Should you consider something closer to home? Discover which accommodation is right for you., Due to UK COVID-19 restrictions, the deadline for undergraduate applications is now 18:00 (UK time) on 29 January 2021, Coping with financial difficulty as a mature student, Mature students – getting ready to start your course, Mature students: five things to include in your personal statement, Preparing for study as a mature student – choosing where to study, Preparing for study as a mature student – student support, Preparing for study as a mature student – your qualifications, The application process for mature students, Transferring to a different course at the same university or college, Transferring to a course at a different university or college, Suspending or withdrawing from your full-time studies. Most public services in Scotland have a two-step complaints procedure and the SPSO advises you check your university's procedures to make sure you have followed them correctly first. you could get transferred to a new course at the same university up to 3 months of starting the course. Home; Study Options in the UK; Foundation Courses; Foundation Courses in the UK What is a Foundation course? What will you have to do after you have accepted? Is it the size of your university or classes? In 2018-19, 2.39% of all first-time undergraduates transferred university and 8.3% of students dropped out of university altogether (HESA 2018-19). If you leave university without transferring straight away, it could create a gap in your CV. Find out your options and start planning your next steps, All the information you need to take your education to the next level, Not sure if uni or college is for you? Whatever your reasons, allow the university or college to help you explore your options. Think back to when you applied to university before, and prepare in a similar way. Coventry University is part of Midlands Enterprise Universities (MEU), a partnership of six universities that strive for excellence in teaching, research, and student satisfaction. Make sure to explain your situation. Are you homesick? It will depend on when you drop out and are planning on reapplying. Over 97% of our students are employed or in further study within six months of graduating (DLHE survey 2016/17). If you have to re-apply via UCAS to a new university you may be given the option to transfer your credits over. It’s time to ask yourself some serious questions: Switching universities to make yourself happier could still have some unintended consequences. The process of transferring universities will be different depending on the university, it will also depend on how far into your current course you are. Foundation or access courses are usually one-year, pre-university courses at Level 3/4 that aid entry into degree level study. There will be many people in these groups ready to make friends and welcome you in. Are you missing your boyfrie… But if you only have minor doubts, do try and stick it out for as long as possible. A longer route could be to change your full-time study plans to a part-time route, so you are still on track to complete a degree but alongside work or training. Many students in similar positions have found that things can drastically improve with time, and those who thought they were going to drop out, but finished their whole first year, ended up staying at that university and finishing the entire course. This is from the April following your departure from university, and when you have started earning more than £26,575. We accept students transferring from other universities for second-year undergraduate entry on a case-by case basis; but, this is not the case across all of our courses. Ask yourself, would dropping out of or transferring university solve your issues? This will make future employers ask questions, which you will need a good answer for. The first step in your transferring process should therefore be to contact that university. How much you'll have to pay back will depend on when you leave university. We use cookies to ensure the best user experience and to serve tailored advertising. Regardless of what point in the term you leave your course, you'll have to pay for the full term of tuition fees. The process might be different for transferring universities after first year, transferring universities for second year, transferring universities for final year or transferring universities after foundation year. If your reasons for wanting to transfer or quit are down to the university and not personal circumstances, and you feel like they haven’t taken proper steps to correct the problem, there are other organisations that can help. However, there are some consequences to dropping out to consider: We advise you to try and complete the year, if you can. Princeton University, ... community college graduates transferring to four-year schools include scholarship programs from private organizations, such as Pearson and the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. Some universities have online application forms called APLs (Accreditation of Prior Learning). Find out where you can get help and who you can talk to if you have any personal or academic problems while studying. Transferring universities could be a great idea – it could bring more opportunities and happiness. If you don’t, at the very least it will show future employers that you worked hard at something before giving up. Speak to your student loans company and tell them your situation. Could you ask to transfer to a different course at your current university? It's much the same as if you transfer: You'll begin repaying your loan in the same way as if you finished your entire degree. Ensure you allow enough time to do proper research and ensure you choose the right new university and course. If you're feeling lonely and struggling to make friends, there are plenty of university societies and sports teams to join. Here’s why it’s totally ok to make this change and how to do it. Will the same course elsewhere be making the same mistake again? December to January is a crucial time when students decide whether they’ve made the right choice. Community colleges often have articulation agreements with four-year colleges and universities. Nothing is going to be 100% perfect, and many people in the same situation feel better and go on to finish their course or at least complete their first year. If you want to change institutions before completing the first six months of your main course of study you must contact your current institution for permission. Transferring to another university is a big decision. In reality, most university facilities have been open from September to December 2020, but with specific restrictions in place that have depended on local lockdown rules. Would it be possible and worth it for where you currently are in the academic year? Many universities have adapted well and encouraged students to take part in online activities. At Birmingham City University, we’ve invested £340 million transforming our campus and facilities and are committed to giving you the skills you need to succeed. You can expect the admissions team to ask you to