jesus in glory (Rev 1:12-20) and then hears the Lord telling Him to come on up! 8 editions. Messages from Jesus to the seven congregations. This is a series of sermons by Dr. Warren Gage, that offers a complete study of the Book of Revelation. The book of Revelation has baffled Bible students for nearly 2000 years. The Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, has fascinated and puzzled Christians for centuries. With Jeff Fahey, Nick Mancuso, Tony Nappo, Carol Alt. This is the 5th Anniversary Edition of the bestselling series which includes: new covers, re-edited content, and bonus material. It has seven heads, also signifying its authority and power. The Glimpse of a Weighed Sanctuary (Ch. DVD #1 – The Rapture Revelation: The Revelation Revealed to the Apostle Paul. Directed by André van Heerden. A series built around a rapper called "Fresh Prince" seemed odd even to Will Smith when he first heard about it. A stolen weapon could spell doom for the world. The premise was based on the life of Benny Medina, who grew up in the projects before being sent to live with his aunt in Beverly Hills. DVD #3 – The Rapture: Israel’s Feasts and Harvest Cycles. Category: Book. A series of visions, each one leading into the next: Seven seals. Incorporating the latest media technology, this series is designed for today’s sophisticated audiences and presents Bible prophecy in a hopeful, winsome, and compelling way. The bestselling Revelation Series is a journey of self-discovery, love, and sacrifice. Season 4 | The Revelation Series. 12:3), and he clearly has given his authority to the beast. Revelation is the 7th book in The Protectors series and another emotional read for me this one reminded me a little of Salvation, the four men from both books have … This study series includes the following 5 DVD teachings. Featuring fan-favorites He-Man, Orko, Cringer and Man-At-Arms, the story pits our heroic warriors and guardians of Castle Grayskull against Skeletor, Evil-Lyn, Beast Man and the vile legions of snake mountain! —Revelation 4:1- 11. He is the author of some major commentaries on 2 Corinthians (Bible Speaks Today Series and The New International Commentary on the New Testament); 1 Corinthians: Holiness and Hope of a rescued people (Focus on the Bible); Mark: The Servant King, John: The Shepherd King, 1 Peter: Living Hope and Revelation: Apocalypse Now and Then (Reading the Bible Today). The opening (Rev. —Revelation 1:10– 3: 22. It is narrated by Marco Dr. Gage's approach is based on the insight that the narrative of Revelation is actually a retelling of Joshua's great battle at Jericho, complete with its description of the sounding of the seven trumpets that cause a great city to fall and with the rescue of a harlot identified by her scarlet. The streets of Paris serve as the backdrop for an epic final showdown between XIII and Gerhardt! A vision of God on his throne in heaven. Eve has done something extremely horrifying. Shelving menu. The beast in Revelation has extraordinary power, for it has ten horns, with ten diadems (Rev. Description Additional information Description. In his vision John sees an angel searching for someone who is worthy to open a scroll that will commence judgment on the world. The series, meant to be an accessible commentary on the Greek text, provides the student with detailed analysis of the Greek text of each verse but is also alert to structural and literary issues. Directed by Clark Johnson. With Diedrich Bader, Kevin Conroy, Liam Cunningham, Susan Eisenberg. Translations are sorted by language, in alphabetical order. 1:1–8) and closing (Rev. In the dark world of protectors, futures are fated… More. And now, she is paying the price. It is a revelation, not a concealment. With Stuart Townsend, Aisha Tyler, Virginie Ledoyen, Greg Bryk. Restoration is the final full-length book within the series, which is meant to be read in release order. Revelation Series Outlines 5 Revelation Series - 01 . John weeps "because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it" (Revelation 5:4). Want to Read; Currently Reading; Read; Add New Shelf; Done. Dan. 01 | Introduction to Revelation. Major production investment from Screen Australia, in association with Screen NSW. Buist M. Fanning, professor emeritus of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, has contributed the volume on Revelation to the well-known Zondervan Exegetical Commentary series. The videos are narrative accounts by Bible personalities about Revelation, such as the Apostle John talking about Revelation 1. All five books of The Revelation Series in one complete box set. The Revelation is the 45th book in the Animorphs series, written by K.A. The Glimpse of a Watching Saviour (Ch. For a limited time, when you pledge a gift of $35 or more to RevelationMedia, you will also receive an exclusive gift set of the award-winning Torchlighters series. (Revelation 17:14) The reason many have difficulty in understanding this book lies not only in interpreting the symbols, but also in failing to take note of the suggestions that are given in the first eight verses. Four Glimpses In The Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:1) Proposition: God gives the Apostle John four glimpses of Revelation that every one of us can see and gain a quick grasp of the entire book of Revelation. Shelve Revelation. Want to Read. I. 2-3) III.