BuzzFeed Staff BuzzFeed Quiz Party! You cant wait until the next day. Add Comment. There is no list of secrets or weird stuff that can fail to mention about Area 51. ill do my best. How much your day sucked. ... 1 in 3 women tell you the wrong number. let me tell you three things: 1. this story is the ultimate meet cute of all meet cutes that have ever existed 2. my cheeks received a world class workout from all the smiling reading this made me do 3. this book was everything i could have hoped for and more nothing puts me in a better mood than YA contemporary. nothing. " If a man tells you his deep dark secrets - is that an idicator of feelings?" We are 4 friends (girls). Deep in the Nevada desert, lies Area 51 – The CIA secret, a giant desert base that remain unacknowledged and disavowed by the U.S government for almost 60 years, until in August … 6. Point out the deliberate, constructive things you did to change your behavior and move on. What is your deepest secret? 3. He keeps asking me what my weekend plans are but hasn't come out and asked me out. 4 Most Dangerous Secrets You Should Never Tell Anyone This Year Including Your Best Friend, No. 6. You’ve been meaning to, but now you almost feel like it’s too late. i’m almost too scared to write this. Hey everyone. Ironically, it was my father who filed for divorce. by Mc Ebisco. Here are some of the many secrets you can totally spill to them: You haven’t listened to Taylor Swift’s 1989 album yet. The readers of Women's Health spill their dirty little secrets about sex, relationships, and love. He had apprently told my mom he had "just" met someone else. ago 17 mins. All of us got married before 2 years. My father always bribed me with candy, money, and even new toys if I didn't say anything to my mom. But after my marriage, I was shifted to the other city. 7 Views. by Lauren Garafano. This went on for about a year. Tell about the epiphany that led you away from your mistake. 3 Is Deep. Stress the secret’s relative unimportance, and that it’s ancient history. 4. Yup, we know everything. My parents did finally split up. i don’t think that i am gonna post it, but if i do, know that i am literally having a panic attack. Not on the same day, but nearby months. Show the contrast of then versus now. 2 of us are staying outside the country after their wedding. What do you fall asleep thinking about at night? 1. You dont think you just wanna start dreaming. I never had the heart to tell my mother the truth. as i am looking at the moniter, my heart is beating the crap out of me. 5. ... if he ask you out, tell him your not quite ready yet. kris091314 +1 y. I doubt if the spark is that incredible he'll be leaving anytime soon so. 5.My father says he would leave my mom to be with me “My father is sexually and romantically attracted to me, and would leave my mom to be with me….He was an alcoholic and I was in my sophomore year of college and…basically he had always been a nudist, and as I grew older I realized I was probably sexually abused, just not at an extremely invasive level. Don't Freak Out, But We Know Your Deepest, Darkest Secret Based On The School Supplies You Pick. I never said anything. ... 17 Deep Conversations on Mental Health. Women's Deepest, Darkest Sexual Fantasies ... “I’d tell him what I imagined myself doing to her or what she was doing to me. You think about someone who used to be in your life.