You can also personalise this wake-up strategy. It is illustrated by the author’s various experiences and invites us to take action easily and immediately. The book presents the six powerful practices summed as Life S.A.V.E.R.S. He explains that this initiative boosted his career and improved his relations. In its content, there are a number of interesting points beyond the simple concept of a morning routine. This morning routine is, according to him, capable of offering revolutionary results. This kind of task gives our body time to wake up. It cannot fail to come true. He became a personal development coach. Even if we are not convinced at first, our subconscious will begin to absorb these positive statements. That is why it is essential to improve our circle of influence and seek out people who will help to improve our life. The period when he was in debt was, for him, much darker than when he almost died. His dream came true very quickly and he started to host conferences. The focus we feel inevitably creates a successful life. Some might think that there is an element of “recruitment” or “dream peddling” to the book, but the fact remains that this book and its concept have become a real phenomenon: the Miracle Morning theory developed by Hal Elrod has millions of followers! If you’ve read The Miracle Morning, and you like the SAVERS routine, I have a printable miracle morning routine you can download HERE with an inspirational quote for each aspect of the acronym, along with his suggested time frames. To do this, it is essential to take on challenges outside your comfort zone. They must not allow their fears, their insecurities and their limited beliefs to hold back our potential. The principle of the Miracle Morning is simply to wake up 30 to 60 minutes earlier than usual every day in order to anchor yourself to improving and transforming your life. It also depends, and depends a lot, on the way we anticipate how we will feel when we wake up. They are simple. Several exercises can be accomplished in this resolute silence: meditation, prayer, reflection, deep breathing, and gratitude. Make your Miracle Morning fun and exciting! The morning is arguably the most critical part of the day. He even invented the “Miracle morning super-food smoothie”, a drink that keeps energy levels up, and tastes delicious. On this point, Hal Elrod shares his own very convincing experience with us. By starting with the most difficult tasks, you get them out of the way as quickly as possible. You have to decide where you are going to do it right away (a place where you feel comfortable and will not be disturbed). Of course, the 30-day life-changing challenge of the Miracle Morning requires an unwavering commitment to persevere for 30 days, and then to make it the habit of a lifetime. As far as he is concerned, there is nothing to stop us from pushing back the limits that prevent us from succeeding in life. To conclude his book “Miracle Morning”, Hal Elrod invites us to join the Miracle Morning community, built on social media and the website. The author particularly encourages choosing affirmations at bedtime that genuinely correspond to our expectations. To summarise, the author assures us, with the Miracle Morning, there will be a transformation in every aspect of your life, and all before 8 am! To do this, we can get help from those suggested in the “Bedtime Affirmations” of the Miracle Morning online. On this topic, the author strongly recommends teaming up with a partner in responsibility. Most people don't think they have time to change their lives or achieve their goals but Hal has proven you can start achieving your goals today by devoting only 1 minute to each of … That morning, Hal simply did something different: he took the advice of a friend and went for a run. Unproductive mornings, when we spread ourselves around, result in poor quality days. {Book Review} The Miracle Morning. A person who has achieved everything can also reach to greater heights. For the author, life is built around the following four dimensions: By making efforts, every day, to develop these four dimensions, which the author calls PIES, and by never ceasing to become a better version of ourselves, our situation will inevitably improve. Every time we hit the snooze button on our alarm clock, we are committing an act of resistance. According to Hal Elrod, how we feel when we wake up is not just based on how the number of hours of sleep. Our first thought in the morning is generally the same as the last one before going to bed. Hal Elrod likes to include quotes that inspire his affirmations. Now you can move forward in time to see yourself obtaining the expected results. The author advises us to repeat this in our heads every day. According to Hal Elrod, we are too busy trying to be happy to do that. Update: A year later I am still doing the miracle morning. According to the author, we can escape mediocrity and be part of the remaining 5% in three stages. He performed the exercises he had planned the day before. offer anyone the strength to face challenges that appear insurmountable; make decisive progress and turn situations around, all in a very short time. It sets a precedent for the remainder of the day. We need to ask ourselves about the recurrent actions we need to undertake so that our vision of our perfect life becomes a reality. He naturally listed the following exercises: meditation, affirmations, keeping a journal, visualisation, reading and physical exercise. Now begin to visualise your main objectives, your deepest desires and your wildest dreams. The Miracle Morning review. At 5 am that morning, when it was still dark outside, Hal felt a sense of power. Hal Elrod began to spread the word about this innovative approach to help individuals and organisations improve their results. The activities that the author suggests performing in silence are exercises that soothe the mind and relax the body. Programming the lights to come on in the bedroom when the alarm rings; Programming the heating so that it comes on in the bedroom fifteen minutes before the alarm rings (to avoid the temptation to stay under the covers when it happens to be cold). To leave a trace is to be ready, starting now, to make the changes that will shape the life that you really want. In this way, you align your thoughts and feelings on your ideal vision. In 2007, with the economic recession, Hal Elrod lost everything he had built: his money, his house, his job and his health. Having maximum energy every day allows you to evolve at your best level, to live in good health and to live longer. It is essential to be aware of them in order to overcome them and not to interrupt the new habit. It was a miracle! You need to call upon all your senses to optimise the effectiveness of your visualisation. They surmount our negative beliefs and behaviour and replace them with what it takes to succeed. The procedure to follow in order to create our affirmations, as described in the Miracle Morning, is in five stages: First and foremost, our affirmation must express our ideal clearly and precisely. The author recommends starting with five minutes of daily visualisation. Performing the life SAVERS every day will enable you to: Hal Elrod invites us to trust in the example of the thousands of people who managed to completely transform their lives through the Miracle Morning. The Miracle Morning works for all lifestyles, including people who are not “early birds”. Becoming vulnerable and taking stock of his faults was not easy, but it changed his life. Join our Newsletter * indicates required Email […] Hydration is essential just after waking up. One of the most effective strategies to stop procrastinating and remain very productive is to begin the day by performing the most important or the least pleasant tasks. Before we get into what The Miracle Morning consists of, you have to work your way through several chapters of what is, ultimately a combination of a motivational speech (that he is now globally known for) and a little bit of a sales pitch around why you need to take part in The Miracle Morning. Breathtaking. Hal Elrod explains that when he found out how much he was in debt; there was nobody around to take care of him.