They prey on crustaceans by using pairs of rocks to crush the outer shells, easily accessing the soft flesh inside. The otter is both prey and predator, as it is predator to some animals and yet is prey to others. The sea otter spends most of its life at sea. Interestingly, there is no evidence that great white sharks eat otters despite overlapping in parts of their range. … 4. Sea otters could live on the land, but they prefer to live in the water. In the water they need to watch out for both sharks and killer whales. Sea lions are a problem in some areas as well. Without sea otters, the animals they prey on would completely destroy the kelp forests. For example, hawks and falcons capture seagulls in flight, while foxes and weasels hunt gulls when they are on … Why shouldn't you poke a sleeping sea otter? Sea Otter Heroes. Most sea lions aren’t picky eaters and feed a wide range of seafood. They are adorable. Eagles can be a problem too for the smaller Otters and the young. Also the enemy is a man. 1.9K views Sea otters are mostly eaten by orca whales. Sea otters are a keystone species, meaning their role in their environment has a greater effect than other species. They have an interesting method of eating their prey. "When you restore a predator, it usually is controversial. Sea otters have a diet of mussels, clams, crabs and fish. The otter is predator to fish, eels in particular, but will also eat frogs, small birds, eggs and some small mammals. Also the enemy is a man. Otters may look like cuddly creatures but they can also be very defensive when they feel that they are their offspring are in danger. Sea lions are another major predator of sea otters. The predators that Otters will encounter depend on where they happen to live. How closely related are river otters and sea otters? 1 Questions & Answers Place. Due to the large size of the sea otters, there are few natural predator enemies. The younger sea otters can also be attacked on the water surface by bald eagles. Facebook Twitter Share. Subsequent generations of Californians didn’t know anything else, but as sea otters reclaim their historic range, I expect we will continue to discover far-reaching ecological effects that we hadn’t anticipated. Oil spills. They are known to eat clams, mussels, crabs, octopus, sea urchins, snails, and fat innkeeper worms. read more, sharks and humans are the river otters predators An otter's predators are sharks, humans and bald eagles. Judy Gallagher / Flickr / CC BY 2.0 Increasingly, large predators like mountain lions, alligators and killer whales are moving into ecosystems not traditionally associated with them. “When you restore a predator, it usually is controversial. Fish is a favored food among the otters, but they also consume various amphibians (such as salamanders and frogs), freshwater clams, mussels, snails, small turtles and crayfish. It has been observed that in regions where the sea otters are not present, sea urchins grow rapidly and destroy much of the natural kelp vegetation. These animals have heavy fur. Sea otters are foragers that eat mostly hard-shelled invertebrates, including sea urchins and a variety of clams, mussels, and crabs. Sea otters have a diet of mussels, clams, crabs and fish. This is good news for both predators and the ecosystems they are calling home again. Who would win in a battle between a sea otter and a hyena? Do you wonder what kills sea otters. This is why we consider the sea otter a keystone species. The largest human threats are fishing traps, and nets, shooting, and oil spills. Which sea is the saltiest, the Red Sea or the Dead Sea? The otter faces numerous predators in both sea and land, so it must always be vigilant for threats. A Robert F. Sibert Informational Honor Book A Green Earth Book Award Winner This up-close look at a fascinating scientific discovery highlights the critical role predators such as sea otters play in keeping ecosystems healthy. Sea otters, the “keystone predator" of Aleutian Islands’ kelp forests, experienced dramatic population declines in the 1990s. Tool use is an unusual behavioral trait seen only in sea otters and a few other types of animals. Humans are one of the main enemies of sea otters, as on they are hunted mainly for their incredibly dense fur. The Sea Otters’ Predators and Prey – Facts About Sea Otters. The body is dense, cylindrical, oblong, and the paws are short and strong. Their diet varies according to regions and has changed significantly through time. Sea otters are a keystone species, meaning if they are removed from an ecosystem the whole systems could fall apart. Some of the sea otter predators are orca, sea lion, and bald eagle. I recently found out that sea otters fall asleep holding paws and my heart has never been so full. On land they have to be careful about coyotes. Some of them are on land while others will try to feed on them in the water. Further, they consume … Do sea otters build their dams near/on the sea? The body is dense, cylindrical, oblong, and the paws are short and strong. Because of the activity in the sea will never ends because many people rely their life on it as a fisherman, it means that the chance of oil spills will also be there. California sea otters spend almost all of their time in the water, while Alaska sea otters often sleep, groom, and nurse their young on land. Who would win in a battle between a sea otter and a doberman? Sea otters, the “keystone predator" of Aleutian Islands’ kelp forests, experienced dramatic population declines in the 1990s. Sea otters are also considered an apex predator in their estuary habitat, eating not only urchins but a variety of mollusks and crustaceans—including crabs. How many members arę in the league of assasins? Since they must sleep at the surface, they often wrap themselves in giant kelp to keep from floating away. WASHINGTON: These little guys think there's something you otter know. How many members arę in the league of assasins? The predators that Otters will encounter depend on where they happen to live. This forests provide cover and food for so many other marine animals. Of course Otters aren't the most powerful animals out there which is why they often find safety in numbers. However, the animals prove a low threat, unlike humans. The picture is happier in the Cordova area, where sea otters seem to be booming." Other instances like Oil Spills have greatly affected the population of Sea Otters. Learn about our sea otter exhibit. The only predator that they have to worry about is the killer whale. Using the tools of scientific research, Hughes has discovered that sea otters, the top predators in the food chain, help keep the sea grass algae-free through their feeding habits, which in turn allows the growth of a fish population and preserves a natural barrier to storms.