send your transcript for your first-year credits, and information about what subjects you're studying. There's a lot to consider when making your decision, and there are different options you can explore. How easy would it be? Find out what else you can do. Acknowledge the warning signs and don’t push things aside. Changing course partway through a year may not have much financial impact, unless your new course is a different length to your current one. When you have determined what you think might be the main issues, you should be able to understand the situation better in order to make the right move. See here for more information on the University admissions policy. Or, a boyfriend/girlfriend could be living far away and you miss them – it isn’t easy. This could be entering into full-time employment, undertaking an apprenticeship, volunteering or travelling. It's far easier to transfer or take a leave of absence year if you've completed and passed your first year. It can take time to settle in to your course and university life, and sometimes, students feel they want to transfer to another course, or a different university or college – or they might not want to study any more at all. This is still the current situation despote the coronavirus pandemic, but contact the Student Loans Company for the most up to date information. How is the course wrong for you? Decide what your issues are so you can make an informed decision of what to do next. Universities have help and guidance for students suffering from a wide range of issues that might make them feel like they need to quit. There are also Foundation programmes for overseas students to help them to access other UK provision. The Office of the Independent Adjudicator is an independent complaints scheme for students in England and Wales that handles issues such as accommodation, bullying and harassment, procedural irregularities and much more. The admissions statement for the course you are interested in will tell you whether transfers are accepted. It may be possible to transfer to a different course at the same university or college. What would be best for what you want? Most importantly, don’t make any hasty decisions – think things through properly. We understand that sometimes a student will find they have made a mistake in their choice of degree or university. They may call you in for an interview. We advise pinpointing exactly what you’re struggling with and ask yourself if you can address these issues before considering leaving. They will be able to look at your options with you – whether it’s to get support in place to help you succeed on your current course, or to explain what you need to do to transfer to another course – and advise on next steps. If you're unhappy with your course, see there's a better alternative at your current university –you may be able to transfer onto it. However, if you are adamant on leaving university and not returning (at least not just yet), either leave as soon as possible, to avoid paying fees and/or accommodation for the entire year. It’s also really important to talk through plans with your family and friends, and even former teachers and advisers. If you think the course you’re studying isn’t quite right for you, it is possible to transfer onto a different course – either at the same university, or to a course at a different university or college. Transferring from another university or college For some undergraduate courses, it is possible to transfer to Bristol after completing the first year of study at another university. Not sure how to pay for uni, or how you’ll cope during your studies? Homesickness and challenges with settling in is fairly common. There are a number of things you'll need to research and consider first: If you decide uni life isn't right for you, or if your circumstances change and you're no longer able to continue your studies, you'll need to speak to your university or college directly. Student welfare such as support centres and groups, counselling, chaplaincy and faith support and students’ welfare officers, are all there to help you through times like these. Depending on the university (and how much your tutors want to help you!) Whatever your reasons, allow the university or college to help you explore your options. Transferring or dropping out of university, I confirm I am over 16 and I agree to the, Applying to university and UCAS deadlines, Undergraduate courses with January starts, Why you might transfer or drop out of university, If you're considering transferring or dropping out, The Office of the Independent Adjudicator, The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO). A friend of mine only got foundation offers instead of first year from universities on their UCAS application, and was wondering if they could take foundation at one university then reapply for First year at a different university after completing foundation year. This has been particularly challenging in 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The transfer process will take up a fair amount of your time, and you will have to essentially start over socially and culturally at a new school. The buzz of campus halls, student housing in town, or your own private living space? For example, at the University of Bedfordshire, initial sessions focus on career aspirations and opportunities, including a review of your existing transferable skills. If you decide to suspend or withdraw from your full-time studies, you need to contact Student Finance England and let your university or college know as soon as possible. You will still be liable for fees for the whole year at your first university, You may also have to pay for the remainder of your accommodation costs that you signed a contract for, unless you can find someone else to take your place, You may have to repeat the first year in your new university, It may be difficult to find decent accommodation at your new university, You may not settle in as easily, or feel integrated with the student body if joining the university later on, Re-applying through UCAS could be hard if you have not passed your first year, Sometimes, transferring is not an option, and you will have to reapply to university through UCAS afresh. It’s possible to apply to transfer to Medicine from the University of Brighton after your first year on the following courses: Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) It can take anything from a couple of days to several weeks to finalise. Apprenticeships, internships and gap years. This could mean you still graduate at the same time as your friends. When would you start? Find out more here. Another question to ask yourself is, could it get better over time? MEU has created the Midlands Credit Compass, which supports students transferring within the six universities and encourages lifelong learning if you would like to return to studying in the Midlands after a break. Content provided by Student Finance England. It's better to leave with good results than nothing at all. The course you've chosen may not be right for you. It has also been possible for students to switch courses after one year of study, by abandoning their …